
Author Topic: The Mario Story  (Read 2561 times)

« on: June 05, 2003, 06:54:31 PM »
Hello all you story lovers! I welcome you to The Mario Story written by me Jonathan Frase(call me jon for short,please).
If you are used to reading long and exciting stories like Sapphira's "The Prophecy" (did I spell these right?) then you would like this. Like Sapphira's, my story will be written by myself (you can interrupt if you want), but not daily(my hands hurt soon enough. I write 10 pg Chapters everyday!). If you are more of an adventurous, fighting, and comedy-seeking person, then read this. I'll give you the introduction of the story in the next post-this was just introducing myself.

Luigi says "Madio" instead of "Mario"
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2003, 07:07:36 PM »
Ok, the Introduction/Summary of The Mario Story.

     Basically, a place called Star Haven(from Paper Mario) is threatened by Bowser.
Bowser wants revenge for what had happened many years ago that happened because of the Star Spirits. Bowser will turn into a hideous form called Giga Bowser(from Super Smash Bros. Melee), destoying all in his way. There is no hope for the Star Spirits execpt for 2 things:legendary warriors called the Star and Mushroom Warriors. The Star Spirits find Mario and Luigi to be those warriors and begin to train them with fighting skills, speed, etc.(if you've ever watched Dragonball Z, then that's what the fights are like).
Mario and Luigi have to find stuff left behind by the previous warriors to fight against Bowser.
(As if that is hard enough)....
Bowser destroys Star Haven even before Mario+Luigi gets trained and so the Italian plumbers also have to find 5 magical stones that would rebuild Star Haven and give Mario+Luigi a special power!

That's the intro. If it doesn't sound that good, then read the story. It's more detailed, funnier, and-well-just read it and find out! Remember, reading one of my chapters is like reading one whole part of "The Prophecy" by Sapphira.
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2003, 08:24:28 PM »

There was nothing to worry about-nothing. Life was good. Anything you would possibly want was yours, anything you would possibly need was yours. Life was good. Nothing ever goes wrong with a prince of the Koopa Kingdom. You could just drive forward and leave all your troubles behind you.

Bowser believed that this was true. His parents, king and queen of the peaceful Koopa Kingdom, had treated their son, Bowser Koopa like a god. He was an idol to the kingdom. Anything he did was okay. If he destoyed a building or stole something, people would say, "Oh, how cute!" Bowser didn't know the difference between right and wrong. All he knew was that his parents loved him so much, they would give anything-even their own life to keep Bowser safe. Life was good.

Bowser's parents knew the leaders of the Mushroom Kingdom. When the kingdom leaders would go together, Bowser and a young girl would play together. That girl was Peach.
As young kids, Bowser and Peach only knew of each other as best friends, but as they grew older, things changed.

Bowser was fiveteen when something happened. In his room was a picture frame with a picture of a 14 year-old Peach. He just kept staring at the picture and couldn't stop. It was a strange feeling. A feeling that he had never felt before. He fell in love with the princess.

Now even though he was a Koopa(they look like turtles that can walk in our world), that didn't mean that Peach wouldn't go with him for a night through the park. So he went over to Peach's castle and knocked on the front door. The door opened and it was Bowser's love.

"Hello," said Bowser. He was beginning to sweat.
"What is it?"
"Um, well, I-I was thinking-" The words just wouldn't come out.
"You were thinking! That's a first!" laughed Peach, her eyes sparkling a silvery color.
At that moment, Bowser knew that he had to speak. "Uh, it's such a nice day out. Uh-uh, how about a walk through the-uh-park?"
"A walk through the park? That sounds nice, but I was sort of supposed to meet someone right now,"said Peach.
"Oh no, this can't be good," Bowser thought to himself.
"He's a really cute boy I met!"smiled Peach.
"I like him and he likes me."
Bowsser's mind suddenly went crazy. "You're-you're with someone? But-I-love-you!"
"I love you. I don't know why-I-I just do!"
"Bowser, I think you need to rest. You know we're friends! I never thought you would feel that way!"
"But it's true! I LOVE YOU!"
Peach stared at Bowser confusingly. "Look, Bowser, go and get some rest." She slowly closed the castle doors.
"Noooooooooooo!"roared Bowser, his voice echoing throughout the inners of the castle.
"Poor Bowser,"Peach thought to herself.
Bowser ran away to the Koopa Kingdom, running to his bedroom, sobbing in his pillow for what he had heard.
"Why? Why doesn't she love me? She was supposed to say yes! No, noooooo!" At that moment in time, he turned evil.
"I wish that I could kill them all! Them all! Then I'll get ANYTHING I want! ANYTHING! I wish that I could kill them all! Them all!" laughed Bowser, knocking things off of tables and chairs.

What Bowser hadn't realized is that his wish will come true. You see, there is a sacred place called Star Haven that lives up amongst the stars. People called Star Spirits live up there, granting wishes to good people, whatever the wish may be. They use an item called the Star Rod to grant wishes and they live with legendary warriors called the Star and Mushroom Warriors.

That night, something strange happened. Something Bowser would never have guessed. He woke up and all he saw was orange. Orange and a scream. Then, the orange came closer and closer to Bowser until he only saw black. That is when he was knocked out.

When Bowser woke up, he ran to his parents, but found nothing but a piece of paper saying:They're dead.

