
Author Topic: Lady Bow & Ribbon's Christmas Special  (Read 2359 times)

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« on: December 18, 2003, 08:05:16 PM »
Today's December ya know that? I'm gonna make a 2 different stories of their christmas special and featuring too. Like adventures, meeting, saving christmas and a world. Well I guess the family and guardians of the boos can join christmas from now on, at least their pretty nice not evil. Now Mario and Friends was there too with mushroom people. So I'm ready to being to create a story and I'll good luck.

Shawne Vinson

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« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2003, 04:26:19 PM »
     Christmas comes to Haunted Kingdom

                   Part 1

Santa: Oh-oh-oh! Rudolph faster and get going, we got a whole planet to come over for only few hours to do it. Is a good thing my christmas list is computerized ot I'll never get the job on time. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!

Herbert: Ha, there you go Ribbon. Your very own snow enemies to practice fighting to teach a lesson.

Lady Bow: Ribbon, where are you?

Ribbon: Here I come Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Bell. Megaaa Punnch! Yes, all attacks is super effective.

Lady Bow: Good work sweetie, you train so strongly as well. Come on Herbert, let's take into a snow sleigh ride.

Lady Bell: All right, so have fun Sister Bow, you too ya'll.

Herbert: All aboard for a Boo's family express!

Ribbon: Here we go!

Once again in danger, Tubba Blubba was walking by himself, singing, and looking for boos to munch 'em up.

Tubba Blubba: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to chomp to eat the boos every day. Hey, I think I heard something, is someone over the next hill. Mm-hmm, is those yummy boos, and I'll be a perfect time to chomp 'em. Come to think of it, anytime to perfect time if I'll munch 'em up. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Ribbon: Yahooo!

Lady Bow: Some ride huh Ribbon?

Ribbon: Yeah, at least I'll try to learn fast to train hard Mom.

Tubba Blubba: You ain't seeing nothing yet!

Lady Bow: (Gasp) Is Tubba Blubba!

Herbert: Hang on, I'm putting to this sleigh here into warp speed.

Tubba Blubba: Down the hill in that through that bump, look out so here I come.

They been chasing by Tubba Blubba.

Lady Bow: Herbert, look out!

Herbert: Uh-oh, End of the line!

All: Whooooaaa!

Ribbon: Man, I can't believe Tubba Blubba's right behind this. Why did he just give up already anyway. We gotta teach 'em a lesson

Lady Bow: You right, we got a think of something to stop him.

Herbert: Wait were in luck, is the emergency power item case. Ooh is empty.

Tubba Blubba: Look for these? So prepare to be chomp munchie boos.

Ribbon: Then if ya don't wanna give us back our items, but we got plenty of snowballs.

Lady Bow, Ribbon, and Herbert was making a snowballs to throw attack on Tubba Blubba.

Tubba Blubba: Oh,Ooo,Ow,Oh,Mmh,Ow! So you wanna play rough eh, so how bout this. Huh, why if it doesn't working?

Lady Bow: Too bad you just throw a mistake for the effective of items. So now is time to get rid of to stop you.

Tubba Blubba: Oh no, I've done the wrong one I gotta get outta here before they tryed to stop me.

Ribbon: Oh no you won't! Power item "Thunder Bolt"!

Tubba Blubba: Aaahhhhhh! You'll pay for this you mashmallow creep.

Lady Bow: Yoo-hoo

Tubba Blubba: Huh?

Lady Bow: "Fan Smaack"

Tubba Blubba: Oooohhh!

Lady Bow: You wouldn't realize to giving up don't you? Just look over here.

Herbert: Huge rollin snow coming up.

Tubba Blubba: Yaaahhhh!

Lady Bow: So Long!

Ribbon: Have a nice snowing you freaky possum reptile. (Teasing to stick out her tounge) Hmmm!

Once again, Santa was still flying a sleigh by reindeer to keep on going. When suddenly, Tubba Blubba was running when he done it to them by stomping when their gonna be crash landed to goes by the haunted place.

(Bell Jingling)

Santa: Pick up pace faster, faster comment, faster before we behind schedule.

(Tubba Blubba Stomping) (Reindeers Neighing)

Santa: Whooa.....Whoooa......Whooooa!

Next story to continue!

Shawne Vinson

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« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2003, 02:15:10 AM »
Christmas comes to Haunted Kingdom

                  Part 2

Santa: Whoooa!

Bootler: Hey what gives? Huh?

Santa: Whooa!

