
Author Topic: YKYPTMMGW  (Read 2897 times)

« on: October 03, 2003, 07:17:44 PM »
1.You know you've played to much Mario games when you're out of money so you start hitting bricks on house's to find money.LOL!

Hey everyone,PS2 SUCKS![Notice the capital "S" in PS2 SUCKS because PS2 SUCKS!Also notice the capital letters in PS2 SUCKS!because PS2 SUCKS!!!

Edited by - Killa of PS2 on 10/3/2003 6:20:57 PM

« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2003, 07:39:39 PM »
2. When you think Killa of PS2 has a brain.

It''s ah me marioguy!
I HATE JON!!! He betrayed me. So now everyone can have his picture.

« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2003, 07:42:56 PM »
Umm.........don't ask where I got all these, but just know that only the first 8 are by me.

- Every time a new Mario game comes out in Japan, you immediately fly there and get to the nearest store by exactly 12:00 AM on the release date.
- You have a shrine in your basement with the finest detailed statue of Mario you could find.
- You spend years trying to figure out if Baby Mario is the same person as Mario.
- You figure out the answer, then try to find out if Shyguys and Snifits are the same species behind different masks.
- You give a friend a concussion by deshelling your green-shelled turtle and throwing the shell at him at him while racing go-karts.
- You tape stone spikes to your blue-shelled turtle's shell, then you just end up giving him flesh wounds instead.
- Then you put helmets and hammer packs on your two shell-less turtles and bring them to show and tell as "Hammer Bros.".
- Every turtle tries to crawl as far away as possible from you upon seeing you.
- You add mushrooms to everything you eat.
- You always dream of a Mario anime.
- You insist that your girlfriend looks like Peach.
- You are noticing too many Mario references in Pokemon, even though they are "invisible".
- You sell your sister only to buy Super Smash Brothers Melee.
- You make a lot of research only to find out if Zelda is somewhat related to Peach.
- You buy Mario games, even if the Pokemania is still hitting.
- You draw Mario comic strips...
- ... and find out how to syndicate it!
- You notice 100% errors in the Mario movie...
- ... and want something to replace that fiasco.
- You tell Yoshi he's being sued by Panepon characters.
- You always choose Mario characters in Smash Brothers.
- You think the end of the world is when everyone ignores and hates Mario.
- You suggest Mario that, to gain more fame, he should capture the monsters he always battled... with Pokeballs!
- You think Blastoise is Bowser's opposite clone.
- You paint all the pipes in your house GREEN!
- You can whistle every Mario song by heart.
- You can ramble off every name of every level in all Mario games in 5 seconds.
- You insist that you fix your neighbors plumbing problems
- You try to flush your self down your toilet to "warp" to the septic tank.
- Your son is born wearing blue overalls and a red shirt with a red cap.
- You burn yourself trying to make a fireball.
- You scower every store, pawnshop and every place else for Mario stuff.
- Your convinst that snaping your fingers and making noises with your mouth makes the super mario bros theme song sound better.
- You suggest Peach that to gain hero status, she should turn into a ninja-like male.
- You don't catch Pokemons; you stomp on them.
- You put a "Lost" sign regarding Pauline.
- You always eat your favorite fruit: Peaches.
- You spray fertilizer on your dirty feet...
- ... and mushrooms grow out!
- You burn your own flowers.
- You suggest Jigglypuff to draw Mario faces on every sleepyhead.
- You know that female Yoshis exist.
- you look every where for a gold cape but have to settle for a towel...
- ... but you break your neck when you try to "fly" off that building.
- You go to heaven and complain that they dont have and NES.
- You know that Cranky Kong is the original Donkey Kong.
- You think that you get an extra life when you eat a moldy green mushroom.
- You ream your parents out for not buying an Arcade version of Donkey Kong even though that was wayyy before you were born.
- you insist that Donkey Kong jr. Math has helped you with your Algebra.
- You walk through the "pearly gates" wearing a red shirt,cap and blue overalls...
- ...but St. Peter doesnt reconize you.
- You purchase Zelda, Pokemon and other Non-mario games just to destroy them.
- You buy non-mario games like Pilot Wings 64 just because it has a Mario reference.
- You hate that Nintendo neglects Luigi as much as it does.
- You make your younger brother dress in a green shirt, blue overalls and a green cap so he can help you on your adventures.
- You know that Wart and King K. Rool are Bowsers cousins not Iggy and Spike from the SMB movie.
- You wonder if Captain Syrup is accually Pauline gone bad.
- You sell your mother just so you can put a down payment on a Gamecube.
- You think that when Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap he gained fire power.
- You write your own Super Mario Bros. Stories and hope to meet Mario and Luigi for this great acheivement.
- Your AIM screen name is Mario or Luigi.
- You insist that any unsuspecting baby with a red cap is the oracle of evil (just look at Baby Mario).
- You keep a stash of vegetables nearby in case you get warts on your face.
- You sue Doki Doki Panic for ripping off Super Mario Bros. 2.
- Then you sue Japan for making Super Mario USA, claiming it to be another ripoff.
- You have a mental breakdown trying to figure out if that one character is named Birdo or Catherine.
- You actually congratulate Toad being in his first solo game, which was Wario's Woods.
- Then we realize that Peach is the only other main character who doesn't have a solo game.
- In non-related Mario games, you always pretend that the main characters are Mario characters.
- You enjoy playing Mario Is Missing.
- You plan to keep the Mario Bros. movie for years, in mint condition, only to sell it in 2010 and get no more than $2 for it.
- You worship Yoshi.
- One time you breathe fire from your mouth as a warning to keep all little (and taller) brothers and sisters away.
