
Author Topic: Fan Fiction: Tales from the Glitz Pit  (Read 2417 times)

« on: October 24, 2007, 05:12:30 PM »
Here's a fanfic that I have started for another site, but I decided to post it here. Rather than one direct plot running through the whole thing, TFTGP is a collection of stories from the Glitz Pit, the pro wrestling arena of the Mushroom Kingdom. This is still being worked on. Let me know what you think!

Note: This will make a lot more sense if you played at least up to chapter 4 of Paper Mario 2.


1.The Glitz Pit is Created
2.Prince Mush and Captain Goombeard
3.The Life of Goombardo

The Glitz Pit is Created

   Wandering among the filthy streets of Rougeport, a blue Clubba wearing sunglasses and a bowler hat was searching for someone. For whom he was searching, he did not know; but he would know once he saw him.
   The man’s name was Grubba, and he was searching for a fighter. Grubba dreamed of being the creator of the first-ever Plitian Wrestling League, a professional wrestling company. Grubba had himself been a fighter at the Toad Town Dojo, but that had closed down years ago. Out of work, Grubba decided to create his own fighting business. And the man that would help make that business for him was just around the corner.
   Grubba heard shouts from the alley behind the Rougeport shop, and walked back there to investigate. Two bandits were shaking down a young male Toad in the corner. The Toad had brilliant pink spots on his head and a lock of blonde hair which fell into his eyes.

Bandit: Listen, Fungus loser! You best give us all yo’ money, else we gonna turn you to scrambled egg!

Toad: Hey! Get off, you jerks!

WHAM! The Toad landed a punch right in the face of the first Bandit, then delivered a swift kick to the other. He threw another series of punches at the first Bandit, knocking him into the unforgiving brick wall of the shop. The Toad then grabbed the other one and tossed him into a stack of crates. The Bandits collected themselves, and then ran for their lives. The Toad brushed himself and walked straight into Grubba.

Toad: Oops, sorry, sir.

Grubba: No prob. Listen. What you did to those guys back there, that was plain ol’ amazin’.

Toad: Uh, thanks, I guess…that’s just what you gotta do to thieves like that.

Grubba: You ever got any formal fightin’ trainin’, boy?

Toad: Not really. I used to wrestle with my brothers all the time when I was younger, though. I wanted to join the Toad Town Dojo so bad, but it closed! Bummer!

Grubba: Yeah, I hear ya, boy. Used to fight there myself, yes siree! Listen, boy. I’m startin’ up my own pro wrasslin’ company. Now, you look like a real fighter, why not try out yerself?

Toad: Really? Awesome! I can’t wait! Where do I go?

Grubba: Glitzville’s the place! Come ASAP! Tomorrow, if ya can!

Toad…Where’s Glitzville? Never heard of it.

Grubba: Oh, you will son, trust me. Just watch the news tonight, and y’all’ll here ‘bout it! Yes siree! By the way, what’s yer name, boy?

Toad: Mushtomer Eddington III, sir. But most people just call me Mush E.

Grubba: Pleased tuh meet ya, Mush! Name’s Grubba. Now, I’m thinkin’ bout your name, and I’m thinkin’ that it won’t work in the wrestling biz. No siree! Lemme jus’ think for a sec…got it! You can be Prince Mush! Whaddya think?

Mush E.: Prince Mush…I love it! Sounds awesome!

Grubba: Alrighty, then! Now, you just watch the news tonight, learn all ‘bout Glitzville, then you come there as soon as ya can!

Prince Mush: You got it, Mr. Grubba! I’ll be there tomorrow, I guarantee it!

Grubba: Perfect! Y’all take care now, and I’ll be seein’ ya tomorrow, Prince!

The two men parted ways. Things were looking up for Grubba; Glitzville was set to open tomorrow, and he already had one prospective fighter.

That night, Mush turned on his TV Mushroom Evening News.

News Anchor: …and in other news, the eagerly-awaited tourist trap, Glitzville, is scheduled to open tomorrow! Glitzville, which will contain a professional wrestling arena, a shop, and a juice bar, has been built on the floating platform of the closed-down Mushroom Air Force Outpost. The platform was originally built for an unknown purpose by the ancient Luff Empire. To this day, scientists are still in the dark about how the Luffs made something of this size float with seemingly no power source. For more about Glitzville, we now join field reporter Chuck Johnson. Chuck?

Chuck Johnson: Thank you very much. I’m here in Glitzville with its founder, Tubby Grubba. Mr. Grubba, why did you decide to create Glitzville?

