
Author Topic: The Aurora Quests  (Read 1721 times)

« on: August 09, 2003, 12:16:33 PM »
This isn't mario...but its an idea for my RPG that im currently making with screech as a matter of you gotta read it like a screen play. OH!! AND THE NAME IS AURORA QUEST not QUESTS, I MISSPELLED IT ON THE TOPIC NAME.

The penguins will take us all away!! So says Boss AKA: Tonfa

Edited by - gunblade88 on 8/10/2003 5:08:40 AM

« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2003, 02:05:27 PM »
We find ourselves in a castle room where Oren Prince of Aurora is sleeping.

Oren: *yawns* OH NO!! I over slept!! I’d better apologize to dad!!
Oren leaves the room and sees his dad in a hearing and his faithful bodyguard at his side.

King: Ok I’ll allow you to stay, but you are going to have to work in the garden and stay in a temporary cottage for now until I can find you a real job.
The couple leaves and Oren walks to his father. Oren bows.

Oren: Dear father, I apologize for being so late. Please forgive me.

King: You don’t have to kneel to your own father! Please stand up my son!
A messenger hurriedly rushes in and hands a paper to the king.

King: Oh no…not them too. *Sigh* It seems we will have to gather our military and work up our defense. The evil wizard and his hags have overtaken the town of Pelutia. We will also soon have to gather an offense, or we will soon fall too…
Oren realizes this opportunity to prove himself to his father jumps at the statement.

Oren: Father! Please send me to defeat the evil wizard Doming! If we don’t jump to this chance, we will never prevail.
King: We will wait overnight and see what the status is. Until then prepare to depart and get some rest. I will send a messenger and figure out what we will do.

Oren: Does that mean?

King: Yes. BUT, you will have to take a bodyguard, getting a party will be your own duty. Please, Saron, go with him, and be careful, the hags have somehow put an enchantment on the land and now the animals are going berserk.

Saron: Gladly!!

King: Saron, if you and Oren will go to my room, there is a treasure chest underneath my bed; it has 5000 gold pieces in it, which should be enough to prepare yourselves for the journey.

Oren and Saron go get the treasure and buy the stuff they think they need for the journey and then head to their rooms. Morning comes and Saron is awake at dawn, seeing that Oren won’t wake up without a little tempting.

Saron: Hey Oren…I have a treat for you a nice sushi and broccoli sandwich...

Oren: But dad, I don’t want to practice fencing…. What!! I’m up I’m up!!

Saron: Let’s go, your dad has prepared everything, unfortunately there is no way to go by air because the airships and planes were damaged or destroyed when defending our great city, and we can’t go by ship because, well, we have no port built, and our ocean fleet is very weak. Fortunately, there’s a long cave that connects our continents. It’s been sealed so we’ll have to get a signed permission to get into the cave, you know, for safety precautions.

Oren: Okay! Let’s get that note from father and be on our way!

The small, yet recourceful, party goes to the throne room and their father, although hesitant, hands him the signed permission.

When they leave, the story unfolds (as in FF4).

As Prince Oren and his faithful body guard Saron depart the kingdom, King Oren Sr. anxiously awaits their outcome. The people of Aurora City are relying on a boy prince to save their trusted allies and restore peace to the region once more.

What is the source of all the evil hags and witches and why is there an unexpected evil uprising? The uncertain adventurers are sure to find dilemma wherever they go. They make their way through the spoiled land and hope that they do not make to many encounters with the enchanted creatures…

As they approach the cave entrance they stand in awe.

Oren: Wow!! I didn't realize this thing was so huge!! Do you think we're in over our hea-

Saron: You're not backing out now!!

Oren: You're right!

As they get closer they notice a whole platoon of guards.

Guard 1: Do you have permission from the king?

Oren: Come on…I’m the prince, you should know that.

Guard 2: We have to see the paper, sorry.
Oren: Fine…here.

(Guard looks at paper and signals them through.)

Saron: From here on, we have to be on our guard. You never know what could be down here.

Oren: I know!
(He walks and trips on a rock.)

Oren: I meant to do that!

Saron: Let’s go.

 They have to solve a few puzzles (classic RPG ploy) and make there way into a big grotto where there is a ninja fighting off a big group of hags. Oren and Saron jump in and fight off the hags…but just before the last hag dies, she hits the ninja with a memory spell.

Ninja: Uhh…where I am?

Saron:…what are you doing in here? This cave is sealed off.

Ninja: I only…seem to know my name…it’s uhh…KASAVEEL!!

Oren: We’re headed the other way; you can tag along if you want.

