
Author Topic: Mario/Ratchet/Sonic crossover  (Read 3308 times)

« on: April 20, 2011, 10:24:18 PM »
At world's end: Kinva's awakening


Throughout space things are rough, with asteroids crashing into one another. The various planets of this solar system show it's beauty through the darkness of nothingness. Within a planet galaxies away, a plan is being created. Seven alien life forms sit within a room at a large table.

"Hello Mark, Kyie, Heath, Jam, Kayla, and X39. I'm glad you could all make it to this meeting. Our scanners have fully scanned Galaxy 32-50; everything is ready for further preparations."

He is interrupted as Kayla's hand goes up. He waves his hand over at her, signaling he will answer the question later.

"Getting to the planets of this galaxy will be no problem indeed, but we do have a minor problem." There are two obstacles that we must take care of accordingly." He tells.

"So captain, is it the dimension wall that is a problem? If so I have the right knowledge of taking care of that problem." Heath asks.

The room is silent for a bit. The captain opens up a nearby suit case, pulling out a few pictures and throwing them onto the table. The group looks at the pictures, but are confused on the point of it.

"Why have you shown us these photos, what do these two have to do with anything?" Mark asks.

The Captain walks in circles with his hand over his chin. A smile escapes from his lips.

"The two of them are who could jeopardize our whole mission; they must be taken care of before we can do anything. The animal is a hedgehog by the name of Sonic, and the man wearing blue and red is called Mario." He tells.

Everyone sitting at the table begin to laugh aloud. The squad captain gets angry at this, and waits for them to stop.

"Your joking right cap, you think these two can stand in the way of our army of seven billion!" Kayla says, laughing again.

"As I said before, the two of them are just a minor threat. But everything will run smoothly if they are both out of the picture! A great advantage to us is the two of them have never met, nor are on the same planet." He tells.

"So what is your plan for eliminating them?" Jam asks.

"I'm going to send them to the Phortex8W, there's no possible way they can get out." He says, collecting the photos from the table.

"What about the species of each planet, it's not like they will just sit there and go along with us taking over. What will be our strategy, we need one if we want things to turn out perfect?" Kayla asks.
The captain puts the pictures into an envelope, and locks them up with the rest of his files. He turns back around to his team.

"Earth will be the easiest to complete our mission, given the fact we look just like the humans. They won't be able to notice a difference. I've already sent a few of our experts to dispose of Mario and Sonic." The captain tells.

He dismisses them all for a break from the room.

Planet Earth

In the city of New York Brooklyn, the two plumbers are fast asleep. They stay within an apartment in the middle class part of town. A telephone rings aloud, waking Luigi. He looks over at his clock to see that it is 5:15 AM. The plumber yawns getting out of his bed to answer the phone.

"Hello you have reached the residence of the Mario brothers, how may I help you?"

"This is Mr. Cain; I believe the two of you did some plumbing for me last week. Well anyway, the pipes in my basement are still leaking! The two of you need to get back over here right now and fix it!" He yells.

Luigi attempts to say something, but the costumer hangs the phone up on the other side. He stretches before hanging up as well. opening the door to his room he walks across the hall; banging on Mario's door. His brother is awake right away!

"What is it 'a Luigi?" Mario asks.

"We have to drive out down town; it seems Jordon's pipes need tightening." Luigi replies.

Mario gets out of his bed, sitting at the edge. Luigi heads back into his room turning on a light. He slides the door to his closet open, to see many pairs of overalls and green shirts. He pulls a pair out, with his hat and gloves and dresses quickly. Last he slips into his brown shoes. Mario gets dressed as well, and the two of them are on their way.

"I would like to drive this time Mario; you did the last three days." Luigi suggests.

Mario just shrieks his shoulders, alerting Luigi he didn't mind. The two of them hurry and get into the vehicle, because of the pouring rain. Luigi drives as his brother sits in the passenger side. Neither one of them speaks; they sit in silence for a bit.

"You still have not read the letter from Peach. It's been sitting on the table for over two weeks now. You never know, it might be important." Luigi breaks the silence.

Mario just stares outside of the window at the rain drops. He turns over to face his younger brother.

"I don't know how I continue to forget, it's just we have been so busy lately. But I will check it out. Mama Mia Luigi slow down, it's a red light." Mario tells.

Luigi steps on the breaks and waits. Mario turns back to looking outside of the window.

Mushroom Kingdom

Toad sits outside of the castle, talking with a familiar dinosaur. The two of them discuss a huge upcoming event.

"I wonder what kind of Cake she will have, man I can't wait! I'm glad the princess is finally getting married. On top of that Prince James seems like a really nice guy!" Yoshi says, jumping up a bit.

"I agree with you one hundred, I'm just wondering why we haven't heard from Mario and Luigi yet. She sent them an invitation to the wedding a few weeks ago. It's so strange; they have not been to the mushroom kingdom in over a year and a half." Toad adds.

Yoshi sprints over to an apple tree, pulling off two of them. He throws one to Toad, who catches it. Yoshi throws his up, and devours it quickly using his tongue. He then walks over next to Toad who takes his time.