Lady Bell: What is that? Is some kind of strange a man fall down in a sky.

Ribbon: Mommy, what is it?

Lady Bow: I don't Ribbon, but is head it this way. Vanish!

Santa: Brace yourself, were going to crash!

(Reindeer Neighing) (CRASH)

Tubba Blubba: Wow! Dang it what was that?

Herbert: Agh, I'd never seen anything like it.

Lady Bow: Maybe is traveler as he lost or something.

Herbert: Yeah, look it that strange human being, with a hairy face and a red winter suit.

Ribbon: I think he looks kinda familiar 'tho.

Boo Guard: What's with all this now you majesty?

Bootler: Holy ghostly vanish, that flying thing was been crash landed from traveling place or something.

Lady Bell: So what's going on here Sister Bow?

Lady Bow: I don't know, I think they need help Sister Bell and Herbert. Are you okay?

Santa: Yeah I think so, where am I?

Lady Bow: Your in Haunted Kingdom!

Santa: Haunted Kingdom? That's wired, I've been all over the world when I don't remember here in a haunted kingdom. Oh my speaking of world, I must be way behind schedule, I got to get cracking.

The Reindeers was trying to get going!

Santa: Ooh is no used, when I need is to pride and all my elves off in a evening (Sneezing)

Lady Bell: Uh-oh, well you need is some warm fire, and some hot cocoa with mashmallow.

Just then Lady Bow, Ribbon and the others are helping Santa and the reindeer to take into the haunted castle when they're be just fine.

Santa: Mm-mmm this stuff sure is good. Thank you umm.

Lady Bell: Lady Bell, but you can call me Bell.

Lady Bow: I'm her sister Lady Bow and I'm Queen of the Boo and ruler of the haunted kingdom, this my husband Herbert, and is my sweet lovely princess dauhgter Ribbon. So anyway were not going to scare to, were boos of the ghost.

Ribbon: Yeah, this is really haunted and spooky as we lived very fine. So don't be afraid of us okay?

Santa: I won't!

Herbert: But say, who are you anyway? And what you behind schedule for?

Santa: You mean you really don't know? Why I'm Santa Claus! And I'm late with my christmas deliveries.

Lady Bow: Christmas?

Herbert: Hmm...what's a christmas?

Ribbon: What's that Santa?

Santa: You never of christmas? Why is the most wonderful time of the year. Is the season of giving, and recieving, a time of peace on earth and good things by a spirits.

All the Boos smiling for Christmas!

Lady Bow: Wow! Christmas sure sounds wonderful all right. We never had anything like that in a Haunted Kingdom.

Ribbon: Yeah, it sounds pretty cool as I never ever seen before in my life!

Santa: Now you see I must get air boards, I got a long list of good little boys and girls who presents for. (Gasp) My bag of toys.  I'd must been lost them in a crash! Oh dear, the world's counting on me. I'd never missed the christmas yet.

Herbert: Boy, this awful Bow. We got to help 'em out.

Lady Bow: Aww, but don't worry Santa, will save christmas for you.

Santa: But my sleigh, the reindeer.

Lady Bow: The guardain of boos will you to fix it Guards help and fix Santa's sleigh we got work to do for saving christmas.

Boo Guard #3: Yes you majesty!

Herbert: Hey Santa I'll have your reindeer hurry by the time is ready!

Santa: But what about the presents? Without them my reindeer and sleigh will be if any used?

Lady Bow: Gwa-ha, Just leave everything to me and Ribbon!

Santa: Be careful Lady Bow you too Ribbon!

Ribbon: We wiil!

Lady Bow: And don't worry Santa we"ll head it in back in the air before midnight!

Next story too continue!

Shawne Vinson

Edited by - Shawne20 on 12/21/2003 1:36:28 PM

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« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2003, 03:34:59 PM »
For then last time, Tubba Blubba was head it back home for after that. He had to think of something for his next revenge.

Tubba Blubba: I'm getting sick a tired of those ghostly creeps always trying to get a best of me. So anyway, but I need is to think to get rid of munch to taste the sweet revenge!

Shawne Vinson

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« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2003, 04:33:42 PM »
      Christmas comes to Haunted Kingdom

                   Part 3

Once again, Lady Bow and Ribbon was trying looking for Santa's bag of toys, if they doing best they can from their mission.

Ribbon: Ah man, we just gotta find that bag of toys Mom, before is too late.

Lady Bow: I know sweetie, we had to keep going and follow that trail.

Tubba Blubba's singing crazy again.

