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Messages - Gargle

Pages: [1]
Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario Game
« on: June 30, 2006, 11:39:28 PM »
Wow, I'm the only one that voted Tetris DS? Even though it's not technically a Mario game, it is my new favorite game of all time.

Game Help / Re: MKDS Snaking
« on: June 23, 2006, 07:19:03 PM »
You just gotta get real good with the pattern of snaking, such as Right+R(hold R), left, right, left, right, let go. Then the next would be the same thing except Left+R(hold R), right, left, right, left, let go. This pattern usually becomes habit and it'll come naturally to you.

Hope this helped.

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: June 05, 2006, 07:32:59 PM »
Pretty crappy isn't the word. It was worse than that. I'm so glad I don't go anywhere near my middle school friends anymore. One moved away and he was like the jerkiest of all. The other goes to the same school as mine, but I try to avoid him. He was pretty uptight and he compensates for a lot of things. I also don't have to deal with his creepy little sixth grade friend who constanly tried to latch herself onto me. My grades were probably horrible because I wasn't motivated at all during those 3 years and my morale was also low. And my 7th grade english teacher was a hippy. And I just suck at Algebra and Geometry. Not to mention the many times I had an idiot moment during those 3 years.

Well, time to bury the bad memories *digs hole and drops middle school yearbook, old backpack, progress reports and projects in it*. Me = Happiness-ness-ness.

Wow, I never knew your middle school life was so crappy. You never really talked about it. Fortunately, middle school was pretty good for me. Of course, it felt different moving to another neighborhood and not knowing anybody. I did manage to meet a few good friends, but I only keep in touch with a few of them. I also met some nice people in 9th grade. Then I had to move again. >:( Why do I have to keep moving when I find good friends?! Anyways, I'm not trying to go out on a rant or anything.

I DO hope that I can get Wi-Fi at my house soon. I can get it at school, but not at home. I mean sure, pwning n00bs at Tetris DS is fun at school, but I wish I could do it whenever I want. I know it sounds crazy, but I almost wish I didn't have summer vacation. Then I can stay at school and mooch off their Wi-Fi.

Mario Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. Character Suggestions
« on: May 25, 2006, 05:52:02 PM »
I would personally like to see Chuck Norris in the game. Ha ha, Jk. He would be so over-powered anyway. Any button you press or any direction you tilt the wiimote would make him do a roundhouse kick that instantly sends your opponent flying off the screen. ;D

But seriously, I wouldn't mind seeing characters from the Advance Wars Series. They have Fire Emblem Characters, so why not Advance Wars? I bet Andy would be a really good player. I can think of lots of attacks for him.

Video Game Chat / Re: Will Wii Make it?
« on: May 13, 2006, 08:08:09 PM »
Interesting, could it be that Microsoft and Nintendo are working together to try and overthrow Sony? Nah!

Personally, I think Microsoft is trying to get rid of Sony first, then it will try to eliminate Nintendo(which will PHAIL). Nintendo will come out on top.

I think the Wii stole the show at E3. If you go to some Sony message boards, you can see them talking good things about the Wii and how their respect for Nintendo has gone up. It just goes to show how much the Wii will succeed.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: May 08, 2006, 06:35:12 PM »
I hate the fact that my L button on my DS broke just 1 month before the release of Metroid Prime Hunters. Now I'll probably have to get another DS just because of this. Oh well, at least the DS lite is not too far away.

I also hate how my parents keep putting me off on paying the money that they owe me. My mom took about $200 from my savings account last year and still hasn't paid it back. My dad also owes me like $300 for all this mechanic work I've been doing for him since last August. They're seriously getting in the way of me getting all the games I was planning to get.

Friend Codes / Re: Tetris DS friend codes
« on: May 07, 2006, 11:24:22 PM »


<sarcasm>Add this code to get seriously owned.</sarcasm>

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