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Messages - lemmythekoopa

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: New/Returning Members Post Here!
« on: January 25, 2009, 03:24:33 PM »
Hey guys, I'm new here...This seems like a nice forum. I've already been to the IRC. I got here while looking for Mario sound effects that I could use in my flash animations. I was able to find some and I then found my way to the chat room page. I already had mIRC for other servers, so I decided to see what goes on there. From what I saw, the people there are either playing video games or are talking to everyone else to decide what video game to play next...Do not get under any assumption that I am another stupid Mario fan who does nothing but sit around and do nothing but play the games. Well...okay fine, but I also do other stuff like...erm...well...I have a website. Does that count for anything? No? Hehehe...alright then...I'm another stupid Mario fan who does nothing but sit around and play the games. but there's one thing that I do want to say before I leave this thread today. That is this:
I am not a n00b! ;_;

-Lemmy out

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