
Author Topic: We want a better Luigi based game!  (Read 1716 times)

« on: May 17, 2002, 05:14:02 PM »
Who else round here wants a better Luigi type game? Luigis Mansion was right up our alley, but since when is he ever into puzzles...... Well I hope that Mario lets Luigi have a turn as Player one... that would kick @$s!

By the supreme authority of wickedness, I command this particular drop of hot sauce to be realy, reealy hot!
He who fills his pockets with the rocks of misdeeds shall surely sink in the River of Good Fortune!

« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2002, 12:43:12 AM »
YES! I am really disappointed with Luigi's Mansion. I was hoping for a nice Run and Jump and Stomp game with Luigi as the lead. What did we get? Luigi with a vaccum. And what's next? Mario with a water gun. Uh oh! Here comes the cleaning crew!

It's just sad, Mario and Luigi have gone from Super heroes to Super Maids.

Seriously, though. Mario Sunshine looks good so fgar. But I really want an old fasioned back to the roots Mario game in 3d. Mario 64 was okay. But it wasn't exactly everything. I want a huge game with levels galore, multiple areas. The ability to go between them without having to complete the level. Sorta like Banjo Kazooie, but with Mario and Luigi (Not really two player, but get to choose your character) as well as elements from previous Mario games. make the entire Mushroom kingdom. Have the castle centralized then a desert, ocean, icy place, giant place (See where I'm going here?) etc. Notice SMB 3 took place in many types of environments. This shows that the Mushroom Kingdom is BIG. I want to SEE the Mushroom Kingdom in a way never before seen! Make it two discs if you have to, just make a really big game. With coin blocks, bricks to break, pipes (More than 64 had) vintage enemies as well as a couple more, the Koopa Kids can make a return like before. Bring back old power ups. Super Mushrooms, Fire Flowers, Raccoon tails (I prefer this over the cape), Hammer Brothers suits, Frog suits (For swimming, of course!), etc.. All the powerups that made Mario what he is. YOSHI NEEDS TO BE RIDABLE! From the screenshots of Sunshine, I see Yoshi is in the game, but I see no sign of him being ridable.

Another thing with the "Pick Mario or Luigi" thing can be a separate story for each. Or make it so you can alternate (Ala SMB 2) between them. And the characters would react accordingly.

I could design the perfect Mario game for the GameCube, one that would beat out every Mario game before it, but I'm just a lowly game player. (Wait.. I already wrote down what I want here: No connections to Nintendo other than the email address.
I actually vented my dissapointance with Luigi's Mansion to them recently. (Nicely, don't worry) Check it out here..

I for one can't freaking WAIT for Sunshine! I will be firtst in line for it! But this is what I prefer. And would love to see.

Since Mario 64 came out, I dreamed about what Mario 64 2 would look like, and when they cancelled the project, I got really disappointed. But the GameCube opens up many more possibilities. Let's hope they're holding the big mario game for a surprise in a couple years.

I will not rest until Mario and Luigi get a REAL 3d Mario Bros. Game.
I will not rest until Mario and Luigi get a REAL 3d Mario Bros. Game.

« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2002, 05:43:29 PM »
I never knew there was a Mario 64 2! Thanks for the info! And I also enjoyed the Super Maids joke! It was funny!(Not being sarcastic, by the way!)

Get out of my head! LEAVE MY BRAIN ALONE!
He who fills his pockets with the rocks of misdeeds shall surely sink in the River of Good Fortune!
