
Author Topic: reasons why you hate X-box  (Read 2354 times)

« on: January 30, 2002, 10:45:21 AM »
Do you hate X-Box? I do. Here's why.

1. It doesn't have any Mario games.
2. All of its games are horrible.
3. It costs too much.
4. It's just an excuse for Bill Gates to make even more money.
5. It isn't as portable as gamecube.
6. All Microsoft cares about are graphics and the power of their system. They don't even care about making their games fun.
7. It has dumb tv commercials and advertisements.
8. It isn't made by Nintendo.

 I''m-a Luigi, number one!
 I''''m-a Luigi, number one!

« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2002, 04:03:04 PM »
  Here's what I think

1) No good games
2) Too big
3) Too expensive
4) Focus too much on graphics and too little on the actual games.
5) Doesn't have Mario games


« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2002, 04:06:12 PM »
I also hate X-Box.  And Internet Explorer. And Microsoft Office.  And just about everything else Microsoft!

I am an Alien from Outer Space...and I do not appreciate Earthlings disbelieving in me!
Why is the word ''dictionary'' in the dictionary? If you don't know what a dictionary is, you wouldn't know to look in the dictionary to find the definition of dictionary.

« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2002, 09:42:58 PM »
I don't hate the XBox, just the company who made it.

Anyway, my reasons are...

1.It is made by Microsoft(It made seem like a dumb reason, but remember, Microsoft have a history of screwing people over!).

2.Doesn't have Shigeru Miyamoto working for it.

3.Doesn't have a truckload of first-party franchises like Nintendo.

4.Have too many games that is already on te Playstation 2.

5.Doesn't have a super popular hand-held system where popular games can be transported to it and people can play their favorite games whenever they like.

6.Doesn't have enough experience like Nintendo or Sony(Although their tactics are somewhat similar to Sony's).

7.Doesn't have a fighter like Super Smash Brothers Melee, but have a pornographic game called "Dead or Alive 3" where perverts only buy instead.

8.Doesn't have a platform game with multiple little fun tasks like Super Mario 64 and Spyro.

9.Isn't Japanese(It may sound racist, but I prefer japanese games to American games any day. C'mon! Mario and Zelda is japanese! And I can't live without them!)

10.Their system crashed at E3(I heard of this alot of times. Their system crashed at the world's most popular video game convention. In front of dozens of video game developers. This won't go well for them)

There are my reasons, but those are the reasons why I refuses to buy an XBox. It's not because I hate it.

A World Without Nintendo Is A World Without Video Games.

Nintendo, Born To Play.
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2002, 11:39:04 AM »
Well the xbox does suck. It does have A FEW good games. Such as halo, Jet set Future, Max Payne. BUT it is: Made by Micrsoft, Endorced by wrestlers, Speculations of my computer from 4 years ago.

Vicious- Me and you, the same blood runs in you and me. The blood of a beast who wonders disiring the blood of others.

Spike- I''ve bled all that blood away.

-Cowboy Bebop
Small Console = Big Ballz

« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2002, 09:54:42 PM »
OK *cracks knuckles* time to enlighten...

1. It doesn't have any Mario games.
2. All of its games are horrible.
3. It costs too much.
4. It's just an excuse for Bill Gates to make even more money.
5. It isn't as portable as gamecube.
6. All Microsoft cares about are graphics and the power of their system. They don't even care about making their games fun.
7. It has dumb tv commercials and advertisements.
8. It isn't made by Nintendo.

Of course it doens't have any nintendo games! Neither did the dreamcast and playstatoin. Does that make it a worse console?

Umm.. It costs just as much as a PS2 only does more, yet I see very little anti-PS2 stuff here...

EVERYBODY wants to make money. Do you think that Nintendo is in it just out of the goodness of thier heart?

Isn't as portable... hmmmm if you can't easily carry 9 lbs then get out from in front of the TV and exercise!

Only cares about graphics... hey it looks **** good...

Hey, the commercials are actually pretty funny.. and i'm sure they arn't hard of hearing.
Ummm... it's called the MICROSOFT X-box for a reason...

1) No good games
2) Too big
3) Too expensive
4) Focus too much on graphics and too little on the actual games.
5) Doesn't have Mario games

Already covered those...

5.Doesn't have a super popular hand-held system where popular games can be transported to it and people can play their favorite games whenever they like.

I haven't seen a GC game yet that links up with the GBA. Also, it's not like you are gonna be able to play the actual game in all it's glory, probably more like transport saves...

7.Doesn't have a fighter like Super Smash Brothers Melee, but have a pornographic game called "Dead or Alive 3" where perverts only buy instead.

Umm... OK Do you even know what pornography is? Ok, so it's a little over the top, but i wouldn't consiter "bouncy" porn. Perverts? Oh please.. maybe people buy it because it's the only good fighting game out right now?

10.Their system crashed at E3(I heard of this alot of times. Their system crashed at the world's most popular video game convention. In front of dozens of video game developers. This won't go well for them)

Yeah well what you play in your house isn't an E3 model. They do change those thing after shows like that and that could have just been an early model.

Well the xbox does suck. It does have A FEW good games. Such as halo, Jet set Future, Max Payne. BUT it is: Made by Micrsoft, Endorced by wrestlers, Speculations of my computer from 4 years ago.

I think you mean "specifications"? Well no.. 4 years about im' pretty sure everybody was all happy about the 300MHz MMX or around there.. i'm not sure. Anyway, the GameCube runs off of a 400 or 450MHz PowerPC processor, the x-box 700MHz P3. If you want to argue numbers, the x-box is the clear winner except in memory bandwidth.

Also the title of this thread is a little loaded...
