
Author Topic: Some Mario story I am working on...  (Read 2408 times)

« on: June 14, 2003, 07:09:44 AM »
Ok it is called Mario and the 4 stars of the Gods, it isn't very far into the story, and is a working progress, but I will write on it frequently with constant updates on it.  With out further to do, Mario and the 4 stars of the Gods!

Long ago, in the times of the ancients, there were 4 gods, Destruction, Harmony, Creation, and Wisdom.  Together they created the universe from nothingness, But 2 of the gods despised each other, Destruction and Creation, Destruction would destroy Creation's hard work, but Creation would replenish what was supposed to be destroyed, because of the people's sins, ect.  They broke out into a great war, that caused the destruction of any planets and galaxies near-by, Wisdom and Harmony did not like this senseless destruction and the arguments the had were absolutely pointless and didn't go anywhere, but they continued to fight, niether of them winning, that is when Harmony put a stop to the fight, Wisdom sealed them off on oppsite sides of the universe, and then they took away all of the power of the gods and put them into stars and put them up high into seperate temples for each direction, then the gods ended their lives...

Mario was hanging out at Princess Peach's Castle having a great time, as usual, funny how most of these things start out nice and peacful...anyway, Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, and Peach were in a new spa that was just built on the castle grounds and they were loving every minute of it, considiring not many of them have been in a spa before.

Mario: How long have these things been out?!

Luigi: Quite a while Mario, get with the program.

Yoshi: Yeah geez!

Peach: Hmmm...

Mario: What's on your mind Peach?

Peach: Nothing.

Yoshi: Whatever, hey toad, give another soda NOW!

Toad: Ok, ok, ok geez, us toads have feelings too!

Yoshi: No you don't!

Toad:*sigh, gets Yoshi another soda*

Yoshi: Now go get me some nachos!

Mario: Give me some spagettii!!

Luigi: I would like some spagettii as well please!

Peach: I'm fine thank you.

Toad(under his breath): I didn't ask anyone anyway, but whatever the paycheck is good.

Mario jumped out of the spa when he saw Bowser come over, obviously uninvited.  He jumped in the spa kicked back forcing the other people out of the water.

Bowser: Yep this is nice...

Peach: Get out of here RIGHT NOW!

Bowser: No way...

Peach: Grr....

Mario: Move it now fatty, McFat Fat, fatter, fatty, fat, fat, fat!

Yoshi: Errr...yeah...

Luigi: Wow Mario, that one had thought to it

Mario: Just shut-up!

Suddenly Goombario pops out of nowhere, and just stands there staring back and forth between Bowser and everyone.

Goombario: What's going on here?

Mario: Bowser won't move his fat ass out of the tub.

Goobario: Ahh...hmmm...CATAPULT!

Mario: What?!

Goombario: Give me a plank of wood! wait make that a sheet of tungsten...

Mario: Tungsten?

Goombario: An extremely strong metal that can resist great amounts of heat and is used inside light-bulbs and such, now hurry up and get me some!!!

Mario: Got some!

Goombario: Wow that was unrealistically fast...ok

Goombario shoved the sheet of Tungsten underneath Bowser and found a zoo of 800,000,000,000,000 Giant Elephants, which altogether weighed about 100 more pounds than Bowser enough to send him flying out of the castle!

Goombario: That was relitivally easy to execute, yes what I implemented happened, I didn't need to concede to failure!

Mario:...Is there an off button?

Luigi: I don't know, it's like once he talks, there isn't any force that can stop him!

Yoshi: Hey Goombario, shut-up!

Goombairo: Right, the words escaping from my mouth will cease to flow into your ears, the sound waves will not respond with your inner ear lobe,blah blah blah blah

Yoshi: Oy!

We go to Bowser, devising a new plan to take over Mushroom Kingdom.

Bowser: Well, whoever the hell thought the spa thing would work is a complete moron!