"I'm positive the two of them will be here soon, I can't wait. It sure will be nice to see them again." Yoshi says.

Toad just smiles agreeing with his long time friend. Inside of the castle, Peach sits on a stool in front of a mirror. Brushing her hair while in a deep train of thought. Her fiancée walks up behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder. She smiles while resting her head on his hand.

"How are you doing babe?" He asks.

"I'm doing great, but I can't wait to meet all of your family tomorrow." She replies.

She turns around to look up at his short blond spiky hair, and dark green eyes. The two of them smile at each other. She wraps her arms around his neck, bringing their lips together. They kiss passionately for a few seconds. He breaks the kiss and they smile at each other for a few moments.

"So will I get the chance of meeting the famous Mario and Luigi? Everyone speaks of them in your kingdom?" He asks.

Peach turns back around brushing her hair again.

"I hope so, but I haven't heard back from them yet. The wedding is tomorrow, so chances are they won't be there." She says with disappointment in her voice.

He bends down a bit, putting himself next to her.

"Even if they don't attend, I will make it a wedding you will never forget." He whispers into her ear.

She smiles at his words. Continuing to brush her hair he exits the room.
Inside of Luigi's mansion, fly guys and a group of toads buddies make repairs.

"We have to fix this place up nice, this is where the reception will be held." A toad says.

"What if Luigi doesn't come, wouldn't that be a little unnecessary to hold this thing here?" A shy guy asks.

"It doesn't matter if he comes or not, we aren't changing plans at the last minute."

The group continues to work hard, putting up signs and decorations! Back at the front of the castle, Yoshi continues to speak with Toad himself.

"I heard rumors they will be taking their honey moon, to Isle Delfino! I'm still so happy she has found a man, she will spend the rest of her life with." Toad says cheerfully.

Yoshi sits in silence, listening and watching the wind blow leaves across the grass and dirt. Toad looks over at the dino, who seems to have worry in his eyes. Pigeons fly in the bright blue sky, making the sounds of birds.

"You seem a bit upset, is something bothering you?"

Yoshi does not answer looking up into the sky, the feathers of pigeons glide down.

"I don't know but, I always thought there was something special between them. I guess maybe it just wasn't meant to be." He finally replies.

"Who're you talking about? You're not making much sense at all." Toad asks.

"I'm talking about the princess and Mario!"

Toad is now the one who is silent, not sure what to say if anything. He thinks a little while about Yoshi's assumption.

"Maybe there was a spark between them, but it was more of a friendship.
Mario and Luigi will always be close friends to her. Just like they're to us." Toad tells.

"If you think about it maybe that is the reason we haven't heard from them yet. The fact she is getting married could have been too much for them to take in." He suggests.

"Are you serious, they wouldn't miss this for the world. In my opinion, they're probably surprising us and will come at the last minute!"

Yoshi smiles at the thought, hoping that he is right. Inside the castle Peach runs a bubble bath, and gets into the tub. The front door to the castle opens, and James steps outside.

"Hey Toad could you come inside for a minute, I have a few things I would like to discuss?" He asks.

"No problem James, I'll be right in. I'll see you later Yoshi."

Toad heads inside with the prince. Yoshi decides to take a walk, and heads down a hill.


Brooklyn New York

Mario stands on a latter with a Reinch, tightening the pipes. In the meantime Luigi makes modifications, to some of the other equipment they worked on last time.

"Luigi toss me the tool box?"

His brother hands the materials to him, and he continues to work. The basement they work in is huge dark, and roomy. Nothing is on the floor except hard concrete. Luigi works on a cabinet and washing machine at the same time. After another thirty minutes the two of them are completely finished. The plumbers exit the basement together, making there way up to the main floor.

"Thanks a lot for coming out you two. I'm sorry I demanded that you come out this early, but it really needed to be fixed." The costumer tells.

"No problem'o we're happy to be of assistance. Call us back if you are still having problems." Mario tells.

The man nods.

"I will have your checks sent to you by mail. You can expect it in a day or two." He tells.

Luigi and Mario shake hands with the gentleman before exiting. Mario drives this time. The sky is still covered with dark gray clouds, and a little light rain.

"So would you like to stop by our favorite coffee shop?" Mario asks.

"That sounds like a superb idea! Plus I need something to boost my energy a bit." Luigi says.

They quickly arrive in front of the place. The two of them step out of the vehicle, and head into the store. The plumbers sit at their usual booth, picking up there menu's. They look over the many different appetizers and meals. Not long after, a waitress comes to their table.

"Oh hello Luigi and Mario, it's nice to see your faces again! So what can I
get for you today?" She asks, with a pen and paper at hand.

"I'm glad to see you as well; this is one of the best diner's in Brooklyn." Luigi replies.

He then turns back to his menu. He and his brother take a bit longer before making a choice.

"We will take two iced coffees, and two orders of four stacked pan cakes." Mario tells.

She writes everything down.

