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Messages - Dezsi

Pages: [1]
Mario Chat / Re: It took me ages to...
« on: July 04, 2004, 05:38:18 PM »
Does it use the same american cartridges? If so, and if it also has the "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" logo on it(not the Famicom), then it is a strangley rare SNES. Because if it uses the PAL/Famicom type carts, it is just a regular PAL version SNES.

I failed to get through Level D-4, once I got until the King of Koopas, ran under him and when I was just pixels away from the switch, my time was up. I gave up then.
Now I'm going to go through the entire game again. Oh the joy! :0)

Looks like Bowser's at it again..

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