Well, that was short, huh! Don't worry, that was my shortest chapter. The second chapter is coming soon.
Oh, and even though this was sort of lovey-dovey stuff and murdering, I would still put this in the children's category of a story. That was just showing you how Bowser became enemies with the Princess. If you didn't like this, that's normal. Usually everyone hates beginnings of stories. The middle of the story(Climax) is always the best part-with the ending being good, too.
So if this was a disappointment, just wait for the action!

Reply and tell me what you think.
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2003, 10:09:27 PM »
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2003, 10:12:14 PM »
Dude, you post faster than most people READ on these boards.
That was a joke.

« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2003, 10:14:02 PM »
But this has been up for 4 hours! I guess I'll slow down-or I'll continue writing my story fast since it's so long and I want to type up to the exciting part!!!
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2003, 05:49:19 PM »

"The place of the Star Rod. Such a peaceful place-reminds me of my younger days as a Star Spirit," said an old star, Eldstar. He was the leader of all the Star Spirits who lived in the sacred place of Star Haven. He had been a Star Spirit for quite some time now-900 years at least.

Eldstar was smoothing his uncombed gray mustache. He could feel the tiny hairs prickling at his hands. "Oh, I'm getting so old nowadays," he said to himself. The scenery in his eyes was a same boring look he saw everywhere he looked. Night never turned to day and shooting stars flew past Star Haven all the time.

Star Haven was the center of the universe-a planet that was half-destroyed by an outrageous battle that took place over 200 billion years ago. Ever since then, stars created small moons around the universe-acting as cities. Star Haven was a sacred place, though. It was the first place a star was born.

That star grew up to learn about all that lives. It became intelligent-powerful-wise.
By using it's own energy, it divided itself up into billions of starsnand soon, the universe was covered in peace and light.

One day, there was one star-different from the rest. It wouldn't communicate to anyone or anything nor even eat or drink. It was in a universe all in it's own. That poor little star had a different mind from peace. It wanted to become the most powerful star that ever existed. It began to destroy other stars and steal their power. Soon enough, it became strong enough to wipe out all that lived.

Certain intelligent stars became aware of this and created Star Haven. They used their magic to create weapons of defense and items that were necessary. They created a sword capable of cutting through anything. They created a cape, giving the wearer the ability to fly at astonishing speeds, a bracelet that could turn the person holding it into any element he or she desires, a magical shield that will never break-not even from the sword, but, the most important of all was a small stone shaped like a star. This stone was capable of turning anyone in to a super-powerhouse. The user, when holding the stone can destroy any sort of evilthat lies in their way. The creators of these items called themselves the legendary Star Spirits.

And now, 200 billion years later, the Star Spirits, not the original ones from long ago, but new ones continue this universe in peace.

Eldstar remembered that legend and then looked away. "It's been so long," he thought.

A blue Star Spirit suddenly came flying in front of Eldstar. He wore a sailor's hat and was young.

"Eldstar, Eldstar!"he said.
"Yes, Muskular,"said Eldstar, his voice turning scratchy.
"Well, Skolar and Klevar are working on a new project! It's supposed to be top secet, but I snuk and found out! They're creating a spaceship!"
"A spaceship, you say? That's pretty fascinating. A spaceship. Well, don't let them know that you know, okay?"
"Okay, Eldstar." Muskular flew into a building that was shaped like a dome.
Eldstar looked back in to the stars.
He was remembering when the Star Warrior came. He knew how everything about that day...
"What's wrong Seekar?"asked an orange Star Spirit 200 billion years ago.
"Doesn't the stars out there, well, there's not as much as there used to be."
"That's because of Koopar, he's the one who's destroying them all!"
"I think we should go out there and do something."
"You know that that's insane! You'll be killed!"
"I just-can't-stop-worrying." said Seekar, closing his eyes and thinking of evil. He was thinking about the nightmare he had last night, preparing his best friend, Mushroom to go off and fight Koopar. "I just want HIM back!"
The orange star looked at Seekar.
Suddenly, Seekar heard a yell-then glass shattering-then-nothing. Then, there was a sound of a huge explosions and people screaming from their faithful deaths. Then, nothing. He heard people's shocking sounds and then he saw a vision that he couldn't believe. Mushroom and Koopar had fought. The sounds he heard was the final attempt to destroy Koopar-and it worked. The only thing was...
"Mushroom's dead,"said Seekar, slowly.
The orange star looked at him with a horrifyed expression and that was all he did.

Eldstar then opened his eyes up again.
"Mushroom, wherever you are up there, I would like to say what a courageous thing you did back then. This night up here is so pretty, it's a good time to be thinking about the past. There's something I would like to say to you." Eldstar paused for a moment.

Well, there you go, the second chapter. These first two chapters are my shortest ones, but don't worry, the story's just gettin' better.^_^

Edited by - jon on 6/7/2003 10:58:45 AM
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2003, 05:50:37 PM »
Ooops, I just realized the title's wrong! It's supposed to be THE LEGEND. Don't laugh at me as I say, I should've seen that.

Edited by - jon on 6/6/2003 8:55:50 PM
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2003, 11:59:52 AM »
Never mind about that last post. I just spelled the title wrong and forgot that you could edit messages. I'm just talking to myself.
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