Grubba: Well, ya see, Mr. Johnson, I always been a fightin’ man! Used tuh fight in the Toad Town Dojo ‘fore it closed down. Ever hear o’ that place, boy? Anyhoo, I figured that what we really needed was a pro wrestlin’ arena! And what better place, I thought, than this here floatin’ platform?

Chuck: Now, Mr. Grubba, how many wrestlers do you have lined up at the moment?

Grubba: Ah, there’s where I ran into a bit o’ trouble. See, I only got two: A ‘Shroom kid, and Goomba, both o’ whom I ran into by accident. But I ain’t worried! No siree! These two guys are in-CRED-ible fighters! Once people see our first match, they’ll be linin’ up to join!

Chuck: And when will this first match be?

Grubba: Hoo! Glad you asked that, ‘cause our first-ever fight’ll be next Thursday! Just one week away! Oh, and by the way, before ya leave, check out what I found while we was buildin’ the Glitz Pit (the new wrestling arena!)

Grubba produced from his pocket a shiny, golden star. The star shined brilliantly, and seemed to exude pure power.

Grubba: I don’t know exactly what it is. I took it to a science guy, and, far as he can tell, it’s some crazy art-ee-fact from them Luffs that built this here platform. Looks valuable, eh? Well, this here star is gonna fixed to the belt of the first-ever Glitz Pit champion! ‘Course, I won’t have a championship match ‘till I get some more fighters, but when I do...boy, I tell ya, it’ll be great!

The next day, Glitzville was in an uproar. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was about to begin, and the people couldn’t wait. In front of the Glitz Pit, a large, circular building which featured a large sculpture of a Chain Chomp in front was a line of rainbow-colored ribbon. Grubba stood next to the ribbon with a giant pair of scissors. Standing next to Grubba was Mush and a Goomba wearing a pirate’s hat. Grubba raised a microphone to his mouth and yelled,

Grubba: Ladies and Gents, welcome to GLITZVILLE!!! This is gonna be the hottest place to go on vacation on the planet! Even better than Isle Delfino! And now…without further ado…I declare Glitzville…OOOPEN!

As Grubba cut the ribbon, the crowd exploded in cheers and yells. And so, Glitzville was put on the map.
Prince Mush and Captain Goombeard

   The day after Glitzville opened, Prince Mush was taking a blimp up onto the floating platform. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Grubba asked he and the Goomba, whom Mush had not yet met, to come to the Glitz Pit for meeting. As Mush walked into the Glitz Pit, he found Grubba standing at the door with the pirate-hat wearing Goomba.

Grubba: Mush! Glad ya could make it! Meet Goombardo, I mean, Captain Goombeard, my other fighter!

Goombardo smiled, and Prince Mush nodded.

Prince Mush: Pleasure.

Grubba: I found Goombardo here just after I found you, Mush! Found him the same way I found you: He was tusslin’ on them Rogueport docks! Wait’ll ya see him in action! He’s just like you, boy, a great fighter! I can’t wait ‘till that first match! Hoo! It’s gonna be great! But the real reason I called the two of ya here is this: In the pro wrestlin’ biz, it ain’t enough tuh just be a good fighter. No, siree! Ya gotta have a good image, somethin’ that’ll appeal to the fans. So, what I want y’all tuh think of a good persona; somethin’ the people will love! Now, come on back here tomorrow and show me what ya got, k? See ya then, boys!

As Mush and Goombeard walked out of the Glitz Pit, they began to talk.

Prince Mush: So, Goombeard, where’re you from?

Captain Goombeard: Well, t’was born in Rougeport, but I’ve been a sailor all me life, so I’ve been all over. How’s about you, lad?

Prince Mush: Rougeport as well, but I’ve pretty much stayed there all my life. I work in the shop now.

Captain Goombeard: Aye! I’ve seen yeh there before! Yeah, ‘salways nice to meet another Rougeporter, lad!

The blimp landed in Rogueport, and the two soon-to-be fighters disembarked.

Captain Goombeard: Well, I’d better be on me way. See yeh tomorrow, laddie!

Prince Mush: See ya, Goombeard.

Prince Mush walked over to a local costume shop to find some good clothes for the Glitz Pit. He would have loved to go to the costume shop in Neon Heights, the movie-making capital of Plit, but he could never afford anything there. Still, the shop Mush was in now had a pretty good selection, and when he saw both a crown with fake jewels in it and a sparkly purple robe which had the words “Royal Pain” embroidered on the back, he knew that he had to have it. It also didn’t hurt that both were on sale for only 15 coins! Prince Mush paid for the crown and robe, and went home, feeling that tomorrow was going to be great.

