
Author Topic: Weird  (Read 3389 times)

« on: April 01, 2002, 12:59:56 PM »
Okay, I had the weirdest idea. since the whole clan thing has taken root, I decided to try to make a story about that, in the mario world.

Mario lounged in a plastic chair while luigi mowed the lawn in front of the pipe house. "Hey! Luigi! Ya missed a spot!" he said.
"Why don't you get off of your rear and help?!" shouted Luigi.Just then parakary stopped in front of mario and gave him a letter. He then flew off. Mario read: "Dear Mario, I am having a party, everyone will be there, even the princess of sarasaland. I have never met her, but she sounds nice.
P.S. BYOB(bring your own brother)
"Hey luigi, Shut it off! We're going to a party!"
The brothers eagerly went to their warp pipe, (which they had installed themselves)and went to toad town. It was a beautiful day. They entered the castle. There were very important people inside. They looked for peach but she was nowhere to be found. Luigi had bumped into a woman wearing a yellow dress. "Pardon me madam." said luigi apoligetically.
"Daisy!" cried mario.
"huh? You know her?" said luigi.
"yea! I helped her out on my vacation. Big purple alien got hold of her. How are things in sarasaland?"
"I'm afraid We're not doing too well." said she, " We're having a bit of trouble with two groups calling themselves the Shadow and Light clans."
"I don't recall them." said mario.
"They usually don't like to be seen." she said. "but recently they've been causing alll kinds of trouble. It seems that they've gotten mad at each other for some reason or another. some sacred symbol being stolen, but both sides say they never took the other's symbol. I can't make peace with them until they are both returned.
"We'll help you!" bursted Luigi, who had stayed quiet untill now.
"Yea!" said mario.

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2002, 07:21:38 PM »
gosh, it's like people see my name next to a post and decide they dont want to look at it. oh well, I'll continue it anyway for no reason.

Just then, peach showed up. "hey!" she said. "Who's your friend?"
"This is Daisy, princess of Sarasaland."
"Pleased to meet you. You have very noble freinds. They have offered to help me." Said Daisy.
"What seems to be the problem?" asked peach, concerned.
"Well..." Daisy explained the situation to peach.
"Well, I insist you let me help as well." said peach. Toad!' she said, not quite yelling, but somehow one could hear it across the room. "Toad!" A little toad was jumping up and down, trying to reach the punch bowl, when he heard peach calling him.
"Daisy, this is toad, my most loyal mushroom retainer. He shall acompany myself and the mario brothers to your kingdom."
"That's awfully generous of you, Princess toadstool."
"Please, call me peach. everybody else does."
So they all went out to Sarasaland the following day. Mario and Daisy led the party. They came to a hotel. "We should rest here for the night." said daisy. They entered the hotel and checked in. Toad slept in the drawer of the mario brothers' room, and The two princesses shared a room. In the middle of the night, Toad woke up. He heard a sound, He looked around, but could barely see in the dark. He continued to liste. No more sound. He was just about to snuggle into his nice cozy drawer again, but a hand slapped over his mouth and he was carried off.
The next morning, Toad was nowhere to be found, Mario had looked everywhere. They decided that, toad had been kidnapped and needed rescuing.

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2002, 07:29:52 PM »
Hey that's good! I read the whole thing too!

Boomo arigatou gazaima[dukar]a! and have a nice day!

and to make this sig even hideosely longer:I''''ve joined  Forum under the name "MangaMan".  
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2002, 10:17:55 PM »
screech thats a coll story

jake langford
jake langford

« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2002, 04:59:45 PM »
"Great!" Mario muttered. "Just great! We lost toad! How could we lose toad?"
Mario looked at the huge set of footprints. They appeared to be made by some kind of soft soled shoes. Mario followed them until he came to a clearing. The footsteps kind of stopped. After a few minutes the rest of the group cuaght up with him. "Look!" He said, pointing to the ground. "Ooh! I get so mad when they do that!" Daisy said. "This is the work of the shadow clan!" they always cover their tracks! Huh? What's that?"
"What's what?" Asked peach.
A flute could be heard playing in the distance. The music was heavenly! THey all sat there for several minutes, listening, untill they decided to find the one playing. They pushed through some trees and bushes to discover a man, sitting on a stump with his legs resting on another stump, playing a small flutelike instrument. they Walked up beside him and he stopped playing. "Hello." he said.
"Who are you?" asked Luigi.
"I am Yo Mahmood of the light clan."
"You play beautifully." said peach. "But what is that instrument? I have never seen it before."
"It is called an occarina." he said. "Some believe it has magical properties."
Daisy commented, "Did you say you were from the light clan?"
"Why, yes my lady. And who might you be?"
They introduced themselves.
"Maybe you could help us find our fiend!"Mario said. "he was captured by the shadow clan."
"Ah. Such kidnappings are probably not uncommon of the likes of the shadow clan." he said through gritted teeth. "I shall help you find your friend for it shall be a defeat for the Shadow clan, even if a small one."

