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Messages - Sonic

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Mario Chat / Re: No one should be hated on this board!
« on: January 01, 2002, 12:04:01 AM »
at the risk of sounding like the jerk of the board, its hard. We had some idiots (thankfully there not a problem anymore0 but now with Grimsack and Mr.Titz its hard. There just such idiots. I know I haven't said many possitive things lately, sorry 'bout that. I like each of you (aside form ones stated above) and the only reason i get angry is if one of these morons come on this board and start stuff with you guys, thats all.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

General Chat / Re: Adult Swim
« on: December 28, 2001, 09:38:15 PM »
love adult swim, don';t watch it much though due to its time slot. Baby blues is going to be on it as a new show.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Mario Chat / Re: GrimSack
« on: December 28, 2001, 09:28:39 PM »
great another idiot. When one leaves another alwasy follows, he'll be gone soon I'll see to it.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Mario Chat / Re: FREE FUDGE!!
« on: December 12, 2001, 06:25:27 AM »
not as good as free fudge but still good news. I hope they port the wounderswan versions of FF 1-3.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Mario Chat / Re: FREE FUDGE!!
« on: December 10, 2001, 03:28:57 PM »
well its not as good as free fudge, but its still pretty good. ;)

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

General Chat / Re: ****!
« on: December 07, 2001, 06:13:39 PM »
But please be mature about it


Sorry it had to be done

I personally am dissappointed in SOME of the game cubes games. However (on a side note ) I am really sick and tired of people bad mouthing the PS2, how many of you actually played it?

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Video Game Chat / Re: Bad News for GameCube fans...
« on: November 24, 2001, 11:58:09 AM »
I herd that rumour long before CG was released. It may coime true if nintendo makes Gamecube into N64 2,

As for PenguinWizard, whats stopping you from playing thos games? Just because you like nintendo doesn't mean you have to be there slave. This goes for ALL fanboys don't stay loyal to any video game company were all you are to them is another sales figure.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Mario Chat / Re: Is Nintendo Going Downhill?
« on: November 24, 2001, 11:55:09 AM »
it will take more then those three games to get rid of nintendos "kiddy" image. Its not that i mind a little kiddiness but they went to far with celda.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Mario Chat / Re: Vote to $$Wario$$ Leaving
« on: November 21, 2001, 11:28:15 AM »
*shakes his head* this is why newbies get flamed, and this is why its so hard to be nice to them. Its reviveing flamewars that ended MONTHS ago that get us ticked. As much as I thought (and still do think) that he should leave its over with. Some how he managaed to get everyone he insulted on his side, but thats history lets move on.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Mario Chat / Re: Mysteries of MARIO MASTER 30000
« on: November 20, 2001, 09:30:15 AM »
shut up, he shouldn't be banned, just warned thats all, lets move on with our lives.

Video Game Chat / Re: If Nintendo and Sega ever teamed up...
« on: November 14, 2001, 02:48:19 PM »
what mario game?

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Video Game Chat / Re: If Nintendo and Sega ever teamed up...
« on: November 14, 2001, 02:48:18 PM »
what mario game?

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Video Game Chat / Re: If Nintendo and Sega ever teamed up...
« on: November 13, 2001, 01:39:12 PM »
actually WhackaBeaner that game was just an emulation hack of the speedy gonzalis (sp) game, so sonic advanced is the first sonic game to appear on a nintendo platform.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

Video Game Chat / Re: If Nintendo and Sega ever teamed up...
« on: November 12, 2001, 01:08:46 PM »
as nice as that sounds ( belive me I want it to happen ) it isn't likely even if they do team up.

"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

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