
Author Topic: Why i hate the KGB.  (Read 3451 times)

« on: March 01, 2002, 10:58:12 PM »
  Just thought i'd let you all know the truth as i know it...cause...yes...i know things. Luigi as we know him now is a fraud! a fake! We are seeing a fake...while i can't proove this i have a thoery. The KGB...yes the Russian secret service has decieved us again. The story starts way back when in SMB
We see our "HERO" Mario in all his communist glory lowering peace flags and raising communist stars as he goes...Luigi the poor soul with noone else to look up to follows in mario's footsteps a victim of a bad role model as most are. But later Luigi showed sings of change he defied the Communist thoughts Mario belived he had rooted in his brain. Luigi spoke of change...and for the KGB that could not be allowed so they acted....they sent a highly trained agent to infiltrate deep into the steps the agressor.....Yoshi....yes yoshi known to be a kindly little dinasaur...but what do we really know about him? these supposed fun loving creatures eat others to grow larger that doesn't seem too friendly to me. Once this agent was securely in place Yoshi was given word. The hit came shortly after Mario Kart and Luigi was taken to explain why he never appears in Mario RPG or Mario this time the KGB was training a new Luigi...a replacement. so in conclusion i have but one thing to say...Stop the lies! Luigi is dead. Long live Luigi!

« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2002, 12:08:51 AM »
Huh? Man do you need a reality check!

I like my Gamecube with plenty of koopa stomping Mario
my Sega with plenty of Sonic Speed
my playstation with no bandi-cooties
my TV with chock full of Anime
and "that dum microsoft system" in millions of pieces!!!!Bwahahahahaha!!!!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2002, 12:49:12 AM »
 No!  I refuse to believe it!  I believe that Princess Peach was secretly having a relationship with Luigi, being the more attractive brother, and was seeing him on the sly.  Mario had no clue of this, but the Princess knew everything that was going on and sent word to Luigi who managed to go into hiding and is waiting for the right moment to come out. In the meantime, Toad and his fellow mushroom-people are sending him supplies. No way Luigi would just go down like that!  He has too many admirers!There's going to be a show-down between Mario and Luigi!  It's only to be expected!  The Russian Communist against the Italian Peace-Keeper!  LUIGI ALL THE WAY!

Blessed are the heartless, for they do not feel. - Fenris, bringer of Ragnarok
Blessed are the heartless, for they do not feel. - Fenris, bringer of Ragnarok

« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2002, 01:57:44 AM »
Ya I agree with the girl...uh Whatever she said uh.... Help!!! frostbite what do you make of this? I think its one person trying to freak me out that's it!!!

I like my Gamecube with plenty of koopa stomping Mario
my Sega with plenty of Sonic Speed
my playstation with no bandi-cooties
my TV with chock full of Anime
and "that dum microsoft system" in millions of pieces!!!!Bwahahahahaha!!!!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2002, 07:50:42 AM »
i dont care what u say man yoshi didnt kill luigi.
"The bigger they are, the harder I fight."

« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2002, 01:12:26 PM »
God, what are these forums coming to?

« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2002, 02:23:12 PM »
A lovely place.

Edited by Deezer on 3/2/02 at 15:34:53

« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2002, 09:23:00 PM »
Russian communists? Hey, did you get this from that Mario comic on some website? It was about how Mario is really a communists.

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2002, 12:46:00 PM »
(I'm speaking in robotic voice...)
Kill luigi.Kill luigi.Kill luigi!!!!
I want Him dead!!Get rid of that thin Mario wannabe!!! in Mario party 2,when he is the winner,he says"Yahoo!I'm finished!!!"
And it sounds like he says"Yahoo!I'm Thinest!"
And that's saying that Toad,Mario,peach,DK and Wario are fat!!!!!!!!
I think the others should say"You know I'm watching my weight!!!!"
Anyways....KILL LUIGI!!!!!(Echos)

Paper Mario:Aha!!!!!
Bowser,I have you this time!
I went too this place called the "3D" world and snatched a bucket!!!!
Bowser:So?Your point is?
Mario(In a quick voice):
And I filled it with water!
Mario:And guess what I took along the way???
*Mario pulls a tub that already is filled*
Bowser:Wha-!You do-....
Mario(Interupts bowser):
Your days are over!!!!
So long-a bowser!
*Mario drags bowser into Tub*

« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2002, 07:16:17 PM »
No tis mein thoery! i steal ideas from none! You all refuse to believe the truth! The truth i say!!! TRUUUUUTHHH!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!....*cough*....excuse me...i have problems sometimes...i need my coffee...
Please can i have some...jus...a lil?...please?

« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2002, 07:22:11 PM »
That is a insult to Luigi, the better of the two! I wanted to type in all caps but its against the rules. :-(
frostbite, destroy VidioGameConspericy!
*frostbite destroys him*

« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2002, 07:22:17 PM »
That is a insult to Luigi, the better of the two! I wanted to type in all caps but its against the rules. :-(

Ciao!- LuigiMario333
frostbite, destroy VidioGameConspericy!
*frostbite destroys him*

« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2002, 08:40:54 PM »
kids these days..
clone me
