
Author Topic: Game Ideas?  (Read 2594 times)

The Chef

  • Super
« on: May 13, 2011, 08:01:31 PM »
If you're a fan of video games (which you probably are else you wouldn't be posting on this particular forum) then you've probably had an idea for a new game at some point in your gaming life. This here is a topic where you can post any game idea you've had, old or new, existing franchise or completely original idea. The floor is open.

I'll start with a basic one:

A sequel to Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, except this time you have more than one hub area and all of the duo's old moves back. Missions within each world would no longer be just timed vehicle missions. Instead you'd have an assortment of missions with various goals, some which require vehicles, some which require being on foot, some which require both. There'd be a greater variety of parts you'd be able to use, thus allowing for a greater variety of vehicle possibilities. Other ideas I had in mind included Banjo-only and Kazooie-only vehicles, and vehicles specially made for Mumbo transformations (picture Gator Banjo running in a giant hamster wheel or something).


  • Old Person™
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2011, 08:54:10 PM »
I had an elaborate plan for a Mario game that included plateforming, RPGs, and puzzle elements.  Maybe I can find my notebook paper it was written on long ago if it hasn't been lost or thrown away in our many moves across the country. 

Basically it was a platform game like SMB 1-3 and Wolrd with an RPG overworld/map and puzzles to solve in the platform levels and overworld.  At first you'd start with Mario and as you completed levels in the platforming levels you'd get access to new overworld areas.  At certain points you'd encounter a new character that would be needed to progress in the overworld and would open up certain areas of the platforming levels.  For example when you gained Donkey Kong to swing over a gap in the overworld he'd join your party and in the platforming levels he'd be able to bash (or throw barrels) through blocks to reveal/reach new items needed in the overworld, but each character would have a weakness.  DK, for example wouldn't be able to get into small spaces.  Other characters:  Toad - lift heavy objects, Peach - hover, Captain Olimar - throw Pikmen, Ice Climbers - chip away blocks, ... other things needed, planting vines, building bridges, swimming, etc.

The story, I don't remember, but maybe something like:   Wario kidnapped Luigi to find out why his bro Mario is so popular.  In the end Mario is more popular be cause makes friend and helps others. 
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2011, 09:35:05 PM »
I have one very vague game idea based around what basically amounts to turn of phrase. I thought one day that games whose chief trait is being scary are called "survivial horror", but why is the "survival" tag necessary? Isn't that implied, being that the point of most games where you play as a living organism is to survive? So the idea for a "death horror" game popped into my head: A game with a horror aesthetic but, for whatever reason, the character needs to repeatedly let themselves die or commit suicide to advance the plot, with circumstances and/or some malevolent force making this increasingly difficult. That's all I've got, really.

Also, as I'm sure I've mentioned before, there is no amount of money I would not pay to see a two-game Mario/Zelda crossover: One a platformer with Toon Link collecting Triforce Shards in Hyrule, the other with a SSBB-styled Mario going through dungeons and using traditional series weapons in the Mushroom kingdom. You could link the games somehow, and the final-final battle would be Link and Mario versus Ganon and Bowser.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2011, 10:05:48 PM »
The good Commodore Jim and I have plans for about ten original ideas, some basic and some already well-thought-out. If you steal them for any purpose you're a dick. To name a few and keep it brief...

Magic vs. Science: A fighting game kinda like Smash Bros. but with less aerial action with a roster half based in science fiction and half based in fantasy, with craploads of characterization and humorous quips between every combination of two characters

Dr. Fancy: A fancy man fights evil in what is basically Mega Man but with classy, haughty people instead of robots. And levels more like Mario or Viewtiful Joe. Would be complete 2-D from front-to-back, no CGI in cutscenes or 2.5-D

ESCAPE FROM A BOX: A point-and-click where you start out trapped in a box filled with water, and once you escape you must find your way out of a HAUNTED MANSION filled with HAUNTS. The mansion takes up roughly 95% of the game despite the title

A yet-to-be-titled first-person shooter in which the main character uses a magic revolver with two cylinders. The first contains six elements and the second contains six effects and you can combine them any way you please. Elements: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Toxic, Haunt, Light. Effects: Bludgeon (like shooting a cannonball of hard force), Tornado (stuns, lightly damages, will do wind-related stuff), Cloud (stays put, good for ambushes and traps), Slash (like a swordbeam), Push (sweeps away but does not hurt), and Boom (an explosion like a firework, splash damage). You never run out of ammo (it's magic) and you start with the complete package. All your enemies are particularly weak to one element and sometimes certain effects, especially bosses.

