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Messages - Toddathon

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 48 49 50 [51] 52 53 54 55 56 ... 59
Mario Chat / Future Mario
« on: July 24, 2002, 08:30:55 AM »
I've been wondering something, is there Goombas or Troopas in Super Mario Sunshine?  I hope so for they are important, but they haven't been featured in movies or screenshots yet.

Also, I would like four new characters in the new Mario Kart:

Mallow, Geno, Kamek, and Wart

Did you know: Kamek was supposed to be in MK64, but they replaced him with DK?

Mario Chat / Another crapload of movies!
« on: July 22, 2002, 08:15:17 AM »
Well, they released a crapload more of movies from

Some that even include Bowser!

Go see 'em, they're wicked!

That is all

Mario Chat / It's Good!
« on: July 22, 2002, 08:09:24 AM »
Well, I'm back from my vacation, and I finally got to try Yoshi's Safari.  It's great, and fun, although a little challenging.  The enemies come at me a bit faster than I'd prefer, but nonetheless, it's a good game.  You can even put in two player mode, and the other player controls your jumping and maneuvering ability with the controller.  The Super Scope is pretty cool, although it hurts the eyes after a long while of playing the game.  I already beat Ludwig, he was in this huge machine and you have to dodge his bullets, and shoot at his back.  I also made it to a boss octopus, and a Hammer Bro.  I didn't beat them though.  I also love Mario Paint, it's cool to make songs!

Mario Chat / Yoshi's Safari
« on: July 13, 2002, 07:28:12 PM »
Excellent news my friends...for me.   I am in the big city right now and posting from a different computer, only to announce that I have went to a local Video Game shop.  Since they are closing down and having a clearance sale, me and my mom browsed through to check out the SNES games.  And boy, I found a brand new, unopened, still containing plastic wrap, Yoshi's Safari.  NEVER OPENED!  Since the store was closing (but moving to a different location) she sold me it for 10 bucks!  Wowee!  I also purchased the Super Scope 6 for $30.  Can't wait to go home and try 'em out!  I also bought the SNES mouse and Mario Paint.  THis store is da bomb!  I also got:

Lemmings 2: The Tribes
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Zombies ate my Neighbors
Joe and Mac

all for really decent prices, new, and unopened!


Mario Chat / If you have flash!
« on: July 08, 2002, 08:20:03 AM »
Did you ever wonder what it would be like if Mario blew off Bowser's head in SMB with a bazooka.  Or if the violations of SMB and others were cancelled, and you could see Mario and the princess get jiggy with it?  Did you ever want to see Mario and Sonic have a royal rumble?

If so, check out '' for the Mario section of Newgrounds.  I assure you'll have a good time!

Mario Chat / SMS is coming soon!
« on: July 08, 2002, 08:17:00 AM »
Wow!  Super Mario Sunshine is only 49 days away!  Whoopie!  It comes out 2 days after I leave for my vacation.  Maybe if I'm **** lucky my mom will be me a GameCube and SMS!  (Yeah right!) :-)

Mario Chat / How fast can you beat Mario?
« on: July 03, 2002, 05:36:47 PM »
What are your record times for beating mario games.  The other day, I timed myself, and recorded them on a notepad, and seeing as I don't have this notepad, I'll approximate.

SMB: 7.5 minutes
SMB2: 20 minutes
SMB3: 16 minutes
SMW: 13.75 minutes

Mario Chat / What if...
« on: July 01, 2002, 07:05:26 AM »
Did you ever picture being in a Mario game?  Did you ever wonder what it would be like to jump on a goomba, and flatten it.  Did you ever wonder if you stomped a Koopa Troopa into its shell, then kicked it and knocked over a spiny?  Did you ever picture of wearing one of the glorious suits, and flying high in the sky?  What if you could walk past this to Bowser's old high school, or the cloud nine bedding store.  If you cold grab a ShyGuy and chuck it hard into a jumping Ninji.  Did you ever picture what it would be like?

Mario Chat / Mario Mania @ KMD!
« on: June 27, 2002, 08:05:26 AM »
Do any of you have Kazaa?  It's awsome.  You can actually download episodes of the Mario cartoon, and watch them perfectly, without having to buffer or stop inbetween.  You can also download songs, and software, but its 10x better than Napster, that's for sure!

Mario Chat / TMK Rules!
« on: June 26, 2002, 01:43:57 PM »
TMK is absolutely the best place for Mario info.  I come here here everyday, its the first site I visit, and it has about 80% times more Mario info than, so TMK, and Fungi Forums rule!  Yah!

Mario Chat / If we ran the Mario empire!
« on: June 25, 2002, 09:13:33 AM »
Now then, we are hardcore Mario fans, every single one of us.  So what would Mario be like if we were the programmers, play testers, sound recorders, and we ran the Mario empire.  Imagine this: A 2D super nintendo-like Mario game on GameCube.  Hear me out now, this one would be Mario revived sorta thing, and with the memory capacity, it could probably hold about 1000 levels.  About 20 designed by each of us.  The possiblities would be endless if we put our minds to it.  We could make awsome games, and the Mario fans out there would be happier.  And instead of remaking games individually, we could do it on one cart!

Well, that's something that puzzles me!  Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World held 5 different Mario games, remade to perfection, with 4 save slots, and that's on Super Nintendo for about 10 bucks.  Now, they say the GBA is more powerful, so why don't they just put like: SMB2, SMW, SMW2, MB, SMB3, YSt all on one cart?  If possible.

Mario Chat / If we ran the Mario empire!
« on: June 25, 2002, 09:13:33 AM »
Now then, we are hardcore Mario fans, every single one of us.  So what would Mario be like if we were the programmers, play testers, sound recorders, and we ran the Mario empire.  Imagine this: A 2D super nintendo-like Mario game on GameCube.  Hear me out now, this one would be Mario revived sorta thing, and with the memory capacity, it could probably hold about 1000 levels.  About 20 designed by each of us.  The possiblities would be endless if we put our minds to it.  We could make awsome games, and the Mario fans out there would be happier.  And instead of remaking games individually, we could do it on one cart!

Well, that's something that puzzles me!  Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World held 5 different Mario games, remade to perfection, with 4 save slots, and that's on Super Nintendo for about 10 bucks.  Now, they say the GBA is more powerful, so why don't they just put like: SMB2, SMW, SMW2, MB, SMB3, YSt all on one cart?  If possible.

Mario Chat / Catch my eye!
« on: June 24, 2002, 04:54:21 PM »
I love searching for Mario sites on the net, but a lot of them aren't eye appealing.  I've seen many that are distorted and have annoying backgrounds, and look unattended.  However, I like it if the site catches my eye.  For instance TMK is quite the eye catcher.  It has symetry, basically, and has a nice normal background instead of a tile layout of something.  Another example is the SMBHQ.  That was (or used to be) an eye catcher.  There's a really interesting one on the net with a totally excellent entry pic, and sprites.  Many are good, but hardly any have as good layout as TMK, and as much information.

Mario Chat / Mario & Wario
« on: June 21, 2002, 08:36:51 AM »
I want to know if Mario & Wario was released in America

Mario Chat / Sorry
« on: June 21, 2002, 08:06:11 AM »
Sorry Frostbite, I don't think you're stupid.  It's just that, I was sick of your theories.  Ah well, sorry.

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