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Messages - ZeldaFan0001

Pages: [1]
Hey, Luigisan. How about a deal? I'll give you ALL the beta items which are as follows:

Fire Bar,
Green Pipe,
Blue Falcon,
Koopa Shell,
Brick Block,
Fire Flower,
? Block,
1-Up Mushroom,
Super Mushroom,
and finally, the Cannon (My favourite of the lot).

All for FREE on ONE condition. You let me rent (Not buy, rent) the OFFICIAL Mario Carpet (If you can call it a carpet, lol) and Mario Wallpaper, and the UNOFFICIAL designs you made. I'd like to come over and get them if you wouldn't mind. :P I'll give you the wallpaper and carpet back within 24 hours, that's a promise.

So, how about it? :P I've already added the you and the TMK to my Friends list, so here's my info:

Name: Jarod
Town: Toura
Friend Code: 158976865318

Oh, and if you DON'T want to lend me the wallpaper and carpet, then you can still have the beta items for free. :)

Hey, Luigisan, do you think you could add me now? I have been asking for a few weeks now, and I understand that you've been busy. Don't worry though, you can delete me after I've come and got the cool patterns and gone. :)

My FC and town info is on the last page, near the bottom of the page too.

Thanks. :)

Hey, Luigisan. Its me, ZeldaFan0001 from NSider. Can I have the following:

All the Nintendo/Mario related patterns from Mables. That's all I want. No Nintendo items, just those patterns. If I DO have a look inside your house at the items though, they won't automatically be added to my Catolog will they? I want to find those the proper way you see. :)

Anyway, here's my AC:WW town details:

Friend Code:




Town Name:


So, when can you add me so I can visit? :P

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