
Author Topic: It's Raining...  (Read 3477 times)

« on: March 21, 2002, 09:17:36 AM »
It's Raining! It's Pouring! Cranky Kong's snoring! I'm bored.................................

The Midnight Reviver Revives Old Topics At Midnight!!!

Skate: 0-/<):

What? you don''t want to skate? Well then snowboard: 0-\<\
200 characters and nothing to say.

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2002, 10:41:46 AM »
Ha ha... Very... um, interesting... I'm bored too! I'm skipping my lunch at school to post topics at TMK!

"Bwa ha ha! Guess who it is, loyal Mario fans...

It is I, King Bowser... ruler of all Koopas, big and small. I have come to take over the Mushroom Kingdom (no, not the place...I mean the WEB SITE!)! Deezer, you will surrender your troops to me, or else you will never see your precious Mario again! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2002, 10:55:54 AM »
I'm on Spring Break...and it's I'm bored...

The Midnight Reviver Revives Old Topics At Midnight!!!

Skate: 0-/<):

What? you don''t want to skate? Well then snowboard: 0-\<\
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2002, 04:34:49 PM »
You can post during school? At our crummy, inferior, junky school, we can only use the Internet for research.  The librarians are EXTREMELY strict on that policy.

Microsoft X-Box unanimously voted "Worst Game Console There Ever Was And Ever Will Be"
I am a Mario Hacker! Specializing in SMB1. Hacks completed: 1
Why is the word ''dictionary'' in the dictionary? If you don't know what a dictionary is, you wouldn't know to look in the dictionary to find the definition of dictionary.

« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2002, 08:09:51 AM »
At least some of you have school. I'm having my summer break, i couldn't do anything and i can't even contact my friends. At least you get to see your friends at a regular basis in school.
The younger shall surpass the older.

« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2002, 08:56:23 AM »
     At least some of you have friends. I have a few people I talk to.....but I'm not shure if I would call them friends or not. I don't have any best friends though. You know, people you spend the night with, and go to eachothers houses to play Video Games with. So I'm on this message board alot. I'm not shure if you all like me here or not. But here I am! I'm on Spring Break too. It's fun because I don't realy like school. School's kinda boring if you're lonly... I've been here a long time. Just check back in the posts. I used to call myself ZimStar so look for the name change topic I made for it. Then look way back to the first time I posted as Zimstar. It may be the (Why are Video Games not a Sport?) topic. It was one of my earlier ones. But It mat not be my first post. I'm not shure. So I've realy been here a long time.

(MagiKoopa+spelling change to Magic+The 120 Power Stars from SM64=MagicKoopa120!)

« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2002, 02:31:30 PM »
i'm with magikoopa here, at least some of you have friends
actually i do have a lot of friends, but one moved across the country and another moved out to hawaii
but i still do have friends

0 0-/< in honor of all our fallen comrades, may they go to a better place >\-0<
who wants to buy a skunkle?

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2002, 10:58:49 PM »
 Wow, it must be really depressing to not have any friends. I have always considered myself kind of a shy person, but I was able to make friends in school, females are a different subject, though.
 Hmmm, it must be even more depressing if you can't make friends online either....
 But thats not the case, I hope. There is someone out there for everyone, whether it be a friend or a mate. It all depends really. I do wish you guys luck though.

« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2002, 07:54:16 PM »
You have trouble making friends? Well... I'll be your friend then! You don't mind having your friend as a girl do you? As for me I have trouble finding boyfriends (I think I'll be single for a while!), so don't feel bad! I just have a whole bunch of close friends.
~Princess Strawberry Sweet
 *Sweet ''n sugary*

« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2002, 03:09:06 PM »
i'll be your friend, everyone
<nice to see us all pulling together, and that i'm not the only one having trouble getting a date>

0 0-/< in honor of all our fallen comrades, may they go to a better place >\-0<
who wants to buy a skunkle?

« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2002, 07:24:35 PM »

F is for Frinds that do stuff together!

U is for You and Me!!!

N is for fun Anywhere at anytime at all right here in this Mario Forum!

Boomo arigatou gazaima[dukar]a! and have a nice day!

and to make this sig even hideosely longer:I''''ve joined  Forum under the name "MangaMan".  
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2002, 07:37:56 PM »
I have my share of friends. The only problem is that my one friend, David, is a Trekkie and I'm a Star Wars fan so we often get into arguements.

 I''m-a Luigi, number one!
 I''''m-a Luigi, number one!

« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2002, 08:34:52 PM »
     I am touched :') I haven't been replying a whole lot lately. This site was getting too boring. It was becomeing one big flamewar. I checked some topics a little while back though. I didn't check this though. If so not as detailed as I did today. Wow this is amazing that you all are banning together like this! Mostly becauese of what I said. WOW my non-existant social life made this a happy topic. If only this joy could spread throught this forum. As for my social life.....I thnk I may actualy be getting a friend. Kind of. I think he we might exchange E-mail addreses, maybe even the information needed to get eachother on MSN Messenger. Of corse I shouldn't get too exited, though. It may be alot of waisted time if I fail again. But......if I actualy end up with a best friend........or even just a may be nice. Also this other kid I was thinking of becomeing friends with spoke to me a little today, too. How do you keep friends? Is there alot of arguments? What do you do with a friend? Play video games and talk I guess. Well...I think I may come back to this forum. I do admit that it was getting a little boring. It seemed like all you poeple did was fight eachother or Grimsack. But now I'm getting interested again. You people can actualy be NICE. You can say nice things to eachother. This meens that this site isn't one big flame war. It realy does have nice people on it. I may come back then. Thank you all for replying.

(MagiKoopa+spelling change to Magic+The 120 Power Stars from SM64=MagicKoopa120!)

« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2002, 03:14:13 AM »
 . . . men.

I'm sorry, it's just that this topic's been up for a while now, and every time I see it I start thinking of that song.

As you were.  :D
Chiichana mune, okkina hitomi . . .

« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2002, 05:38:24 PM »
hi!i know what it is like feeling like you're left out. but i just started to act myself and tryed to talk more to people and be really nice and easy to talk to and now i have the three best friends ever in the whole world! don't be afraid to speak out and be goofy sometimes (although i have no idea if you have already been doning that or not.)To answer your question, yes, there are times when friends get in arguments. i've just had a magor one a couple weeks ago, and now i feel like i'm even closer to her. any way, i'll be your friend if it's ok that i am a girl.