- You have a dream that Mario defeats Link, then you swear on your life that it was real and you were a witness.
- You actually have a movie of Mario defeating Link.
- You hired a drunk in a ultra bad looking costume to play the part of Link.
- You hired Arnold Schwartzenegger to play the part of Mario.
- And Mario says "Hasta la vista, Linky.".
- You can't decide whether to adapt an Italian accent or a Brooklyn accent.
- You become president of DigiPen and transform it to LuigiPen.
- You tell Shigeru Miyamoto to obliterate all the non-Mario-related franchises, and he actually does it.
- You realize you don't have that power, and you're thrown out of the Nintendo building quicker than you can say "Mama Mia".
- Whenever something bad happens, you say "Mama Mia".
- You'll blow a decade's worth of allowance to get your grubby hands on absolutely anything Mario related you may have missed, including merchandise.
- You run a Mario merchandise store.
- You make the big mistake of stocking up on Waluigi merchandise.
- You leave the ending scene of Paper Mario on all night long cuz you think the scene's cool.
- You think you heard a too-familiar jingle and come to the conclusion that you have two lives.
- You think that a mushroom would cure all people that jump off of roofs.
- You wonder why anybody decides to stop posting stuff on this topic.
- You insist that everybody you meet looks like Mario.
- You try to jump on the back of what you think is Yoshi, but is actually a bush of thorns.
- You make a paper cutout of a Wing Cap, put it on your head, then try to "fly" and end up in the ER again.
- Then you keep on doing it so that you could get past that "level".
- You think that bumping into anything that moves will make you lose power.
- You think you can go up any slope if you run and jump kick up it, then you make a fool of yourself by trying to use that technique to climb Mount Everest.
- You think that if you have something metal on your head, then something crushing you as flat as a pancake won't hurt.
- You think you're the king of the road when you drive in a go-kart. Apparently, tires aren't enough to stop you from driving on the freeway.
- You pretend that the roads of Seattle are Toad's Turnpike, but you think that you'll have no problem dodging them in a go-kart.
- You realize what would happen if you really tried that.
- You actually managed to get through the streets of Seattle without getting hit.
- You decide that since Mario never sleeps, you shouldn't either.
- You walk into a room, then suddenly stop for about 5 minutes then you say, "I'm a tired" then you yawn and go to sleep.
- You constantly sleepwalk saying "Ahh ravioli, ahh spagetti, ahh mama mia".
- Whenever your friends roll doubles in Monopoly, you give them $10.
- You order a pizza with mushrooms, and when the pizza boy gives to you, you paint the mushrooms gold so you can go farther.
- You buy some gloves at the store and try to use them to win everyone else's money.
- You think the Mario cartoons beat the crud out of the Zelda cartoons...
- ...even though they're both garbage.
- You wonder if Bowser should think of better plans.
- You think everything green represents Luigi...
- You get horny every time you eat a peach.
- Your wife usually wears a pink dress, but when she wears a blue dress, you take it as a sign that she'll be harder to beat!
- You end up in Yoshi's Island.
- And you actually get lost because the "Color Dinos" are so smart for you to explain the route to Mushroom Kingdom.
- Still on your way to Mushroom Kingdom, you end up in Kanto.
- You think Ash and Gary are Mario and Wario's sons.
- You think the Pokedex gives you data about each Mario character.
- You stomp on Weedle thinking it is a Wiggler...
- ... but you hurt your feet when realizing that the "flower" is really a spike.
- You pick up Oddishes, and throw them at Politoed (the Wart and vegetables connection...).
- You compare Misty's temper with Bowser's...
- ... and then get beat up by her!
- You think Paras' mushrooms will let you "power-up."
- You actually think Chansey is ripping off Yoshi.
- You paint Voltorb black, add some feet and some fuses...
- ... and you get a Bob-omb!
- You sue the Pokemon franchise for stealing Mario's well deserved fame...
- ... and you end up suggesting Mario about training Goombas.
- You talk to the TV screen you're playing Super Mario 64 on, trying to tell Mario that you're Luigi and you'd like to help on the quest.
- You try to get Mario's attention by changing the camera angle so it looks like Mario is looking at you.
- Mario actually runs away from you without you pressing on the control stick.
- You pretend to be a Goomba or Bowser when you're at an Italian restaurant and your waiter is either named Mario or Luigi.
- The waiter, who is either named Mario or Luigi, actually jumps on you and knocks you unconscious.
- You think you're hallucinating when you see red caps with Ms on them.
- You realize that you only see them at Halloween.
- You dress up as Wario on Halloween and scare all the people out of the neighborhood.
- Including your own family.
- You get candy on Halloween when you dress up as Luigi, but get no candy when you dress up as Bowser.
- You get extra candy when you dress up as Yoshi.
- You use a time machine to go back in time and get all the Mario toys from McDonalds.
- When you accidentally blow up the house, you blame it on a POW block.
- Whenever you go to a place with a blacksmith, you think he's Smithy.
- When ever you turn on SM64, Mario turns around and pulls a gun on you.
- When ever you catch on fire you run around untill it goes out two days later.
- Instead of Mario saying "Push Start to play", you hear him swear.
- You make a ROM of sm64 and put Luigi in it.....
- You download it into a cartrige....
- Nintendo catches you and you get put in prison.
- You spend hours counting Mario characters just to see how many there are.
- You think Luigi's Mansion is not worthy of the Mario license.
- You think Mario should be in every game.
- Your hands have indentations in the shape of Mario's face on them.
- Mario indentations are on your feet.
- Your currency is coins.
- You swear you saw Mario in a dollar bill.
