
Author Topic: The Complete Story of Barney  (Read 2225 times)

« on: April 12, 2003, 10:08:02 PM »
Hey, and welcome! I haven't much experience with the Story Boards, so I figured I'd try something fairly simple.
-Post absolute randomness(Random thoughts, actions, or spoken diolouge that sounds funny that will be preformed by characters) But since I don't want a new character every post(not saying you can't add them, just try to space it out) so I'm compiling a list of characters that reflect people I know(friends, family, etc. This is the kind of people I want if you introduce new ones)
Note: Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
-Keep things tasteful. You know what I mean. Keep the swearing mild, and Do NOT make the characters do "it". Okay, now your ready for...
The Big Ol' List of Characters:
Barney- Main Character, but not always the brightest. Not at all related to Barney from the Simpsons.*Belch!*
Larry- Barney's older, meaner brother, who has hearing problem
Lemmy- Barney's best friend, kinda wierd.
Fig-Newton- Barney's brainiac friend, who's kinda wimpy
Momma- Barney's mother. Takes Barney's side(most of the time)
Poppa- Barney's father. Always is trying him to do a nonsensical chore
Mario- Mario(now do you realy think I could have a topic without having Mario), who appears randomly to give Barney emotional support
Chippy- Barney's ivisible pet hampster
Frank- Crazy old bus driver, takes Barney to school. Always has the song "Highway to Hell" playing when driving to the school
Westmor HS- Barney's school, located somewhere in central Ohio
Westmor Knight- Westmor HS's mascot
Westmor Football Team- Westmor's loser football team who haven't won a football game in over 3 years
Westmor Marching Band- Pride of Westmor, the only thing thats good at Westmor.
Coach Less- Football coach. Sorta rotund
Mr. Whatsisname- The marching band director, who ocasionally substitutes for other teachers
Coach Wiesenhiemer- Arse-hole coach of the football team, and Barney's History teacher
Hmmm... Thats all the characters I can make up right now without using anybody's real name. Okay! Now, for all you people still with me, writing the actuall story!! Yipee!

On the first monday of the third week in the eight month of the 2000 and third year Barney, the main character, was getting ready for going back to school.(Yep, this takes place in the future) He is sitting in the band room of Westmor High with his friends and band-mates, awaiting the arrival of their constantly late band director.

Barney- Man, this sucks! School's starting in a month.
Lemmy- Yeah. Summer vacations almost through. If I had a time machine I go back to the day school let out for summer break!
Fig-Newton(FN)- Aw, c'mon guys! It isn't so bad! Besides, if you really want to have fun, I suggest we build the time machine you suggested...
Lemmy- Really!? You can do that!? Cool! Get to work brainiac!
FN- Hey!! Stop pushing me! AHH! What are you doing!? Were gonna be late for band!!
Barney- As much as I hate staying at this school, I think he's right. We sould probably get back to the band room. Mr. Whatisname should be here any minute.
Lemmy- Hey! Whose side are you on!?
Barney- Both. Now get in here!

Barney shoves his friends back in the band room. Just as he convences Lemmy to wait untill after practice to further inquire about Fig-Newton building a time machine, Mr. Whatsisname walks into the band room gasping for breath.

Barney- What happened to you?
Mr. Whatsisname- *Huff* My car *Puff* broke down, and I had *gasp* to push it here!
Lemmy- Don't you have a cell phone? Why didn't you call a tow truck?
Mr. W- I *pant* forgot to *Huff* recharge it last night.
Lemmy- Ah.
Barney- That sucks.

Mr. W walks to the front of the room.

Mr. W- Arright people! We got a lotta work ahead of us if were gonna be ready for the Football game on Friday!

Througout the course of the day, the Band works hard on learning the drills to "Pretty Woman", "Wooly Bully", and "Great Balls of Fire".

Lemmy- Stupid Freshmen! Don't they know how to march!?
Barney- Thats why they can't. Because the're Freshmen.
Lemmy- They really need to learn how! Why when I was there age, I knew all the drills by heart!!
Barney- That's because you only moved three whole steps in each drill last year, you dope.
Lemmy- ....Shut up.

After two hours, they finally get "Pretty Woman" down pat and it is now time for the lunch break.

Barney- Gosh, finally 12:OO!!
Lemmy- Whew!! The sun is hot!
FN- Maybe you shouldn't have wore your black LOTR shirt.
Lemmy- Ahh, Shad up! Say, this one time at band camp...
Barney- Don't even start that crap!
Lemmy- Lighten up willya? I was only joking.
Barney- You don't know how many times I heard that line last year.
FN- It was somewhere in between 5,000,000 times and 4,550,000 times, right?
Barney- Yeah. somewhere in between those numbers..

The three finish their lunch with about 10 minutes to spare. The rest of the band practice consisted of practicing the actual music the band would play during the show. Its now 4:00 P.M. Quitin' Time.

Barney- Finally! Well I'll see you guys later. Bye!
Lemmy- Later!
FN- iAdios, amigos!
While on the way home, Barney and his mom have a nice chat.

Momma- So... How was band.
Barney- Pretty easy. The freshmen kept messing up though.
Momma- Well the're new. Give 'em a brake.

Later while at home..

Larry- Hey, there you little goof.
Barney- Hey. Whats up?
Larry- Huh?
Barney- WHATS UP!?
Larry- I just came to see my favorite little brother.
Barney- I'm your only little brother.
Larry- Right.. Hey can I borrow $20?
Barney- What for?
Larry- Your big bro has a date! Don't wanna look cheap!
Barney- Ohh... You not gonna buy her something from the 99 cent menu at McDonalds?
Larry- Shut up!
Barney- Ok, but I need it back. I'm still saving for the SP.
Larry- The what P?
Barney- Sigh... SP!!
Larry- Oh.

As his brother leaves, Barney decides to play video games. An extended play on Mario Bros keeps him up till 11:00.

Barney- Acck! I better get to sleep so I can get up early for band tommorow!
He then shuts the game off and turns out the light and goes to sleep not knowing what the next day might have in store for him...

Wow! I didn't think I could think of all that story. It sorta came out like the Mario's High School Days story! Cool!

Mama Mia! 'Samatta you?!

Edited by - Dairy King on 4/12/2003 9:14:49 PM
More shtick than you can shake a stick at.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2003, 12:30:42 AM »
Then an atom popped.

You can be silent and let the world think you are a fool, or you can open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That was a joke.

« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2003, 01:00:16 PM »
If you explain the entire story, there's no fun of adding to it. That's why you have had a week without replies. Besides, it's barely Mario Related.

No, my sister never says anything to me, except: "I'm going to kill you."

Edited by - nintendoexpert89 on 4/18/2003 12:01:04 PM


  • Inquiring
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2003, 01:11:47 PM » offense, but dissing Barney is something I did in elementary school.

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2003, 06:17:58 PM »
Barney isn't a real character. I don't really think this is good anyways. It's kinda stupid.
More shtick than you can shake a stick at.

« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2003, 07:33:41 AM »
That is something I agree with.

No, my sister never says anything to me, except: "I'm going to kill you."
