
Author Topic: Don't copy games and sell them see Why?  (Read 2247 times)

« on: July 30, 2002, 06:00:33 PM »
Hi! I wanted to tell you there were alot of stupid people who wrote to gamepro magazine saying they steal games and copy games and sell them.Do you know where they are now? They are in jail for giving they're real name and address to gamepro. They found out where they lived sent the police down and dragged them away'thats why don't ever give your real name over the internet because the same could happen to you. Also it's ok to copy games for yourself but don't sell them. Another incident was on the internet there  was a guy who was copying the PC Engine Version of Dracula X and selling them to people Konami had him shut down his whole site before they sue him His site no longer exists so please be smart and keep the games for yourself ok  Thanks

King Bowser Koopa
King Bowser Koopa

« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2002, 06:27:09 PM »
You're absolutely right. That is a horrible and criminal act, for certain. Of course, I don't mean to be rude, but..

1. I thought copying games was illegal REGARDLESS.

2. What would be a reason for copying a game?

« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2002, 07:07:06 PM »
TO zeldafan97 "sorry about that what i meant was I emulate them not copy I got mixed up because frostbite was getting on my nerves your right why do you need to copy a game is a good question especially when you can emulate them thanks for responding and take care.

King Bowser Koopa
King Bowser Koopa

« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2002, 09:23:27 PM »
Please leave frostbite alone, he is always being abused and flamed.

The reason for copying or emulating a game is for backup as long as when you are copying a game that you OWN it.


Your copy of The Legend of Zelda's battery dies so you can no longer save. What do you do? You get an emulator and a ROM of the game.

Speaking of ROMs, I believe that Nintendo Power uses ROMs for screenshots and going through games to provide you with stradegies. My theroy comes from the issue with Castlevania Part 2. They even said they got their hands on the commercial ROM!

Mario, Mario, Mario! What happened to Mr. Andretti?
The pen is mightier than the sword, unless the sword is in the hands of Lu Bu.

« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2002, 11:57:47 PM »
Well, tell frostbite to stop flaming others, and we will leave him alone. We don't appreciate being flamed, either.  Anyway, I think emulating a game is fine as long as you don't sell it. I mean, some of these games are near impossible to find. So, sometimes, you have to. But you don't need to sell them, because a lot of different sites have them for grabs.
Emperor Wart

« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2002, 08:50:07 AM »
This is flame as a verb.

1.To burn, ignite, or scorch (something) with a flame.
2.To excite; inflame.

I'm igniting you in fire? I'm sorry.

In my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people.
Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed, and blew it out.

« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2002, 12:43:39 PM »
Ha, ha. You know what we mean, Chris Rock.
