
Author Topic: Game Boy Advance rumors...  (Read 2208 times)

Mario Maniac

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« on: June 06, 2001, 08:07:36 AM »
I've heard a lot of rumors about the games for Game Boy Advance... I just want to know, which of these games are being made for Game Boy Advance?

Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros. 3
Yoshi's Story
Yoshi's Island (Super Mario World 2)
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.


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« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2001, 10:26:59 AM »

The Triforce Protector

« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2001, 11:09:48 AM »
all (seriously)



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« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2001, 03:48:02 PM »
None! I read that Nintendo Power and it said that it was only making Super Mario Bros. 2 game so far. I don't know about the future but for now, none.

The Triforce Protector

« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2001, 10:23:36 PM »
HELLO, Nintendo Power doesn't confirm them, but they're on the list of future Game Boy Advance games in their latest issue. No wait, that was Nintendo's new Game Boy Advance magazine, which is more like a big player's guide spoiling every secret than one of its regular magazines.

Although it's looking good and everything, it's amazing how some of GBAs games clearly don't have graphic quality above even Super NES. For example, Rayman 2. That was on a Sega system, but still. In comparison, Rayman 2 looks embarrassing.

Sure, it has a lot of colors, but it looks really washed out and it really doesn't blend together like it should. As for a few of the other games, it's amazing they can't reach Super NES graphic quality even. Only Super Mario Advance, F-Zero, and a few others get up to that quality.

And remember, Super Mario Advance's graphic quality and backgrounds are EXACTLY like that of Super Mario Bros. 2 in Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES. If you look closely, the backgrounds are exactly the same. Talk about lazy!

Because of this, I fear that GBA won't be able to reach the graphic quality of SMW2 and Yoshi's Story, and will end up not being as great as the original SNES versions.

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2001, 10:32:16 PM »
Actually, from what I've heard recently, Game Boy Advance would sound like a DISAPPOINTMENT to the partial observer.

Exhibit #1: For the comments on the new games, the reviewer guys complain that they aren't as good as the original SNES versions. And by looking at the overall scores, they're lower than I expected!

Exhibit #2: Compare Rayman 2 to it's Sega counterpart. Compare Pitfall to it's SNES counterpart. GBA somehow doesn't have the graphical power of the ages-old consoles.

Exhibit #3: There's actually not too many well-known games out there.

Exhibit #4: I heard somewhere where these early games push the system almost to its limit. This is not good, because it might mean that second and third generation games won't be looking or playing any better than first generation games.

Result: It will still be successful, oh yes, but it will be a very rough road, and it might not be a billion-seller smash hit handheld. For some reason, Game Boy Color seemed more promising when it came out, and look how pathetic its color capabilities are when it came to showing what it can really do (only four colors to a character? BAD)

It makes me wonder. How can consoles be so amazing in power and such, but handhelds aren't? Maybe they're meant to be like that to maintain small sizes and light weight. But geez, it's about time we get something a little bigger and heavier if it means getting a reasonable handheld that can do games right.

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.