Captain Goombeard, on the other hand, decided to go to a novelty store in Seaside Town to search for his gear. The second Goombeard walked in Gifts N’ Stuff, he saw a pirate hat, an eye patch, a peg leg, and a fake beard. He already had the pirate hat, but the rest he absolutely needed. Goombeard paid for his supplies, and, like Prince Mush, walked home with a really good feeling about tomorrow.

The next day, in the Glitz Pit, Grubba could hardly contain his laughter as he saw the costumed Prince Mush and Captain Goombeard.

Grubba: Whoo-HOO! You boys look fan-TASTIC! The fans’ll just eat this up! I couldn’t be happier! You boys are ready tuh go! This Thursday, the Scourge of the Seas, Captain Goombeard, versus the Royal Pain, Prince Mush! This’ll be great! I can’t wait! But seriously, boys ya better start yer trainin’ now, else ya won’t be ready for the match! Good luck tuh both of ya!
The Life of Goombardo

   Goombardo grew up like any other child of a poor family in Rougeport. The early years were tough for Goombardo and his family; his father made little money working at the docks of Rougeport. When Goombardo turned 8, his father began teaching him the ropes of being a dockworker. At age 9, Goombardo was hired as another dockworker, and hauled crates and supplies onto ships that were leaving the harbor, and unloading crates from incoming ships. With both father and son working, that family made much more money than before, and managed to climb up the social ladder a little bit.
   It was when Goombardo was 17, however, that he and his father truly struck gold. During another day at the docks, a huge cargo ship sailed into Rougeport harbor. From the boat came a strange sailor named Flavio, a man who would return here many times. Flavio was a merchant who was wealthy from both a large inheritance and many treasure-hunting excursions. Goombardo and his father soon struck up a friendship with Flavio, and they were once asked by the man to go on a treasure-hunting expedition with him.
   Having heard of many great treasures underneath the soil of Lavalava Island, Flavio planned a trip there. After a six-day trip to Lavalava Island, a great deal of treasure was unearthed by the crew, and, once it had been divided among the sailors, Goombardo and his father were left with well over 2,000 coins, and Goombardo got to keep an old pirate’s hat, which he wears to this day. They were not rich, but they were much better off than before. Goombardo’s family used some of the new-found money to buy their very own ship, and they have been sailing the seas ever since.
   But Goombardo’s fortunes were not over; like a magnet for good luck, he one day got into a fight with another sailor at the docks. His years of loading and unloading ships had made him one strong Goomba, and he bested the other sailor with ease. Walking by at the time of the fight was a blue Clubba named Grubba. When Grubba saw Goombardo destroy the other sailor in the fight, he was ecstatic.

Grubba: Hoo, boy! That was quite a whoopin’!

Goombardo, breathing hard, turned and looked at Grubba, but said nothing.

Grubba: Boy, you ever thought ‘bout makin’ a career outta fightin’?

Goombardo: Fighting? Ah, I never really thought of it.

Grubba: Yeah! I’m startin’ up my own fightin’ arena, and you oughta sign up! Yes siree, you’d be perfect, ‘specially with that whole pirate thing goin’! What’s yer name, son?

Goombardo: Goombardo, matey!

Grubba: Pleased tuh meet ya! Name’s Grubba. Now, you just gimme a minute…hmm…maybe…no, that’s not…I got it! The perfect name for ya! Captain Goombeard!

Goombardo: Captain Goombeard, eh? Aye, I like it! What a ring it’s got!

Grubba: Perfect! Now, if y’all wanna sign up to be a wrestler, just come on over tuh Glitzville tomorrow!

Captain Goombeard: Eh? Glitzville?

Grubba: Jus’ watch the news tonight, boy, and y’all’ll hear all ‘bout it!

And with that, Grubba walked off towards West Rougeport. That night, Goombeard watched the news report on Glitzville, and decided to sign up, a decision that would turn out to be one of the greatest in his life.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2007, 10:10:54 AM by The Great Gonzales »


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2007, 04:19:03 PM »
Looks like a great fanfic so far. I'm going to wait until the story is more developed to give it a more detailed review, but from the first three parts, it looks like it'll be a very good fanfic. I can't wait to learn how Rawk Hawk joined. ;)

Minor error I found: "Goombardo got to keep an old pirate’s had"-"had" should be "hat". Just pointing something out.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2007, 10:11:36 AM »
Thanks for pointing that out; error fixed. The next installment ought to be in by the endd of the day.