A game in a genre best described as a "versus RPG". It would be kind of like a two-player City Trial in Kirby Air Ride, but replace the city time with time spent grinding (a dirty word, but this would be an RPG designed by Americans, don't forget--also City Trial basically is mostly stat grinding), gathering allies and preparing for battle. Replace the mini-game at the end with one of several possible events: A straight battle against the other player, perhaps a fight against a boss where you and the other player must team up, a survival mode against an endless horde of monsters, whatever. The scenario for the game can be chosen from dozens of options--feuding medieval kingdoms, space cops vs. aliens, dueling pirates, squabbling ninjas, pirates vs. ninjas, warring gods, programs in the grid, superheroes and villains, smackdown at the office, rival mafias, land vs. the sea... and the same cast of characters assume the roles in each scenario. The reality of the thing is that they're all roleplaying dorks just having a good time. Would work best online or on handhelds, or possibly on the Café's controller screens. That was not a very brief description at all, but it's a new kind of idea; does anything fit the description "versus RPG" any more closely than Pokémon does? That is, the ONLY way to play is a the same time as someone else, and with competition in mind?

Curly: will probably end up being a Mario homage, where this guy's power-ups all rhyme with his name. Whirly Curly. Burly Curly. Curly Curly. Hurly Curly. Twirly Curly. Swirly Curly. We'll probably find a use for Girly Curly.

All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2011, 11:24:03 PM »
I had an idea after watching The Escapists Extra Credits episode on non combat gaming about one way I found interesting.

The story for the example is a murder mystery, but could be applied to just about anything. I just happen to know tropes and conventions for noir mysteries more than, say, Roman Empire Senate debate or what have you.

You start by selecting a character. I managed to think of three that would provide different enough experiences - a cop, the dead guys friend who is more hood gang type, and dead guy's girlfriend/wife/sister. You would have to go around the city and talk to people about what they know, what was seen to find the truth. 

The mechanics are where I'm most interested, though. All conversations would boil down to one of three types of response: THREAT, BRIBE, or EMPATHY. Everyone you interact with would have stats for each, as well as a stat for Trust, and which character you choose would have different bonuses. EX: if playing as a cop, you would have higher Intimidation, but have a harder time getting information from any thug type character, whereas the woman would have less intimidation, but builds empathy faster. 

Then there's lying. Any rime you respond, you can Lie or Bluff, which can get more information, but you can get caught, and the persons TRUST meter would decrease. 

EX: an EMPATHY lie could be something like feigning interest in an old ladies cat, because she might then be willing to tell you that she saw a person when she Mr. Bonkers out, but can backfire if she feels you're patronizing her, or the woman, who would have better interactions with some men and women, could fake interest in a guy, and try to get info over dinner. Oversell it, and he might expect sex without any pertinant info to give. Bluffing a BRIBE would be like dressing in seemingly better clothes, that look fancier, and would work against less knowledgable people, but would lower the trust of actually rich people. 

A simpler way to put it would be THREAT would flaunt your power, Bluff THREAT would exaggerate that power. Power Not being strictly physical. 
EMPATHY would show interest, Bluff EMPATHY would show interest in something not related to the murder. 
BRIBE would offer something in return, Bluff BRIBE would imply a greater return for their information. 

Each characters TRUST level is affecting by mostly random checks against your statements. They'll call you out, and if you were truthful, TRUST increases. If you were lying, it goes down. If you covered your lies, or responded certain ways, trust would also increase. Certain character combinations build TRUST faster or slower. Cop talking to thug, slower trust, cop talking to upper-middle class, faster trust. Sister/girlfriend talking with biker, some would have less trust, others more nuetral, because some people are more sexist/mysogistic. And so on.  

