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Messages - Mario-oh-oh

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)
« on: August 07, 2000, 08:09:38 PM »
Lakitu flies back from vacation after finding the cure for Yoster Box and is relieved. Little did he know he'll have another chance to die when he got back.

Lakitu overhears the plan of Koopa Troopa and Mario, so he flies away to tell Bowser. Maybe there is hope for the army of Bowser.

All this time Lakitu is wondering if he'll get hurt...

Forum Games / Re: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)
« on: August 01, 2000, 11:04:58 AM »
Lakitu is bitten by a snake and gets a rare disease called Yoster Box. He had 25 hours to find a cure. So he goes to Mushroom Kingdom.

Forum Games / Re: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)
« on: July 31, 2000, 05:45:10 PM »
Lakitu decides to extend his vacation

Forum Games / Re: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)
« on: July 30, 2000, 08:01:23 PM »
After Lakitu saved the remaining men of Bowser, he decides to go on a vacation. So he flies to the edge of Mushroom Kingdom and stays there for many days.

Forum Games / Re: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)
« on: July 30, 2000, 10:46:16 AM »
Lakitu is flying around in the woods, trying to find his way out. He kept bumping into the trees since the trees were so tall.

After many hours or days of traveling he found a mushroom filled road. He decided to follow the road. The road seemed endless and after a few hours he stopped to take a rest.

That's when the mushrooms started growing. They tried attacked Lakitu, but Lakitu thought fast and flew up. Then the mushrooms started to spit poisonous gas at Lakitu. Lakitu had to get out of here fast, so he flew away as fast as he could.

That's when he bumped into a big wall! It was the wall of Mario's house. He wondered why Bowser's armies aren't invading Mushroom Kingdom anymore, so he searched the adjacent areas. He found the remaining troops scattered and injured.

So Lakitu knew that they had been defeated and there was no hope for the army of Bowser unless they regroup. Lakitu picked up the remaining members of the once great army of Bowser and delivered them back to Bowser's Castle where they will train harder and fight in the name of Bowser again...

Forum Games / Re: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)
« on: July 29, 2000, 10:37:46 PM »
Koopa Troopa returned to the campsite of the waiting Bowser Army with the medallion around his neck.

"What do you have there?" asked the curious Lakitu.

"Oh, this is just a medallion I found it on the....ummm....ground....near that tree over there," replied the nervous Koopa Troopa.

Koopa Troopa began to order the army to move forward to attack the kingdom.

And on to the battlefield they went, led by Kamek and Lakitu. Mario and Kamek began to have themselves a one-on-one battle, and the same with Luigi and Lakitu.

Mario punched Kamek, but the crafty wizard had made a split image of himself and dodged the attack. He countered with a blazing fireball that bursted out of his ivory staff.

Mario seemed to be beaten, but the army of the Mushroom Kingdom came through and attacked Kamek. Kamek had to back off and leave.

Meanwhile, Luigi is fighting Lakitu and his Spiny's. Luigi seems to be overmatched in this great battle, because he cant seem to get his hands on the flying Lakitu.

Soon enough Luigi falls to the ground hurt, and he waves his white flag to surrender. The army of Bowser charged into the town setting fires to all the Mushroom Houses.

Mario and his army run back to the town ready to defend it. With Luigi hurt this could end bad for the Mushroom Kingdom.

While this is going on, Koopa Troopa is no where to be seen. Lakitu gets worried and leaves in search for him. He ends up lost in the woods, while the armies tear each other apart...

Forum Games / Re: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)
« on: July 29, 2000, 09:02:31 PM »
As I, Lakitu the King of the Skies, flew around old fat Wario's island, I saw Bowser's fleet of men approaching. That's when I decided to destroy Bowser and Wario. That way only Mario will stand in my way of total domination of the world...or Mushroom Kingdom, whatever comes first.

I started to throw dozens and dozens of Spiny's down on the island. Wario was cornered.

"Who's doing this to me?" wondered Wario.

Actually he didn't actually say it, but looked like he was thinking it. He started to punch at them, but they stabbed him. Then he kicked at them, but they stabbed him. Finally he tried to head butt them. That was a big mistake because that left a huge scar that ran from the top left corner of his face to the bottom right corner.

I started to laugh sadistically, but had no time to finish because Bowser's army had arrived. I saw Kamek and Koopa Troopa lining up their men to attack Wario. Little did they know I was hiding in the clouds waiting to strike...

They charged onto the island only to find my Spiny's there. They fought and fought but my Spiny's were to strong for their week little Koopa shells that have no spikes. In the confusion Wario must've slipped away, because after Bowser's men fled I couldn't find that fat coward...

I'll get them again someday...

Forum Games / Re: uh...role playing..
« on: July 29, 2000, 08:53:15 PM »
I'll be Lakitu

:( all good characters taken

Forum Games / Re: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)
« on: July 29, 2000, 08:39:26 PM »
Wario was standing on a 20 in x 20 in island smoking a pack of cigarettes and drinking a Bud, when the army of Bowser came.

Wario jumped up and killed them all, putting a end to the Bowser empire forever...or did he?

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