Kasaveel: I have nothing else to do,but I do not wish to intrude *sigh* if you insist. Oh…I know that I’m after Doming for some reason, I only remember rage, but it’s kinda like déjà vu

After that, they set out on their way and ended up in many battles, actually it got annoying. There were several puzzles and many tough enemies, but when they finally got to the end there was a sinister looking elf guy, in dark green robes,and long blondish white hair. The evil elf notices them.

Evil Elf: Leave now or die!

Saron: Please leave; we have a signed note from the King of Aurora himself!

Evil Elf: The more reason to kill you, now I'm not giong to repeat myself!!

Oren: Oh, now you’ve done it!

Oren gets really mad, and in battle learns a new ability, Blade Beam. They defeat the evil elf and make there way to the end of the cave. When they are finally out of the cave, they notice that the city of Pelutia, in the distance, lay in ruins.

Saron: It seems that the forces of Doming are stronger than we think…

Oren: Such a waste of a good town and people…

Kasaveel: Enough of this talk of depressing statements and let’s see what we can do to help the surviving people!!!

Oren: Right!!

They crossed the snowy plains and eventually
came to the ruins of what was Pelutia.

Oren: It’s worse than it looked…well let’s go! Maybe if we find the leader of this town or someone who’s in charge, we can get somewhere.

They all looked around for a second and noticed that hags were using the civilians for slaves.

Saron: Stop that at once!! Or be prepared to meet the consequences!

At that instant, all the hags ganged up on them, and then a very beautiful witch came up and joined them. She then introduced herself.

Witch: My name is Mallory, and don’t be deceived by my appearance, because death is very beautiful.

Oren, Saron, and Kasaveel then enter battle with her.

Oren: If death is so beautiful, then why all the suffering?!

He charged her and she moved barely in time to dodge his powerful blow.

Mallory: Hags!!! Get them!!

The hags attacked them and they fought them off one after another. (Very similar to how one would fight of zombies)

Mallory: Taste my magic!!

Mallory then shot off a huge energy ball that looked like it could completely destroy a small house at Oren. Saron, seeing that his friend and partner was in danger, jumped in the way and was KO d that instant.

Oren (in blind fury): You’ll pay for that!!

He then shot off a beam blade and Kasaveel, with godlike speed ran along side it.
Mallory, not even seeing this coming, was sliced by Kasaveel’s sword and then hit by the blade beam. She grasped her stomach then fell to her knees. Oren walked up to her with his sword drawn and put it to her neck.

Mallory: Go ahead, do it!! KILL ME!!!

Saron: No I don’t think I’ll lower my self to that level.

Mallory: No, you don’t understand I want to die. I’m a slave and have been one since I
was a young girl. So go ahead and kill me, it’s not like Doming, the almighty, will care.

Oren: We are on a quest to kill Doming. Please join us and we will treat you as an equal, and we’ll forget this ever happened ok? Mallory jumps up and shouts

Mallory: OK!

As if she was never hurt.

The 3 travelers realized that Mallory didn’t even try to kill them; she seemed to have tried to seal her fate. And they just sat in awe. The villagers gathered around the group.

Random Person: Thank you for freeing us all.
All of the villagers started jumping around and then scattered and went back to their lives.

Mallory: Pleas let me heal him…

She walked to Saron and put her hand on his chest and healed him.

Saron: What happened? And what is this
wretch doing with you?! Kill her!!

Oren: It’s okay, she explained herself and we saw it fitting that she joined our party.

Saron: Well, what do we do now??

Oren: I say we go back to Aurora Castle and speak to my father, the king.

Mallory: WHAT?!!! Oh my gosh!!! I always heard the famous prince was a complete and total wimp!!

Oren: Don’t push me.

Mallory: Hey, you fought well. Well, I guess I will teleport us back to the uhh…what was it?-

Oren: Aurora castle.

Mallory: -and see what he has to say, and maybe he could send someone to help rebuild this town.

They were all the sudden pulled into darkness and Oren during the transport felt and empty feeling inside himself. They land in what used to be the court yard. But everything was burnt and broken.

Oren: What happened?!

Saron: I don’t know, but I know exactly where the king is…follow me, please.
They lead him through the torn up castle, into the servant’s quarters, where they all helped him look for a switch and found it, then down a latter in Saron’s room.

Oren: I can’t believe my father never told me of this place!

Saron: The reason he didn’t tell you was if you ever revolted or decided to try to kill him, he would be able to come here, though I find it pointless because I know it’s not in your nature.

They climb down the latter that appeared and find a short hallway with guards at both ends.

Guard: Halt! Reveal your identity!

Oren: I am prince Oren of Aurora Castle I demand to be let through!!!!

Guard (whimpering): At your command.

