
Author Topic: THEY BLEEPED THE WORD ***!?!?!?!?!?!?!  (Read 4901 times)

« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2002, 07:40:05 PM »
i liiked pokemon when i was in grade 6 only

Mario:Ive quit my job as a plumber and i''ve become a sleasy pizzaman
Snifit:Id like a large with double mushrooms please.
Mario:here you go.
Snifit:This pizza tastes like @$$ and i feel funny now.
Mario:Well i didnt want to go and pick fresh grade A mushrooms case i''d have to drive a few miles to the supermarket Instead I bought the red ones from some drug dealin kid, and i picked the white ones from the little spot in my backyard where yoshi does his business.

« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2002, 12:08:20 AM »
I'm to s exy for name,to s exy for my Mario,to s exy for my Nintendo...

You shall die a Hideous Death,just as GrimSack did,MarioSpiceMeat- Colonel MamaMia Mario
200 characters and nothing to say.
