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Messages - Nintendoobsessed

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There was nothing here, ever.

Mario Chat / Re: Is Waluigi gay
« on: September 08, 2007, 03:12:07 PM »
Yeah, I know. But seriously...

Mario Chat / Re: Is Waluigi gay
« on: September 08, 2007, 03:03:34 PM »
You should see what he does when you score against a team in Super Mario Strikers when your playing as him. LOL!

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 08, 2007, 03:01:22 PM »
Mariopedia?.... 'Looks around and sees hes lost.'  Just saying...

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 08, 2007, 02:57:39 PM »
I'm obsessed with Nintendo, not a hard to find page on a website. (Considering this, I'm called Secretpageslightlyinterested)

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 08, 2007, 02:39:09 PM »
Yay! Another new member!

                              Eric B. (Shnoogums)

                                                           Yes, our club is growing fast!

                                       OK, current list in order of sign up:

                                                           Area 64
                                                           Eric B. (Shnoogums)

                Great. We need to think up a club slogan. Like... "We may be down, but we're not out!"  Can anyone else figure one?

Mario Chat / Re: Is Waluigi gay
« on: September 08, 2007, 02:31:49 PM »
LOLLOLLOL! Next locked topic right here!

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 08, 2007, 01:11:36 PM »
You just admitted that you didn't know there was a secret page, which means you have not found it.

Fan Creations / Re: Paper Bowser
« on: September 08, 2007, 01:09:56 PM »
I had to edit the previous episode  beacause I forgot the *'s. I also changed Prince Lakitu to King Lakitu. Here we go...

                                                     And then... CRASH! A cheap incident worthy of a cheap plot happened. The giant cloud, springing forward had the top of the cloud smash the part of the wall above Bowser. The icicles fell onto the top of the cloud, (denting it) and the cave rumbled, causing Bowser to slip into the mouth of the mechinacal cloud. But the inside of the cloud was diffrent then expected. Inside, goombas were working to make the cloud work. In a guess, they're had to be at least 40*. Bowser got out of his daze quickly. Suddenly, the goombas noticed them. One of them fainted. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Roared Bowser. "We're uh... um." A goomba in the front had stepped forward, trying to explain the situation. "Why are you working in my #4** enemies machine?" He seethed. The front goomba started to speak, but he was shoved out of the way by another goomba. "Sir Bowser! We are slaves to the King! Now that you are here to rescu-" Said the foolish goomba that had been shoved out of the way. "I'm NOT here to rescue you! This is ALL an accident, and I will now leave you to whatever fate you are getting for signing up for this. The goomba turned red, a mixture of anger and embarrasment. But another goomba stepped up. One in an uniform. "Sir Bowser, perhaps you need some assistance with this King Lakitu?" He said. Bowser looked closer. "Are you... General Goomba?" Bowser already knew the answer, he just couldn't believe it. "Yes sir. It is I." Said General Goomba.*** "Amazing! I can't believe your still alive!" Remarked Bowser. "I mean, your only a stupid goomba." General Goomba was used to this kind of treatment so he just nodded. "Good... good! I order you to help me beat this monster!" Ordered Bowser. "It would be a honor." Said General Goomba.

                                                                  General Goomba has joined the party!

                                                                                           Whenever you want to know bad things about anything, just ask General Goomba. He'll tell you all sorts of horrible, depressing stuff about anyone. How does he know all this? Years of spying! He's helpful in battle too! He can tell bad stories about the enemies, things the enemies took a long time to forget, things that will make them cry. He can also kick very hard.

                                                                                      "Yes!" Said Bowser. "Let's fight that cloud!" Soon enough, Bowser and General Goomba were outside. They quickly ran around the side where KLakitu was facing. "Whered you come from!" Gasped KLakitu. "I thought you gave up!" He continued, putting down a magazine. "Grr! You wish!" Said Bowser.

                                                             PROLOUGE BATTLE: KING LAKITU AND MACHEGEM

                                                                                                 "Ha ha! Let me formally introduce you to my buddy- Machegem****, my giant mechnical cloud!" He said. Bowser clawed Machegem! Machegem got a hole in the side! It's very tiny! General Goomba told a strange story about Machegem! But Machegem's a machine! It's feelings can't be hurt! Machegem used Total Suckage! Bowser almost got sucked in! But he still got a little hurt. KLakitu is trying to find a spiny! Bowser tries to jump on Machegem, but he misses and hits KLakitu. "AH!" Yelled King Lakitu. General Goomba told a strange story about KLakitu. KLakitu can't stop crying! Machegem tried to jump on Ggoomba, but he missed! Bowser clawed Machegem! Smoke is erupting from Machegem! General Goomba kicked Machegem, but Machegem is made out of metal! GGoomba is knocked out for a turn! Machegem tried to Total suckage, but it mangaed to hurt itself! KLakitu has stopped crying! Bowser clawed Machegem as hard as he could. One more hit, and Machegem will break! Ggoomba recovered! Machegem was scared of breaking itself! It didn't do anything! KLakitu gasped. Then he got angry. "Machegem! YOu stupid piece of work! I work on you for so long! KLakitu is banging on Machegem! Machegem is about to explode! Bowser didn't do anything! He dosen't want to get hurt! RUMBLEEEE! "AHH!" Yelled King Lakitu clinging onto Machegem. "Oh wait... NO! Machegem!" BOOOM! King Lakitu went flying up into the air! He landed on the ground! Pieces of Machegem are flying everywhere, including goombas! "Oh yeah! I'm the master!" Said Bowser. King Lakitu suddenly got up. "It's not over yet Bowser! I swear... I will return, with Machegem! No! A greater machine! I swear this!" King Lakitu limped away. Suddenly, a piece of Machegem went flying into a wall, blasting a hole in the wall, a wall to outside. By now it was night time. Crystal King came floating down, looking solemen. "Bowser, did you find that battle hard?" Bowser knew the answer was yes, but... "No way!" Crystal King knew he was bluffing. "Bowser, even if he was easy, the battles up ahead will not be." Bowser thought for a moment. "Hey! After all that hard work I want one of my guardians back!" Crystal King sighed. "Bowser, that was not even one of the guardians." Bowser felt sick. "But.." "Bowser, the first of your men you need to save is the Koopa Bros. They were captured in the mysterious land south of here- Oaisis Canyon. You must hurry. The rumors on why they were captured, and who did it are strange and twisted." Bowser looked strangely at Crystal King. "Oh, and it looks like you have a companion. He will definately be able to help you. But back to importance, I will give you an ability, even if you have not saved me yet." Lights glowed around Bowser. Bowser can now use a SPECIAL power, Water swap. Now BOwser can swap water for ice. "With that, you can cross the oceans." Bowser smiled. "My power is getting weaker... you must hurry..." And the Crystal King faded away.