The guards moved out of the way and let them through. When they got into the chamber the king was in, they saw he was lying in bed with an injured leg, bandaged head, which was clearly stained with blood all the way through, and a large sore across his face.

Oren: Father what happened?

King: Doming sent his troops all over the world and destroyed each kingdom one at a time, and his troops were too much for us, therein destroying our castle and destroying everybody. And it gets worse-

Kasaveel: -Hey, at least you’re all right.

Oren, in another fit of rage, hits Kasaveel square on the forehead.

Oren: We are not okay, the castle was destroyed, innocent people were killed and my father is badly injured!!!

King: Please calm down Oren. He is right.
They heard Kasaveel crying in the background.

Oren: Oh come on… I didn’t hit you that hard!

Kasaveel: You don’t understand that blow to my head…why did you do that?!!!

Kasaveel jumped up and grabbed Oren’s collar.

Kasaveel: I didn’t want to remember!! This man killed my family and put a scar on my face so badly, that I have to wear this, I became a ninja when I was just 19 and have every day have wished that I would never remember or better yet, never happened, and you’re king hired me to assassinate the evil wizard.

King: Yes, Kasaveel, you are right in every way to be mad at him and me, but you’ve got to let it go.

Oren: You mean that you hired this assassin?

King: This will be much harder than it seemed, Doming has joined forces with Borealis.

Oren: Borealis? I’ve never heard of that city.

King: To protect you. If we had told you about it, it would completely ruin your vision of how people are, on this earth, then I realized you're desire to get out and adventure. Turning my back on the truth would only make the blow to you that much worse. The people there are hateful. The whole town lives off of hate and are all alike. They all wear the same clothes and don’t go by names. They have ID Numbers, and everyone there is apart of the military including the women and children. So when the time comes, you may have to end up fighting children and women.

At this news, everyone in the party shuddered. Nobody liked the idea of fighting kids, or women for that matter.

Oren: I don’t understand why someone would want to put children in their military.

King: They are the most successful country known of. Unfortunately the rebellion there was wiped out several years ago, before you were born. In order to take out Doming, you must defeat the army, destroy his evil minions, and take on his cronies. Then defeat him. You must have people join your party. The more you have, the better off you’ll be… ugh.

Oren: FATHER!!!

Saron: It’s ok, Oren, he’s asleep. Speaking of sleep, we need a place to sleep tonight.

Guard: Since all of the rooms in the castle were destroyed, you’ll need to stay at the inn.

They leave and rest, that night they go over their plans. Later that night, the whole party was restless, they all sat around a candle, and discussed what they would do next.

Oren: We’re in deeper than I thought. Man, I’m not so sure I want to do this anymore.

He put his head in his hands.

Oren: Killing children? I don’t know if I can stand it let alone the thought of it.

Kasaveel: Listen, we have to keep a straight mind…Oren, you made a promise to your father that you’re going to keep. We must get a lot of people to join our party and I know just the girl. She is a priest and a very good one at that. She is very skilled in the healing arts. What matters is that she can offer her skills to us and we will have one more person in our party.

Mallory: I know another black mage that I used to partner with maybe she could join too!

Saron: I think this has more to it than just killing an evil wizard. I’m not sure, but I have a bad feeling there'll be more to come.

They sleep that night and Oren awakens to a noise outside. Oren goes outside and notices what looked like a big black spot, kinda like a black hole. He notices people in cloaks with what looked like no face at all.As one went in, another came out then two went in and two came out then three, then four.

Oren: Hmm… I wonder what they’re doing. Maybe if I could get closer…

He gets closer and the people notice him.

Random Crony: HEY!! Get ‘em! He’s a spy!!

Oren: No I’m not! I swear I just stumbled in and…and…I’ll forget everything I saw!!Please let me go.

Random Crony: Get him.

They fight, and for some reason all they could do is hurl their bodies at him and with one slice he kills it and it just descintigrates into nothing and the robe fell.Oren kills them all off and approaches the “hole”.

Oren: Hmmm…I wonder what this is.
He touches the void and gets pulled into the blackness, and almost exactly like when Mallory teleported them, he felt an emptiness...except this emptiness was very different, it was an evil emptiness. Then he landed...

Please give me feedback...good or...*gulp*  bad.

The penguins will take us all away!! So says Boss AKA: Tonfa

Edited by - gunblade88 on 8/10/2003 5:17:42 AM

« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2003, 11:26:01 AM »
am i writing this for no reason? cause if no ones reading ill just stop annoying everyone with it. *sigh* oh well...i guess it'll be better in RPG form.

The penguins will take us all away!! So says Boss AKA: Tonfa
