
Author Topic: Stupid PlayStation...  (Read 8214 times)

« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2002, 11:45:06 AM »
i say we get the gamecube and x-box and stick it up your @$$ mario maniac! oh, and i dont hate nintendo cuz i have a 64 and snes

« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2002, 01:37:33 PM »
GO PURPLE YOSHI!!!!!!!!!!!
A world without Nintendo=Hell and the Devil!!!

Luigi-Mario your looking thin!
Mario-You think I lost weight?

Wario-Ahhhhh I love swimming in my pool of pretty woman.
Pretty Woman-WE LOVE YOU WARIO!!
Wario-Life is good.....
*Wakes up*
Wario-Darn, it was a dream!!
I thought it was real!!

Bowser-Its the end for you Mario!!
Mario-Here comes my secret weapon!!
*Pulls out pair of sissors*
Mario-I will cut you to ribbon!!
Bowser-AAAHHH!! Noooooo!!!!

« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2002, 01:40:26 PM »
I like sonic......He is soooo kool.
is there a game for any Nintendo system where you chose a car and you go after items and if other people gt them you gotta drive into them?

Luigi-Mario your looking thin!
Mario-You think I lost weight?

Wario-Ahhhhh I love swimming in my pool of pretty woman.
Pretty Woman-WE LOVE YOU WARIO!!
Wario-Life is good.....
*Wakes up*
Wario-Darn, it was a dream!!
I thought it was real!!

Bowser-Its the end for you Mario!!
Mario-Here comes my secret weapon!!
*Pulls out pair of sissors*
Mario-I will cut you to ribbon!!
Bowser-AAAHHH!! Noooooo!!!!

« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2002, 02:54:18 PM »
i was just at kmart with my bro who was getting back photos
while there i saw a little stand with a gc xbox and a ps2 all for you to play
these two little kids were playing the gc and ps2, but no one was playing the xbox!!
ha ha!

''''dig it, cats and kittens''''>>>neutrino (tmnt)

« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2002, 04:06:28 AM »
Aw, c'mon Mario Maniac.

Yes, Boltman and Bandicootbuddy may like Sony/Microsoft characters, but so what?

Mario may reign supreme on my favorite character list, but he isn't the only one there.

I also like Link, Kirby(Even though he is kind of creepy), Spyro, Samus Aran, and various other characters.

Yes, I do know that my list of favorite characters are completely dominated by Nintendo characters, but that is why I'm a Nintendo fan, ain't I?

Okay, so Boltman and Bandicootbuddy may seem to like those characters alot, but they most likely love Mario over them. That's why they're on a Mario fansite, aren't they?

You gotta know that anybody who comes onto a Mario fansite and insult him will get flame so much that Hell would feel like Antartica compare to what it would feel like here.

A World Without Nintendo Is A World Without Video Games.

Nintendo, Born To Play.
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2002, 03:57:07 AM »
the sad truth is , i prefer wario over ll oh them.

« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2002, 03:57:08 AM »
the sad truth is , i prefer wario over all oh them.

« Reply #37 on: March 01, 2002, 02:29:31 PM »
Hey, no need for rude comments towards me. I like all the systems. I have a Game Cube, NES, SNES, N64, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and a GBA to my PlayStation and PlayStation2. I never said that these other systems are better, I just said give 'em a chance since there ARE great games for the others. Besides, did you see my sig? It's from my favorite videogame ever... this game was created by Nintendo for the NES. And my second favorite game would be Mario3. All my favorite games are Mario based. ^_^

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.
*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

« Reply #38 on: March 01, 2002, 06:01:05 PM »
ok read my sig,point blank.

I like my Gamecube with plenty of koopa stomping Mario
my Sega with plenty of Sonic Speed
my playstation with no bandi-cooties
my TV with chock full of Anime
and "that dum microsoft system" in millions of pieces!!!!Bwahahahahaha!!!!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #39 on: March 01, 2002, 07:42:03 PM »
PlayStation sucks, but XBOX is the worst system there ever was and ever will be.


It is I the Big Bad Bowser!

C.A. Osnoe

Edited by - BigBadBowser on 3/1/2002 6:01:36 PM
It is I the Big Bad Bowser!