- You think Wario and Waluigi are Santa's elf rejects.
- You think Master Roshi (Dragon Ball) is a Koopa Troopa fan.
- You make Koopa surfing (Super Mario 64) a hotter fad than scooters.
- Not only does your friend tell you to get a life, but when he/she does, you start searching for a green mushroom.
- In Mario Party, when Wario passes by Koopa Troopa, you think he's apologizing for replacing him in Mario Kart 64!
- You hallucinate you're stomping goombas all the time.
- When you see a turtle, you're afraid it will turn into a bomb(Super Mario Land).
- When sombody is Missing, You act like Luigi and Go around town, looking for educational facts.
- When you find a penny on the ground, you think it will make you go faster(Super Mario Kart).
- You have a dream that trays are floating in space with Mario's Enemies on them.
- You see Wario in the Super Mario Bros. Super Show.
- You worship the mighty Mario god(Shiguru Miyamoto).
- When you jump down a hole, you fall flat on your face and crack your nose!
- You think that eating dandelions, will make your costume change to a red and orange suit and you will be able to throw fireballs. But instead, you just get sick and throw up all over the place!
- You jump on a bunch of mushrooms you find in a field and they just stick to your shoes like bird [poo]!
- You run really fast and try to leap across the freeway, but instead you crash into an oncoming truck!
- You think that by crushing stone blocks against your head you will get coins, but instead, you just get a really bad head-ache.
- You think jumping three times will make you hit the ceiling.
- You love Mario so much that you remain anonymous so people won't come to your house and kill you.
- When you look at clouds, you can't help but wonder if Lakitu is in the cloud. . .
- You wish Mario's Puzzle Party had a Puzzle mode.
- When you mention Dr. Mario, you wonder why Dr. Mario 64 doesn't provide an adequate explanation of the scoring. You know about it only because you also own the SNES version.
- You wonder also why Mario's Puzzle Party doesn't give an adequate scoring explanation. You only know it from deduction.
- When you think that if you tie a towel around your neck, you can fly.
- So you try it but just incase you brought a SNES controller to control yourself.
- You jump of a buiding and you don't float, fly, or anything, so you press AAAAAAAAA..but before you float, you hit the ground.
- In the emergency room, the docter laughs.
- Then when you get home, you take apart that SNES controller.
- When your neck heals, you decide to do it again, and bring another controller, because that one was 'broken'.
- You hold out your arms when you run.
- You staple wings to all your hats...
- ...except the invisible ones...
- ...or the ones that are made out of stainless steel.
- You get a concussion from smashing your head into the ceiling.
- You find yourself constantly looking up and to the right, trying to find out what your 'score' is.
- You heartlessly smash, stomp or pulvarize any and every turtle you see, even ashtrays.
- You think midgets are impotent toads.
- You staple wings to turtles before smashing them.
- The only part of your body that is visible is your face.
- You get arrested for holding up trffic after becoming lodged in a New York manhole.
- Some of your plants have teeth.
- Best way to use a math book: Jump and hit it from below and collect the blue coin. You'll never have to study math again!
- You find out your younger brother is married and has kids.
- Bowser lets you win to get you out of his hair.
- you find a dear John letter were your snes used to be
- You demand Nintendo makes Super Mario collectible cards.
- You cut your bushes in the shapes of Mario characters.
- You port SMB3 to all the current systems.
- You sell them and get arrested.
- You get your [butt] kicked in jail for singing mario theme songs.
- When you get out you apply for a job at nintendo.
- When you walk down a 45º slope, you duck.
- You find Waluigi in Wario Land 4.
- You get scared when thunder strikes while racing go-karts.
- You think if you fall off a ledge wile racing go-karts, Lakitu will save you.
- When you play a whistle you look for a tornado.
- You race apes with go-karts.
- You think the 2 F's on your report card stand for Fire Flower.
- You create a big website with forums and radio-all about Mario.
- When you fall off a cliff, you yell "WAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" hoping you'll just lose a life.
- You feed your cat a green mushroom so she'll have 10 lives.
- You wonder if when your cat has zero lives left, will she continue or get a game over?
- You find a mario refrence in Duck Hunt.
- You look into the sun hoping you can fly.
- You throw vegetables at short people wearing masks.
- You realize that Shigeru Miyamoto has the same initials as Super Mario.
- You try to use math to figure out just how how a Triple Jump is, rounded to the nearest centimeter, but fail.
- You buy a lizard and name it Yoshi.
- When you point your finger at someone, a fireball comes out of your hand, giving the person a 3rd degree burn.
- You put a wart remover on the right side of your screen when you play SMB2, thinking that it'll help you defeat Wart.
- You seriously think mario is on Mt. Rushmore.
- You take no guilt in jumping on people or stealing their coins.
- In art class everything you draw is Mario related.
- You make up your own Mario story lines.
- You think Dr. Mario looks more evil than Mario.
- You think you can defeat your enemies by jumping over them and grabbing an ax.
- You walk in a room and say "It's-a me, Mario".
- You want to grow a Mario mustache.
- You get emotionaly involved with the game you are playing.
- You feel guilty if you don't play a Mario game one day.
- Whenever you jump you say "hah".
- If you jump after that you say "hup".
- If you jump a third time, you fly.
- Whenever you fall you move your arms in little circles.
- You know every right note to every mario song.
- Your parents wanted to buy you a PS2..but you only wanted a Gamecube.
- You relate everything to Mario.
- You consider Peach as a true royal girl power.