Tubba Blubba: Dashing through the snow, Gowa-ha-ha-ha-ha, is my revenging time, and chomping on the way. (Tubba Blubba's Stoped) Well lookee here, I really found something. Hmm, is just an old sack and is all got in a bunch  TOYS! I've always like playing toys, is sound fun.

He is so babbling for playing toys.

Tubba Blubba: Oh a train, I can go for some choo-choo, hey a plane, I can fly with my hand, (engine voice) oh a yo-yo, wow this is sounds. Look like cuz I'm strucked rich!

Ribbon: Mmmh, I think were going to far Mom. I think were in a right side.

(Tubba Blubba's voice)

Lady Bow: Hey sounds like someone's having a good time.

Ribbon: Where? (Gasp) Oh no, is Tubba Blubba!

Lady Bow: Darn it. He's found the Santa's sack of toys, when he's playing. We got a figure way to get it back.

Ribbon: I've got it, we can vanish for ourselves to sneek in.

Lady Bow: Great idea Ribbon, so let's do it. We can grab those toys to put in a sack and get out of here, before he won't see us. Come on!

They transparent to vanish!

Tubba Blubba: Wow a board game, this could be fun. Hmm let's see. (Humming)

Just then, Lady Bow and Ribbon's sneeking to grab up those toys to in a huge bag so fast. Tubba Blubba will never play it and he don't get is so easy.

Tubba Blubba: Hey where my toys go? Oh there you are. Is just still in a bag he-he-he. Hey where's my board game? Is gotta be around here somewhere.

Ribbon: (Whispering) Gotcha!

Lady Bow: Good job Ribbon! Now let's out of here!

They're escaping now!

Tubba Blubba: Huh? Hey come here with my toys, those are mine!

Ribbon: Ha-ha-ha! Catch ya later Tubba Blubbly! (Blowing Raspberry)

Tubba Blubba: (Growing) I'll get you for this next time!

Ribbon: Whew! We made it Mom, so how time we had left?

Lady Bow: We had....35 minutes til midnight, so we better hurry.

In a meantime, the Guardain of Boos was still fixing the Santa's sleigh and Herbert was helping a reindeer to heal 'em up.

Boo Guard #2: Say this thing must be in here somewhere. Ah here it is! (Drilling)

Boo Guard #1: Were almost finished!

Herbert: So how you'll doing fellas. Well your temperature's okay Rudolph. But your warning light's still flickering.

They had to waiting for Lady Bow and Ribbon!

Lady Bow: Oh, I hope I think we can make it Ribbon.

Ribbon: Oh, here we are finally. Were home!

Lady Bow: Good, so come on Ribbon, we can't Santa down and is 20 minutes til midnight.

Boo Guard #1: Your sleigh is all fixed Santa!

Boo Guard #2: Yep and it work come with a 5 year 60,000 Boo warranty. Heh-ha, you did it Boo warranty Ha.!

Next story to continue!

Shawne Vinson

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« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2003, 03:54:56 PM »
Christmas comes to Haunted Kingdom

                  Part 4

Lady Bell: Gosh, I wonder what's taking Bow so long. I hate for you to miss your deadline.

Santa: Yet my, my deadline. I just hope Lady Bow and Ribbon are okay.

(Knocking) (Cold Winding) (Lady Bow Shivering)

Herbert: Bow, Ribbon are you all right?

Lady Bow: Yeah, were just fine Herbert!

Bootler: Oh no, I guess it even though Santa said.

Ribbon: We found it Santa, your bag of toys was safe and sound.

Lady Bow: Ahh! Thanks Sister Bell, I feel better already!

Bootler: Looks like we save christmas for ya after all.

Santa: I'm afraid not is just too late!

Guardain of Boos: Oooh!

Bootler and Bell: (Groaning)

Ribbon: Awww, Man!

Santa: This is the christmas I missed all history. (Sobbing)

Lady Bow: Aww, They must be some way Santa.

Santa: Thanks for tryed Lady Bow, you too Ribbon. But even if my reindeer will barely for spirit could it make it the time.

Lady Bow: (Snap) Hey a spirit of item, that's is. We can still save christmas. Santa get your sleigh and reindeer follow me!

So Lady Bow has an idea to help Santa for saving christmas. Now they start floating to go for a great item of spirits or something.

Herbert: What are we going Bow?

Lady Bow: Don't worry, will be there any second. Or maybe!

Ribbon: Oh no, not him again!

