
Author Topic: Worst Day Ever in Super Mario RPG  (Read 2711 times)

« on: August 13, 2002, 10:19:54 AM »
O.K. I'll admit it. I used a rom to play Super Mario RPG. <gasp!> but it sucked! I beat Exor then went into a cave thingy and all I see is this dark purple smoke stuff. I don't know where the hell I'm going and I'm really ****ed off because I've gotten this far (All level 23, I might add) and I can't do anything. Most likely, no body wants to help me cuz most of you didn't cheat like me and download it. But, if you can help I'm using ZSNES v( for DOS.

Do marquees work in you r signature?

« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2002, 08:36:33 PM »
Proof that the actual cartridge is always better than some ROM!

Mario, Mario, Mario! What happened to Mr. Andretti?
The pen is mightier than the sword, unless the sword is in the hands of Lu Bu.

« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2002, 09:51:40 PM »
Try a different SNES emulator, maybe the one you're using layers the background from the Gate OVER the main platforms.
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2002, 06:39:55 PM »
Never mind I switched the Video mode to 320X240X8B and it worked perfect!!

<marquee>Do marquees work in you r signature?</marquee>
Do marquees work in you r signature?
