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Messages - Robert

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Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: August 26, 2006, 08:57:33 PM »
Oh no you don't!

*Robert jumps after the book, only to fall to his doom. Moments later, he reappeared through a portal  with a book in his hand near the pit.*

Good thing I had that 1-up! Now let's see here... *reading* reversing cars... reverseing doors... Ah here it is! Reversing four score *reading* "to reverse the effects of the dreaded Four score curse, simply shove a cork up your left nostrail and yell,"NO U!1!" Umm, okay. *Gets a cork from his pocket and shoves it up his left nostrail* NO U!1!

Uh oh! I must have gotten them mixed up! That was for invisablity! No matter, I'll reverse the invisablity spell first, then I'll reverse four score-

*Book flies away in the wind*

...Oh no. Sad thing is, that was a 50 lbs, hardcover spell book. Now what do I do

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: August 26, 2006, 04:43:21 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: August 26, 2006, 01:03:09 PM »
Yoshi ('cause he was in SMW)

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: August 26, 2006, 01:02:15 PM »
Please find it soon! I can't bear it any longer!

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: August 26, 2006, 12:54:53 PM »
Just a couple of days ago, I let my mom play MKDS. Ever since, she has loved it! She has a bit of expirience because she used to play 2P on MK:DD. My mom's gradually getting better at it. Maybe when Super Mario Galaxy comes out, I'll introduce her to that. Horray! My mom likes video games :D!

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: August 26, 2006, 09:59:54 AM »

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: August 25, 2006, 08:36:20 PM »
Please help! The "four score" combo (using bold, italics, underline and strikethrough at the same time.) has returned! I think it's permanent this time. I can't turn it off the conventional way. I've tried, but no luck. I can't type like this! Please help me!

Forum Games / Re: The ^<v Game
« on: August 25, 2006, 07:27:50 PM »
^ Sorry, try again.
< Has just posted in this topic.
v Is not me.

Mario Chat / Re: Mariology (serious posts wanted)
« on: August 25, 2006, 07:21:33 PM »
The penguins, the catipillar, Eyerok talks like he's been there for centuries, the underwater town in Wet Dry World seems like its had some background, Koopa the Quick, a sign in Jolly Roger Bays cave suggests pirates used to be there. The Bob-omb buddies sole purpose is to open the cannons, and the only cannon outside the paintings is the one near Peach's Castle, but that one has grating over it, not the Bob-omb Buddies metal plate with their picture. The Bob-omb King talked like he's always ruled over the battlefield, and the official guide says the Pyramid is ancient.

I think the only places Bowser really made where his levels and added some traps to the other levels.

Perhaps the artist(s) that painted the painting also had a story to go along with the picture? Or maybe the artist(s) drew the paintings to tell a story? Could it be that the paintings were based on real life locations in the Mushroom World?

Latest News / Re: Mario Strikers Charged announced
« on: August 25, 2006, 07:08:06 PM »
Another video is up on IGN. Two more, actually. "Mario scores" and "Creepy feild". Not much to say, except,

1. Why do all the coaches enter the playing feild by falling from the sky? Mario did this twice.
2. The audience looks much much better than they did in the original Stikers.
3. That's all.

Video Game Chat / Re: Should I Pack Liter?
« on: August 25, 2006, 08:09:30 AM »
I wouldn't do it. The DS lite is almost the same thing as the DS "fat". There isn't anything necisary that the Lite introduces. Look at the GBA SP. It had a back light screen and rechargeable battery. Those features were almost nesecary. The lite has brighter screen and 4 levels of brightness. The original DS's screen was already bright enough, do we really need it any brighter? Plus, the higher levels just wastes more battery time. It has a bigger stylus, but Nintendo sells extra styli in packs of 2. Just buy one of those. Now you've got a better stylus, and you didn't have to buy another system just to get it. I, personally, have never had a problem with the power button. I've only accidently pressed the power button during gameplay once. The DS lite isn't really needed. It's great for people who don't have the original DS, but for those who do have the DS "fat", they should hang on to it until you get somthing like a major scratch on the touch screen or somthing.

Mario Chat / Re: Mariology (serious posts wanted)
« on: August 24, 2006, 04:11:54 PM »
1. Piantas can jump and they are usually near their homes.
2. Warp Portals can warp you everywhere.
3. When Bowser is defeated, these walls don't dissapear instantly, they slowly fade. (It's Black Magic after all).

1. Piantas can jump, but they can't just "jump" over invisable walls. They're probably very high up. They might even reach the depths of space for all we know. Also, they may be "near their homes", but what if, for example, a noki in Noki bay wants to get to the marketplace in Delfino Plaza?
2.True, but these warps were established only after Mario came to Isle Delfino. Shadow Mario might have mucked up the isle a couple days before Mario came. Plus, certain warps could only be accessed via the use of FLUDD, which only Mario has. The warps to Sierra Beach and Pianta Village are prime examples.
3.Hmm... okay, I'll give you that one. It'll fade eventually.

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: August 24, 2006, 03:33:42 PM »
I have a thought:

If you were to be spammy anywhere on these forums, you would be banned. That rule doesn't matter in this topic. Every post in this topic has hardly any relation to each other, but the whole point of the topic is to be stupid and pointless, so long as you post mind-numbingly stupid posts here, you would be on topic. However, if you were not to be stupid in this thread, you'd technically be going off-topic. Would this mean if you posted tons of good, well thought out posts in this thread, could you get banned for being too off topic?

Uh-oh, that wasn't pointless! I've got to act stupid, quick! Think, think, think...

Mario Chat / Re: Mariology (serious posts wanted)
« on: August 24, 2006, 02:20:09 PM »
Force Field! Placed by Bowser/Villain of the current game to make things harder for Mario.

If that's the case, than how come no one else in SMS noticed the invisable walls? How come the Piantas didn't charge Mario with placing force fields all around their island? Also, I personally think it would have been more diffucult to swim to Ricco Harbour than it is to jump into a portal and be teleported there. These force fields don't appear to have been lifted after defeating Bowser or collecting all 120 shines.I think the invisable walls in SMS represent Mario's morality. For example, if Mario goes to far out to sea, he'll releize that it's pointless to keep swimming and he has more important things to do.

But your theory could work for SM64. Most of the levels in that game were uninhabited, save for Bowser's troops. Bob-omb Battlefeild, Cool,Cool Mountain, Snowman's Land and Tiny Huge Island are seemingly the only stages with signs of civalization.

Poor Pluto :(. They're just giving Pluto the boot because it's different. Mean old astronomers >:0! Plus, Pluto was my favorite planet. It is (or was) the underdog of the Solar System because it was so small and so far away. That's why I liked it. Goodbye, Pluto. We hardly knew ye.

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