Tubba Blubba: Hold it right there Lady Bow and Ribbon!

Santa: Whooa!

(Reindeer Neighing)

Tubba Blubba: Well now what have we here? Looks like I get to munch the whole neighboorhood this time.

Lady Bow: I know it will never work, but we got to try the reason will him.

Ribbon: Yeah! He's gonna had to stop this! Let's go Mom!

Lady Bow: Okay Tubba Blubba now listen, you can't chomp us to munch us.

Tubba Blubba: I can't? No way, you don't have no idea who you talking too. So prepare to be punish to chomp.

Lady Bow: No wait, you see were on the emergency mission, were the only chance Santa Claus has for saving christmas.

Ribbon: Yeah, were trying to help him out before is too late.

Tubba Blubba: WHAT? Santa Claus? Christmas?

Lady Bow: That's right Christmas, is a time for spreading joy though out thw world. Is a time for all of brothery love.

Tubba Blubba: Is that a true for a friendships?

Lady Bow: Of course!

Tubba Blubba: Forget it Lady Bow, your clever talking gonna get you out of this mess.

Ribbon: You don't understand Tubba Blubba, were not doing this for us. You see just think of the millions of deserving children around the world, who will get christmas presents,  you open your mouths instead of your hearts.

Lady Bow: Ribbon's right! You had to listen your own spirits of heart Tubba Blubba!

Tubba Blubba: (Crying) What if I done to you guys I won't listen to my heart of memories. I will just remember to think of all the little kids and a big kids too from now on. I am sorry all of you boos, so just this once Lady Bow and Ribbon, but remember when christmas is over I'll be back.

Lady Bow: Thanks! You won't regrethed! Let's everyone.

There it is, the power item field.

Santa: I don't know what you got in mind Lady Bow, but is just no used. I might is welll face it, I miss my first christmas.

Lady Bow: Aw, don't give up yet Santa. There's the end of your problem.

Santa: Power items?

Bootler: She's thinks Bow's has to be generous.

Boo Guard #1: Uh who's a power item for your highness.

Lady Bow: The reindeer, who else. Go on use it.

The reindeer use to restored the other power items to touched and feeling fine, and Rudolph's nose was glowing now.

Santa: (Chuckles) My-my-my-my! I'd never seen Rudolph's nose glow so bright. They're just meet me a chance after all.

Lady Bow: Hurry, there's no time to lose!

Ribbon: Good Luck Santa, and good-bye!

Lady Bow: So Long, and take care

Herbert: Keep up the good work!

Santa: Lead on Rudolph!

(The reindeers are flying and jingling)

Lady Bell: Bye for now Santa!

Santa: Thanks again Good-bye!

Ribbon: Oh, I just will be able to help 'em save chirstmas.

Lady Bow: All right now, come on Ribbon, Herbert, and everyone is cold out here. Let's go home!

Next story to continue for final!

Next story to continue!

Shawne Vinson

Edited by - Shawne20 on 12/25/2003 2:12:03 PM

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« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2003, 10:34:15 PM »
    Christmas comes to Haunted Kingdom

                 Part 5 Final

And so after saving christmas, Lady Bow, Ribbon, Herbert, and the Boos was ready to straight back from now on. And then suddenly it was very suprise!

Ribbon: Mommy, Look!

All: Awwwww!

Santa's voice: Oh-oh-oh-oh! Merry Christmas!

Boo Guard # 1: We did it, we save christmas!

Lady Bell: Oh Gosh, Look it all the presents!

Lady Bow: Ha-ha-ha! Here's one for you Bootler, and here's 3 of you guardian of boos. Herbert, Sister Bell, My sweet lovely Princess Ribbon!

Ribbon: Oh Mommy!

Sunddely, Tubba Blubba was look over here at the castle and trying to get rid of 'em

Tubba Blubba: But I though I was gonna tryed to chomp and munch 'em tonight. Well at least I change mind didn't I? So let's get em! Huuhhh?

Lady Bow: Merry Christmas Tubba Blubba! We'll give you a 5 special presents!

Tubba Blubba: Why I-..I don't what to say! (Sniffle) It really is christmas, how can ever thank you enough your majesty, and you too....Princess Ribbon!

Lady Bow: Aw, don't thank us, thanks to Santa Claus!

Santa: Oh-oh-oh-oh! Merry Christmas to all, and along a good spook!

                *THE END*

Shawne Vinson

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« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2003, 06:23:47 PM »
Lucky Starman!

Shawne Vinson