                                                       END OF CHAPTER

                                                                              And so, Bowsers first true adventure begins, a quest to rescue his servants, and to get back to the castle in the air. Bowser will have to journey through an entire new land, a place where even Mario has never gone. But, it is filled with mysterious forces...

                                                           TO BE CONTINUED...

                                                              *= It was later counted and there was excatly 38
                                                              **= 1# is Mario. 2# is Smithy. 3# is the Eggplant sisters.
                                                              ***= General Goomba was the leader of the goomba squad in Bowsers army 2 years ago. He was known to be ferocious and rude, and a lot of Goombas were happy when he dissapeard over an ocean flight.
                                                              ****= Machegem is a mixture of the word "Machine" and "Jugem" the Japenese word for Lakitu.

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 08, 2007, 12:00:58 PM »
Mack_The_Knife is the latest member!

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 07, 2007, 04:22:09 PM »
I don't want this to be a poll- this is just a part of the club. (I probably should have called this the NFS club). Yes, but I WANT to find it. I want to write my name in it. For you guys, its boring beacause you've found it.  Okay. Oh, if any of us find it, don't tell! We don't want this board locked! (That reminds me, this has become the most popular Secret page board ever! Woo!) 2nd place got locked too!

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 07, 2007, 03:14:53 PM »
VOTE: Is it a good thing we still don't know what is on the secret page?

                                               Yes: 1

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 07, 2007, 02:52:49 PM »
Well, then we still have a reason to find the secret page. Great. Maybe we should vote. Is that a GOOD thing. Or a BAD thing. I vote... uh.... good.

Fan Creations / Re: Paper Bowser
« on: September 07, 2007, 02:00:15 PM »

                                                        A dark figure closed in. "Who are you- and you better have brought me snacks!" Said Bowser. "I'm not here to bring you snacks! I am here to kill you!" The dark figure emerged. It was King Lakitu. King Lakitu is not giant or anything. He just wears a cracked crown. "What? What kind of stupid plot twist is this?" Roared Bowser angrily. He was still hungry.* "Yes Bowser, it is I, your once loyal servant, I escaped here to this remote island to escape from you, and yet you still find me." He announced. "So, I have no choice, but to kill you." The evil** lakitu finished. Suddenly, the ice that they were both standing on broke. They both went falling into a deep chasam. At the bottom, a wide room lay. "No more interruptions! Now it is truly time to kill you!" Said Prince Lakitu. "That's great, but would you mind giving me something to EAT?" He said. Prince Lakitu glared. "You stupid oaf! You don't get it, do you?" He said in a most royal way. "No" Said Bowser. "YOU DON'T GET IT!" He walked towards King Lakitu, mouth open.

                                                             BOSS BATTLE: KING LAKITU

                                                                                 "Hah hah Bowser! Your fire cannot reach me when I'm up here!" He laughed. Bowser jumped! "Arrg! You fat thing- you can jump?" He gasped. King Lakitu threw a ordinary spiny at Bowser. Does little damage. Bowser jumped again! "This isn't going the way I planned... but, BEHOLD!" Shouted King Lakitu. A giant robotic cloud came from between the pages. King Lakitu jumped off his old cloud, and jumped on the new one. His old cloud flew away, crying. "Now, you shall face a painful death!" Laughed the maniacal Lakitu. Unforunately for King Lakitu, the cloud was so big, Bowser could breathe fire on it. That's what he did. King Lakitu flinched. One more fire, and King Lakitu would lose. Wait! The emergency move! KLakitu started to move backwards, away from Bowser. "Awww? You scared?" Taunted Bowser chasing the fleeing King. But it was all fake plot. Suddenly, KLakitu and his giant cloud suddenly sprang forward, right at Bowser. Bowser turned around and ran, the ice helping him to go faster. Even though the giant cloud could not reach the ground, power boosters helped the cloud gain on Bowser. Bowser, going to fast to stop, slammed into a ice wall. Icicles above him started to shake, and the KLakitu was about to crush him.

                                                    TO BE CONTINUED ON THE NEXT THRILLING EPISODE!

                                      *= For anyone who is annoyed by Bowsers hunger, too bad. This boring joke will continue.
                                      **= If you hate Bowser, replace "evil" with "good".

Site Discussion / Re: Sign here if you have not found the secret page.
« on: September 06, 2007, 07:19:20 PM »
Club in session!

                                         LATEST DISCOVERIES: (Post your finds here!)

                                                                  I seem to be hearing rumors that the secret page is somewhere in the Mariopedia. Hmm. I've looked there for a while, nothing.  Any other club members with discovries?

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