Edited by - Lizard Dude on 10/9/2003 5:26:51 PM
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2003, 10:20:46 PM »
I made all those you know. Arent I so smart?

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!


  • Score
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2003, 05:58:21 PM »
That was hilarious!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2003, 06:29:59 PM » go to heaven and complain about the lack of coins.

I’m not stupid, I’m LD.

« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2003, 08:07:42 PM »
On SSBM, you set it on very easy when using Mario characters so they don't get hurt easily.

Me: *Sniff* Ah! The smell of victory!
Some guy: No, thats the fact that you haven''t flushed the toilet in 5 months!
"Smash anyone and anything that gets in your way!"-Falco, Star Fox: Assault

« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2003, 12:42:15 PM »
You start thinking veggies are only good for throwing at animals.
You go to Italy and think everyword they say ends with an"ah"ex:Wheres-ah the-ah famous-ah video-ah game-ah character-ah,Mario-ah?

Hey everyone,PS2 SUCKS![Notice the capital "S" in PS2 SUCKS because PS2 SUCKS!Also notice the capital letters in PS2 SUCKS!because PS2 SUCKS!!!

« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2003, 12:53:31 PM »
U start thinkin Italy paid Nintendo to create Mario.[That was kinda dumb]
You start making an opinoin that the creator of The Simpsons and Futurama like Mario.Simpsons episode when Bart stole the game from the mall.Futurama episode when Fry had to save the world by beating Space Invaders.

Hey everyone,PS2 SUCKS![Notice the capital "S" in PS2 SUCKS because PS2 SUCKS!Also notice the capital letters in PS2 SUCKS!because PS2 SUCKS!!!


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2003, 02:32:40 AM »
You cash your $200 paycheck at the bank and insist that it all be paid in coins.

Edited by - Hirocon on 10/11/2003 1:33:34 AM


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2003, 02:35:09 AM »
Your name is Franklin, and you have an arch enemy named Wafranklin.
