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Messages - Monkey Bob

Pages: [1]
Mario Chat / Re: Who do you like better Mario or Luigi?
« on: January 04, 2005, 10:43:57 PM »
Luigi. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because my favourite colour is green, and maybe because he's a lot more funny than Mario, and then again it my be that fiery uppercut that freezes the enemy he can do every now and then on SSBM.

(W)Welcome To Wario World(W)

Mario Chat / Re: Who is your favorite character?
« on: November 25, 2004, 10:32:35 PM »
My favorite mario character is Luigi.

My favorite video game character of all time has to be........... Luigi!

(W)Welcome To Wario World(W)

Edited by - Monkey Bob on 11/25/2004 8:33:39 PM

Mario Chat / Re: Smash Bros. Melee 2
« on: November 24, 2004, 10:50:19 PM »
Stop with the Sonic characters!

Only Official Nintendo Characters, Items, & Themes are in SSB. games and, well, Sonic is Sega.

Any way I think I think...

O, and I think that more non-mario stuff would be nice(but I still want Wario). Diddy Kong sounds good.

(W)Welcome To Wario World(W)

Mario Chat / Re: Smash Bros. Melee 2
« on: October 15, 2004, 11:07:51 AM »
Giga Bowser as a secret character!

(W)Welcome To Wario World(W)

Mario Chat / Re: which secret character fights the strongest in SSBM?
« on: October 13, 2004, 04:38:36 PM »
Jigglypuff is the BEST in a giant melee.
But Luigi is No.1!

(W)Welcome To Wario World(W)

Pages: [1]