Another part of interacting is how you say what you say. You can say THREAT, EMPATHY, or BRIBE statements in four ways: Angry/Energetic, Blunt/Flat, Subtle, or Sarcastic/Ironic.

Angry/Energetic would be full of enthusiasm, and can provide the most return, but highest fail rate, because someone might be put off by excessiveness. 

Subtle would make you motives less obvious, so it will work more often, but if the person starts to notice you're doing it, their TRUST would decrease, even if it was always the truth. 

Blunt/Flat is just that, just plain asking them for the information. 

Sarcastic/Ironic would be clever wordplay and have potentially more humor to it. I actaully haven't fleshed this out as much. 

And finally, speed of response. How quickly a response it input affects how much control of the conversation the person thinks he has. Too fast too often, they feel pressured and it can seem agressive, or the flip side, makes the player character look anxious, and they feel in control. Too slow a response and they may question your sincerity, causing more TRUST checks.

The same basic system could be used for combat purposes as well, with the equivelant of a THREAT response choice being a very forward agressive attack, whereas EMPATHY could be avoiding the enemies attack. Fights would occur, seeing as you would be talking to all manner of people, from cops to neighbors to biker gang memebers, and not everyone will like the questions you ask or even just not like you. I think if THREAT got to high, TRUST got too low, and the char is set up to be more physical, it would trigger a fight, but I don't really know.

Oh, and the actual method of input is inspired by the Mass Effect ring system. The left stik would be THREAT, BRIBE, EMPATHY, right stick would be Agressive, Blunt, Subtle, Sarcastic, holding one of the triggers would make it a Bluff. It would always say those, unlike ME having key words and phrases about what the said line would be, which I feel can lead to less certainty on how Sheperd will react. Leave it at the basic THREAT, etc. and you'll always know the type of response at least. 

I can't really hope to be able to make this, unfortunately, since it would need a bunch of experts in language and sociology, and a slew of writing staff, a lot of man hours to write and record the many different conversation permutations, an actually good story, and that's before you even get to the engine and programming. 

So, if anyone ever strikes it rich, decides to make a video game, and likes this, I am totally willing to give up any claim to this. I would rather see this in a game than it wallow away in my head because of legal issues. I get that forum posts aren't exactly the hieght of legal athority, but still. Use it if you want, no strings attached.

Way tl;dr version - murder mystery wrapped around sociological experiment of speech and trust and how they are affected by societal classes using game system not based on violence that is free for the taking. Also, go watch Extra Credits, it's great.
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking


« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 12:51:07 AM »
Mario still needs to do an RTS to complete his genre repertoire (unless Pikmin counts as a Mario game).
"I was going to post and say "I have one of those!" because I recognized the hair immediately, but then the rest of the pic loaded and I nearly spit my drink out."

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 10:13:32 AM »
I'm liking the results from this thread.

Here's another one from me. It's nothing special really:

It's an isometric racer a la RC Pro Am or Mickey's Racing Adventure (two great games by Rare, mind you). The game features a story mode that takes place in a world where cars are living beings (think PIXAR's Cars) and are "raised" by humans sorta like steeds (think Thomas the Tank Engine). In between racing you have an RPG overworld to explore, with towns to visit and dungeons to crawl. The dungeons are where you dig up parts and stuff for your car. Enemies appear in the form of random encounters: if you meet one, you have to beat 1-3 opponents in a race of varying laps. If you win, you recieve XP, currency and items. If you lose or quit the race, you lose some currency. Each dungeon has a boss car that guards a legendary part of some sort. In addition to enemy cars, you also have "driver battles" (think Pokemon) where you must race a fellow driver. These of course, can't be quit. Finally, the game has various circuit races (basically a Grand Prix) where you can enter your car in hopes of winning a trophy.

Like I said, it's nothing special, but I've always wanted to see a revival of isometric racers and having a game with extra meat on it seems like a good way to do so.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 11:54:12 AM by The Chef »


  • Tortuga
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2011, 11:32:23 AM »
I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while now...