"Alright boys, I will have everything to you quickly." She tells.

"You can take your time Betty; we will most likely be staying a while." Luigi replies.

She smiles patting him on the shoulder. She walks off into the back room. Luigi and Mario look out of the window at the raindrops. The two sit quietly just enjoying themselves. Luigi is the one to break the silence between them.

"Business has been going well lately, we have pulled in some good customers."

Mario looks over at his brother.

"It's a good thing it is; last month we hardly had any customers. If we
save up enough money, we can buy ourselves a new truck." Mario says.
There food is brought to them within the next few minutes.

"Can I get you guy's anything else?"

"No thanks, this will do just fine." Mario replies.

She smiles walking off back into the kitchen. Luigi takes the butter out of its plastic container, with his knife. He spreads the butter over the pancake that is on top. Luigi pours the hot syrup over his meal.

"I don't know why we avoided this place for so long." He says.

Mario takes a sip of his coffee, while pouring the syrup onto his cakes. The plumber looks over at a clock, to see that it is seven fifteen. Luigi and Mario eat and talk for a while. Soon they're both finished, Mario pays the bill and they exit together. Mario turns on the radio while his brother drives.

"Is there anywhere you would like to go, before heading home?" Luigi asks.

Mario is about to answer, as their vehicle is knocked off of the road. It flies over a few times, before coming to a stop. The heart rate increases on them both! What in the world just happened; they most certainly didn't run over anything! Both brothers look over at the other, making sure they're ok. The brothers un buckle, getting out of the truck that lays upside down. Both plumbers' eyes widen, to see a huge robot standing before them. Marrio himself has to stretch out feeling soar.

"Stand aside human, my only interest is Mario." The machine tells.

Both Mario brothers are confused on the situation. They sit there for a few seconds trying to figure out what exactly is going on!

"What is it that you want, none of this makes sense? And I know someone sent you, so tell me?" Mario asks in anger.

The robot laughs in its mechanic tone. This gets Luigi and Mario pumped, and angry. Luigi steps forward, putting himself a little in front of his brother.

"What do you know about Mario, he's just an average man like everyone else?" Luigi asks.

"I know nothing about him, or even this planet, but I've got orders to
follow. Mario must be sent to the Phortex8W. I suggest you get lost, or your fate could be similar."

Now the two of them are even more confused than they were before. Giving the two of them no time to do anything, he jumps up and begins it's attack. The robot grabs Mario by his head and throws him into a nearby tree. His arm stretches out with a wire attached to it, grabbing Luigi swinging him around.

"This could have been done the easy way, had you stayed out of my way."

Luigi is slammed down into the ground. Mario gets up, performing a flying kick which sends the robot onto the ground. He looks up at Mario's blue eyes that show a true warrior behind them. Long sharp blades come out of the robots wrists; he jumps up swinging at Mario.

"Mamma Mia, how many tricks does this thing have?" The plumber asks himself.

Mario dodges the blows, as his brother comes to his aid. He slashes Luigi on the arm, which makes him bleed. Luigi holds the wounded spot while his brother fights back against the invader. Mario rips one hand off the robot, as some type of oil gushes out. The machine uses its other hand to punch Mario a few ft back. He falls to the ground out of breath.

"You're much tougher than I thought, but this little show is over."

The robots' chest opens and a device slides out of it. It's shaped like a gun; a beam shoots out of it zapping Mario. He vanishes once he is hit by the energy of it. Luigi looks over to see a cloud of dust in his brother's place.

"Noooo, what happened to him?" Where is Mario?" Luigi yells.

"It seems my time has come." The robot replies.

He looks down at his missing hand, as oil continues to drip. The robot explodes self destructing. Luigi yells out asking what happened to his brother, knowing that he wouldn't receive an answer. Luigi stands in shame for awhile, wondering why he could not have saved his brother. A tear falls from his eye.

"Now what am I supposed to do, where do I go from here?" He asks himself. looking over at the damaged truck, but decides to find a different way home.

Galaxies away

The main counsel sits in the room. Their captain re enters with some news.

"It looks like Mario has been taken care of; everything is going well so far.
The hedgehog is the last of important matters we must deal with, before pulling forward. I'm not saying it will be a walk in the park with the two of them gone, but it will make things much easier." The captain tells.

"So is there anyone on the way, to eliminate the speedster yet?" Jam asks.

"Sonic is even more tricky than Mario, I sent a few troops of ours to deal
with him. But that should be none of your focuses; I want you all to prepare for our upcoming invasion of the worlds."

"Yes sir, we will do that. Is there anything we can do for you in the meantime?" Kayla asks smiling, throwing her hair back.

"There will be nothing else that any of you will have to do."


Over an hour has passed, and Luigi is now walking into the apartment. His head down, with much frustration and regrets. There were many things he never told Mario, and now he would never get the chance to. A few tears fall from his eyes. He walks over to the kitchen table and sits down. opening the letter that Peach sent weeks ago reading it. He is very surprised after he's finished.

"I can't believe it, Peach is getting married!"

To Be Continue