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2002, 04:07:43 PM »
They went deeper into the woods. It grew darker as the vegetation grew thicker. Finally they reached an area no different from any other in the forest.
"The shadow clan comes together to meet in a secret place. It is only told to members of the clan. I have only discovered it after years of looking. You will soon see the entrance." Pulling out his ocarina, he played an incredibly slow, sad song. The ground shook and opened up. A huge gatelike passage appeared. He stopped playing, and opened the door.
"Stop!" They heard a voice say. "What business do you have here and why do you bring the scourge of the light clan into our prsence?!" He shouted.
Mario was about to explain, but daisy stepped forward. " I am daisy, Princess of sarasaland! And we have come to rescue our friend!" She said forcefully.
They heard a gasp. Then several other gasps followed. Soon, the entire room was filled with robed figures. THe one that seemed to be the leader walked up. "My apologies, princess! I am dark link of the shadow clan. We humbly grant whatever you may ask."
"We have come for our freind." said daisy in a much quieter, gentler manner."
"What freind is this?" He asked. "We have no freid of the princess, or anybody for that matter. We do not keep people here unless they are a threat to us."
"He lies!" Cried yo mahmood, from the back of the group. "He is one of the evil shadow clan! Do not believe him!"
"And who are you to judge us?!" Cried dark link.
The two raced to the middle of the room and began to fight. They used a variety of martial arts moves as well as some attacks that were logiccally impossible. Summoning blasts of energy, warping to different parts of the room, and jumping extremely high were just a few. Finally, daisy and Peach stopped them. "That's another reason we came here!" Scolded daisy."You two are causing riots all over sarasaland! Either move your fighting to another place or stop entirely!"
"Agreed." both clan leaders said to each other.
"But if our clan didn't kidnap your friend..."
"And our clan certainly didn't..."
"Maybe it was an enemy of both clans!" volunteered Luigi.
"No. We clans are peacefull and make few enemies outside each other." Said dark link.
"Then who?" Said Mario.

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2002, 08:29:25 AM »
Shhh. I'm posting from scool. For some odd reason the school's computer recognizes me as mystery.

"It could be an enemy of Sarasaland, trying to pit the clans agains each other, In order to wreak total havoc." Said peach.
"What was it that started this whole thing? Some kind of precious symbol." Asked Mario.
"Ah yes." Said Dark link, "The stolen shadow gem. It is a dark jewel imbedded in a stone plaque shaped like a crescent moon."
"And Likewise our jewel was stolen. It is a ruby imbedded similarly in a stone plaque shaped like the sun." Said Yo mahmood.
"Then it stands to reason," mario pointed out "That if we find these jewels, we find the person who took them."
"That is easier said than done." Said dark link. "We do have some idea of where they are, But it is a long way off. We obtained this info through our spies, in the mushroom kingdom."
"TMK!" Peach screamed. "You put spies in MY kingdom!"
"Relax my lady. They are just on the lookout for the koopa clan, another clan we have rivalry with. They never bothered your citizens."
"C'mon peach, you can settle this later." Said daisy. "We're off to the MK!"
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2002, 11:25:37 PM »
They rushed to the mushroom kingdom on the first available flight(Sarasaland transportation is very modern). In the kingdom, everything was much the same as it always was. Daisy looked around for the eccentric looking toad, that dark link had told them about. She tripped over a small toad, with a pink shroom."Well, I guess that's pretty eccentric." She said. THe toad stood up and dusted himself off.
Daisy asked "Are you a shadow clan spy?" she asked.
The toad seemed to go pale as if he had seen a ghost. "You can't just go about doing that in broad daylight, wearing noticable bright colors!" He said.
"He calls ME noticable." said daisy.
He led them to a small house were noone could see them. "Now," He said "I can help you. Are you sent by dark link of the shadow clan? Or are you here of your own accord? I do not recall seeing you, before."
They discussed the matter of finding the symbol of shadow. It seemed that the toad had a very vague idea of who took it. "He was a big guy. Really ugly. He wore a spiked collar and had frizzy red hair and huge bushy eyebrows. He was a little chubby and really muscular. His ears made the most unusual shape. On his back he carried some sort of sheild, With spikes all over it. He had a short little tale under it so I guess he wasn't huuman. He also had seven little flunkies that were dressed in a cliche'd black ninja outfit."
Mario And luigi had trouble figuring this out. Then they tried to sketch a picture of the culprit. After several tries, they finally had a lead.

