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Messages - Public_Relations

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Mario Chat / Re: Will there ever be a new Super Mario cartoon?
« on: October 21, 2013, 12:06:17 PM »
Hello! We here at Nintendo like to stay connected to our fans, so I'd like to address some of these concerns.


We're sorry to hear that! It is not within our policy nor our legal right to execute employees.

They wont let Mario have a new cartoon, while Sonic has had what is now going to be five cartoons, all decent since the last Mario cartoon 22 years ago.

We love our friends at Sega and love their animations as well, but I can understand your frustrations. In fact, many of these sentiments of wanting another Mario animation are shared by Nintendo employees! We've considered distributing either through traditional publishing networks or more recent options like Youtube for much of our content, but a new Mario cartoon was sadly out of the question due to some odd legal loopholes.

Specifically, after the release of Super Mario Brothers (the 1993 family comedy), an addition was made to employee contracts banning the use of scripts in Mario related media, which went fully into effect after 9 years. (This is why no Mario games have had writing in them after Super Mario Sunshine and all story related moments in Super Smash Brothers: Brawl were communicated visually instead of verbally). Only very recently has this been addressed, but redoing contracts for a company the size of Nintendo is a lengthy process, especially when it means reworking a policy we've had for over a decade! So please be patient with us.

This is why I want a new Mario cartoon so badly, a new Mario cartoon that is well animated, with 22 minute episodes, and all Mario game characters that had never been in a Mario cartoon.  This would finally give Mario a decent cartoon that he so deserves.  Appearently the Nintendo excutives wants us Mario fans to be stuck with those terrible DIC cartoons, and that's why I want them gone.

We're sorry you were unsatisfied with the quality of the cartoons produced by DIC. We had actually begun preliminary production work on a series of 11 minute Mario shorts (some of which would be released as a holiday sendoff for the Year of Luigi!), but after fans like you have expressed your issues with these shorter pieces of media, we've decided to indefinitely postpone them. Thank you so much for your valuable input! I hope I've helped clear up some of your concerns. Look forward to the future of Mario with Super Mario 3D World coming to North America on November 22!

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