« on: December 25, 2011, 07:49:16 PM »
In terms of family, it was kind of rough. It was the first time we spent Christmas with only one side of the family. Ever since my mother passed away, that side of the family got more and more distant. Since my dad's not very close to the surviving relatives that live hundreds of miles away, the last tie to my mom's side of the family was pretty much gone when my grandmother passed away this spring,. And my dad is going through a divorce, so we didn't go to the step relative gathering. It's just left us with complicated thoughts and emotions that I am not going to go into on this thread. Basically, I didn't really ask for much for Christmas this year. What mattered was that I got to spend Christmas with my closest relatives (my dad, sister, and her family, So overall, I wasn't disappointed.
My Christmas Hoard:
Pokemon cards
Mood ring w/ my name
Talkng Phineas and Ferb plush
Doofenshmirtz plush
frog socks
boot slippers
cat picture frame ornament
Snow leopard hat
cat towels
A couple neat breakables