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2002, 07:21:51 PM »
Bowser sat in his fortress, in a large chair with holes in the back. He watched as his chief consultant/Court magician/royal wizard/scientist, kamek Performed a variety of tests and spells on the two stolen stones.
"Why can't you make them wotk!?" he stormed.
"Well, My master, Obviously something else is needed. I cannot figure out what, but it is equally important. A third stone perhaps, or a wand or token. something of magical value that activates the stones."
"Well find it! I need this so-called "ancient power"!"
"Yes, your majesty. Children! Your father has commanded it. Go to sarasaland and find what we need!"
A small koopa child with blue hair stepped forward. "How're we s'posed ta know what dis thing is?"
"I don't know, just find it and hurry! I don't want to be transformed into an eel."
The child bowed, as did six others. THen kamek, in turn bowed to bowser, and they were off.

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2002, 05:22:48 PM »
 Mario Burst into bowsers keep! "Bowser!" He screamed. "Don't you know when to quit?" He jumped over the lava pit, stepped around the bars of fire. He crawled beneath the flames shot by the rather ugly bowser statues. Finally he reached a bridge with an axe at the end. He sighed. "This again?" He searched for bowser. he was nowhere. "This isn't funny!" He walked cuatiously to the end of the bridge. Nothing happened. He saw a bag jumping up and down. With a strange sense of deja vu, he approached the bag. What he saw was definately not to be expected.
Wendy koopa jumped out of the bag! "About time." She said in a ditzy voice that sounded much like a new york accent."It was kinda stuffy in there."
Several pipes rose out of nowhere. And a fireball bounced around the room. "G'buy!" She said as she blew a kiss and went down one of the pipes. Mario was about to follow her when she seemed to pop up. Mario pounded her head, only to realize that it was stuffed. several came out at once. Mario had to use his judgement to hit the real one. after hours of this "cat and mouse" game, mario hit her one more time. in stead of her sticking out her toungue and making a farty noise, she fell through the pipe and dissapeared, never to be seen again, except in Snes ports on the GBA.

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2002, 08:46:09 AM »
Then Mario walked down the path to meet... KING BOWSER? "Wait a minute. You're not Bowser!" Mario said, staring at the bad mock-up.
"Nice going, Red!" The Yellow Koopa Bro. said from inside.
"Sheeesh. Do you stupid turtles ever give up? i'll take care of this!" Mario said, determined *Throws a strong punch, but misses!* "Owowowowow! I thought I hit you!" Mario said, fists throbbing.
"You are such a weakling! This is a state-of-the-art forcefield. It can block any thing!" Red said proudly.
"And it even keeps your neighbors' dogs away from-" Yellow said, with Green's hand covering him.
"Shut up!" Black Koopa Bro. said
"Don't tell me to shut up! this is what you deserve!" Yellow shouted, breaking the glass outside the room. By accident, they hit the "Deactivate Sheild" Button! Mario threw his strongest attacks and they were banished forever. The Koopas dissapeared, into the sky, making a small twinkling star.
"Mario. Mario. Mario! MARIO!" Bowser shouted.
"Get ready to rumblllllleeeee!" A toad said from inside his prison.
The two battled, until Mario realized something!
The axe and the fireflower!, Mario was thinking, If I can get either one, Bowser is finished!
He excitedly hurried over to the bridge. Bowser followed him. He went back a few steps and grabbed a fireflower! But, unfortunatly, Bowser had gotten hammers.
Thinking quickly, Mario pulled out a hologram machine and stuck where Bowser's hammers landed.
"Mwa-ha-ha! You are now defeated! Gwa-ha-ha-ha! Wait a minute... What the?- Nooooooooooo!!!!!" Bowser said, falling into the lava pool. Mario had tricked him and cut the bridge behind his back! Mario walked quickly over to the hopping sack, only to see Lemmy and a toad!
"Help me!" The toad cried.
"Nice knowing you, Super Moron!" Lemmy said with a demented laugh. He threw circus balls and fire at him, but they all missed.
Mario grabbed a ball and threw it at light-speed towards Lemmy. He was then thrown back so far, and hit the "Castle Selfdestruct" button. The computer counted down the seconds while Toad and Mario rushed out of the castle, leaving Lemmy stuck inside. He then was in te explosion, along with the castle. Lemmy was then sent into the world of Lakitus. Mario and Toad ran back to Sarasaland when...

An extremly rare and valuable Yoshi!
"Who want''''s to buy a gold Yoshi? Selling Price, $99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999!" (almost 10 Googols!)
(This is GoldenYoshi)
"How much does the $1.99 Popcorn Chicken cost?" ~ Classic Stupidity.

« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2002, 05:33:47 PM »
Why!!??? The one time someone dignifies my post with a reply, I already have the end planned out! I'm realllllly sorry, golden yoshi. Thanks for being the only one who cared to reply (Or even read it for that matter).
I have an idea, you continue that ending on another post and I'll continue the one I planned out on this post. That way, if people don't like my ending, they can read yours. can anyone say DVD?

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2002, 09:59:22 PM »
again I apolagize to golden yoshi, Who actually bothered to read this thing.

Mario crossed the bridge and went into the rather large room at the other side there was another bag. cautiously he opened it.
It was toad!
"C'mon, we gota leave." said Mario. They headed out the door.
"Just a minute punks!" said a deep voice. It was bowser. "I figured you'd be here somewhere." said mario.
"I smelt ya the moment I got outta the bag!" said toad.
Bowser lifted one hand. A panel in the ceiling opened up and two people tied together were lowered down on a rope.
"You know these Joes?" Bowser said with a laugh. Mario took a good look and realized that they were none other than, Yo Mahmood and dark link! Mario jumped at bowser, attempting to attack him but bowser swatted him back with his tail. "Now I have the stones and the Activator!" He pointed his other finger at kamek, who had just walked up behind him. Kamek fingered through the many pockets of his robe, and finally pulled out a small round painted instrument.
"The ocarina!" said mario.
Kamek preceeded to play a long slow, sad song, which quickly sped up into a light happy song, both were very pretty. When kamek stopped playing he lookd very pleased with himself. The stones, which bowser had produced from out of his shell, glowed faintly, and slowly got brighter. Bowser became much more evil looking than he normally did, which is saying a lot. he must have at least grown three feet! His claws grew longer and his teeth sharper.
"I am... GIGA BOWSER!" he yelled shaking the castle violently. Mario jumped and quickly gabbed Yo mahmood and Dark link. the castle shook much harder now, and sometimes even felt like it was on its side. Mario and the clan leaders ran out of the building. The thought they were safe, but then, mario realized that he had FORGOTTEN TOAD!" He ran back in with all the strength he had in his legs! Dark Link and Yo Mahmood, waited nervously outside! Then, after the building looked like it couldn't take it anymore, Mario came out with toad under his arm! Just as the castle collapsed behind them.
Mario took a breath. He had worn himself out but it was all over now. He stared at the rubble of bowsers keep. It covered the length of a football feild. "Funny," thought mario, "It looks bigger out here."
Just then, the rubble parted, and Giga Bowser Stepped forth! He cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders, as if stretching. "You idots! Did you really think you could get rid of me that easy!" He cackled in a voice that sounded much higher and more shrill than one would have guessed. Mario Stood to his full hieght and stared giga bowser right in the eye. He was about to fight when something in his back began to hurt.
"Don't worry mario!" Said dark link.
"We'll handle this!" said Yo Mamood.
And handle it they did, for the fight that occured may someday be remembered as the weirdest thing in the history of the mushroom kingdom. The two clan leaders separated and each went to the opposite side of Giga Bowser. Dark link, Jumped extremely high into the air and stopped. it was as if everything was frozen, then he came forward and rammed giga bowser right in the stomach.
Yo mahmood grabbed him by the tail and, with more strength than common sense dictates should've been used,slammed him against the ground by it. Bowser brieathed a ring of fire around himself, but the two clan leaders simply stepped through the flame unscathed. Bowser was furious! He tried to stomp on them but they were too quick, he tried to inhale them into his mighty jaws but they were steadfast. They pulled back and dashed forward until they were stopped by bowsers leathery hide. He was in intense pain, as if two sledgehammers had slammed into his head. Then, the strangest part of all occured. they stopped fighting, pulled their occarinas to their mouths and began to play a hideous song, it had no recognizable tune. Soon, mario realized that it wasn't just and ugly song. They were playing, BACkWARDS. Bowser was still thrashing about, not even noticing that he had begun to shrink in stature. by the time he figured it out, he was already his normal size. He look to see two powerful men, shorter than he, and yet looming over him, somehow. Bowser's eyes grew big, his knees grew week. He ran over the hilltop and toward the horizon.
Mario cheered as they walked over to him. "Are you allright, mario?" They asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. But that was amazing!" They helped mario get to a toad house. After thanking him, they told him something important. "If ever you should need help, all you need do is play this song on your occoarina." They held out to him a gold painted occarina, with black and white embroidery on it. They taught him the song. and now, I am afraid we must part." Said dark link. "But," said Yo Mahmood, "I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of you..." They went out the door and mario fell to sleep.
The End

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