An Indiana Jones knock-off homage gets a call to investigate radio signals/radiation/something weird emanating from one of the pyramids in Egypt.  He enters the structure, and at first it's exactly what you would expect in a standard video game desert level - lots of scorpions, snakes, mummies, and booby traps.  It quickly becomes clear, though, that the pyramid is much larger than anyone thought, and that only about 5% of it is above ground and visible.  Anyway, not long after entering the place, he meets a bunch of aliens (think of the Moogles as they appear in the Kingdom Hearts series, or perhaps the Mimigas in Cave Story), who, as it turns out, are descendants of the aliens who crashed the pyramid - which is really a gigantic spaceship - on Earth millenia ago.  Now, they explain to the player character that the ship was originally a huge space zoo/menagerie that houses exotic and dangerous specimens from all over the universe.  When the aliens crashed the ship, most of the creatures were set free, with the majority of the non-aggressive creatures being killed and eaten by the more predatory beasts not long after.  These more dangerous animals also prevent the [technologically advanced, but physically lacking and woefully under-equipped, not to mention extremely xenophobic] aliens from repairing the internal damage to the ship, so they had no choice but to bury their ship, buckle in, and try to live out their days in peace, without being discovered by human society.  Until now, that is - due to reasons that aren't yet clear (as in, I haven't thought of an excuse yet), the ship's distress signal has been activated.  To avoid being discovered by the humans when the rescue party lands, the aliens enlist the protagonist's help (and offer to pay him in gold and jewels) to infiltrate all the ship's synthetic habitats, dodging all the nasty stuff along the way, and reactivate the functions necessary to dig the ship out, cloak it from human sensors, and get it back in space.

Gameplay would be sidescrolling and nonlinear, focusing on navigating the environment and finding power ups to reach certain points, or vice-versa.  As far as equipment goes, the character would start only with a revolver, which wouldn't do much damage to the more powerful beasts roaming the ship, but upon meeting the aliens will be given an energy shotgun.  This will be the bread-and-butter secondary weapon for most of the game.  In addition to packing a punch at short range, the shotgun would have recoil which could be abused while in midair to gain extra height and distance for sequence breaking - think the Bombs in the Metroid games - with good timing, an alternation between firing downward and reloading (the shotgun has unlimited ammo, but only one shot per clip), the player would be able to get a good amount of height, far more than what the basic jump would offer.  Over the course of the game, either through shops or acquired items, it would be possible to decrease the reload time for the shotgun and/or increase the recoil through attached modules.  This would hold true for all the weapons in the game; they level up through use, gaining additional slots for additional mods, Ratchet and Clank-style.  Other ideas for equipment are a whip (because, again, the player character is basically Indiana Jones), which would let you swing from stuff and grab enemies and items; an upgrade to the revolver to shoot fire, ice, and electric bullets; and different clothing items, which would be things like boots to increase jumping height, armor to decrease damage taken, or a rebreather to give the player an unlimited air supply when underwater or in other such situations without breathable air.  Again, these items would be either (1) available at shops, in the case of the more common and generic stuff, like the armor, and paid for with money dropped from defeated enemies; or (2) found in tricky locations around the ship, in the case of the rarer stuff like the rebreather.

Environments would be standard video game fare: variations on jungle, ice, water, and volcano environments, but maybe some weirder stuff, too - I was thinking of having one area be a damaged holodeck that cycles between a bunch of different environments both synthetic and based on nature.

For the graphics, I would go with sprites as opposed to 3D models.  Nothing as ugly as 8-bit, mind you, but perhaps about this quality.  Art style would be more cartoony than realistic, with exaggerated proportions and animations.

Music would be all over the place, not nailed down to any one genre (although a recurring main theme, such as the one found in Super Mario World would be kind of neat); instead, the genre would largely depend on the area, and shamelessly conform to stereotypes in some cases.  Ambient sounds are fine, but I feel like we need more stuff with melodies these days.

tl;dr: Metroid Fusion meets Cave Story meets Ratchet and Clank, with sequence breaking.
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"
