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Messages - aznaphrodite

Pages: [1]
Mario Chat / Re: Need a WAV from Super Mario Bros. RPG
« on: June 04, 2001, 03:48:28 PM »
Oh! I don't need it anymore. The musical was on May 28th and no one was able to do it by then so I downloaded a general frying pan sound off the internet to replace it.

Thanks anyway!

Mario Chat / Re: Need a WAV from Super Mario Bros. RPG
« on: May 06, 2001, 02:29:19 PM »
Thank you so much! I really, really appreciate it!

Please e-mail me if you need to contact me!


Mario Chat / Need a WAV from Super Mario Bros. RPG
« on: May 06, 2001, 01:10:03 AM »
I am need of a WAV file from Super Mario Bros. RPG of Princess using the Flying Pan. A double-hit would be the best but I'll take anything at this point. I need it for a musical we are doing that is Mario Bro's themed. I was planning to use my brother's game to record it but all this saved games are gone and he doesn't have time to go through the game to get the Frying Pan again. I need it fairly soon or I'll have to re-write the script.

If you can help me, I would greatly appreciate it!

I am on DSL so large downloads will not be a problem for me.

Please e-mail me at "" if you can be of assistance.



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