
Author Topic: hockey fans click here!!!!  (Read 2235 times)

« on: April 28, 2002, 09:29:27 PM »
corson got SMOKED by cairns, you cant deny it!!!then jack*** Tucker couldnt even sit in the box without showing off and tryin to kill a fan or two!!!and of course, that wuss Domi had to JUMP whats his face or else he would get SMOKED too!!sound like im an islanders fan???im not, im actually canadian. but i hate the leafs now because of what they did to Peca and the other guy!!!

the other guy incident: Roberts runs at him from about 80 feet out AT TOP SPEED. result: cracked helmet, KO, out for playoffs

Peca incident: took him out right in the knee. VERY CHEAP.result: Peca has a torn something or other and his out for about 6 months.

I didnt see it when watching the game, but I heard Corson, ****ed off because he got smoked, tried to KICK SOMEONE WITH HIS SKATES!!! im waitin to see the highlight reel for this one.....

and lastly, to all you leaf fans, your team is cheap, and can only avoid getting smoked in a fight by jumping the other guy. They are a bunch of jack***es who cant take it when a fan is in their face, instead they spray them with water and try to start a fight.THE LEAFS WILL LOSE GAME 7!!!!

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!

I can get you the MARIO AND ZELDA CARTOONS!!!go to my "get the mario and zelda cartoons FREE!!!!" topic and request what episodes you want!!!

you really dont know, do you??

« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2002, 07:04:52 PM »
You have to accept the fact that players get hurt in playoff hockey.  Not just from checks but for many things.  The leafs are playing without Sundin.

Sundin is much better then any Islander

Go Leafs Go
Go Leafs Go

« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2002, 07:28:04 PM »
maybe better than any islander (laughable), but not better than two!!!!so you takin my challenge or what????

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!

I can get you the MARIO AND ZELDA CARTOONS!!!go to my "get the mario and zelda cartoons FREE!!!!" topic and request what episodes you want!!!

you really dont know, do you??

« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2002, 08:05:54 PM »
well, I always try to lose with grace...and the leafs simply got more breaks than the islanders (thats about as nice as i put things).so, I now invite you, Player Guy Forever, to walk all over me for two weeks from today, even though you never responded to the bet.

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!

I can get you the MARIO AND ZELDA CARTOONS!!!go to my "get the mario and zelda cartoons FREE!!!!" topic and request what episodes you want!!!

you really dont know, do you??

« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2002, 09:25:26 PM »
Read the signature.


Go Leafs Go
Go Leafs Go

« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2002, 07:28:39 PM »
you want me to say that??Alright, Go Leafs Go.

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!

I can get you the MARIO AND ZELDA CARTOONS!!!go to my "get the mario and zelda cartoons FREE!!!!" topic and request what episodes you want!!!

you really dont know, do you??