Random Koopa: Err...(runs off)

Bowser: Note to self, kill that koopa...Hey I need to read up on the history off the Gods anyway, maybe I will find something in there?

to be continued...

If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama
If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama

« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2003, 08:44:39 AM »
I believe the quote is: The cruel meatball of war has fallen onto our laps and ruined our white pants of peace!
cool story but you might make the next chapter more readable.

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2003, 10:29:19 AM »
Ok back to the story...

Bowser: Ok now to go to the library...hey since when did my castle have a library, oh well, it's convinient...

Bowser picks up a book labled "The Ancient Tales of Gods and other Mythology"

Bowser: That's oddly specific...hmmm...4 stars eh? Uh-huh...yes, that sounds like a good idea, but how do I know this happened better get someone to check...this may be a good time to use that new guy I just hired...HEY! KOOPA!!

Koopa: Yes sir?

Bowser: Bring in our newest troop!

Koopa: Right away Lord Bowser!

Koopa#2: Is there anything else you want Lord Bowser?

Bowser: I am quite fine thank you...

Koopa#3: Are you sure?


Koopa: Here he is Lord Bowser!

We see a Goomba, but this is no ordinary Goomba, he is covered with metal plates, one of his feet is made purely out of metal, one of his eyes is an aimer of some sort, one of the protruding teeth is made of metal and has a radioactive warning sign on it.  Bowser snaps his fingers and the Goomba nods, all of the metal plates open revealing a large asernal of weaponary, homing missles, plasma cannons, laser beams, pulse cannon, gatlen gun, and a strange looking weapon that says, "Only for use in emergency only..."

to be continued...

If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama
If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama

« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2003, 06:39:44 PM »
???: What is your command Lord Bowser?

Bowser: I want you to see if any of this thing about the 4 Stars of the Gods exist in any, way, shape or it?

???: Sure thing Lord Bowser...

Bowser: Now go Goomborg! Get out of my sight, and I do not want to see you again until you have gotten the answers that I need...

Goomborg: Yes sir...

Goomborg blasted away with the thrusters that blasted out of his back...

Goomborg: Ignorant fool...he actually thinks that some stupid Mythology holds the key to ruling the universe...hmph...His unintelligence surpasses any that I have ever observed...

He continued to fly up into the depths of space and something crossed his mind...

Goomborg: ACK, he didn't even tell me were to look, that cumbersome baffoon...

Goomborg opened up a comunication device and called Bowser.

Bowser: What do you want, do you have what I desire?

Goomborg: No sire, but were exactly did the book SAY were the ruins were supposed to be?

Bowser: Erm it says about 5 feet from were you are...

Goomborg: I see nothing here...

Bowser: says you need to say "I call for the power of the Gods...I shall do their every whim"

Goomborg: But that is saying that I have to be their slave...

Bowser: I don't care just say it!

Goomborg: Yes Lord Bowser...

Goomborg repeated the phrase but nothing seemed to happen...

Goomborg: Hmph, that would be a negitive, looks like you'll have to find ano-

The he saw energy flowing into the nothingness and then 4 temples appeared they each had strange markings on them, he translated them, the lower right temple said "Power" the upper right said "Creation" the lower left said "Harmony" and the upper left said "Wisdom"

Goomborg: Which one should I go in first?

Bowser: POWER!!!!

Goomborg: Yes my leige...

Goomborg entered the temple marked Power and it was suprisingly small there was just a black star there he reached out a mechanical arm to snag it but them something popped out of the star, (if any of you have played Sonic Adventure 1 or 2 or any of the gamecube versions will know who I am talking about, if not, I will have to describe him) it was Chaos, he is a gelatenous-liquidy creature, with 2 large glowing emerald-green eyes, it did not have mouth, nose, ears, ect., his head was shaped sort of like a person's execpt it had a part at the top were it curved up into a hill shape, and it had two long tentecal-like things runnin out of the back of it's head, like hair, he had a normal sized upper-arm, but his fore-arm was huge and he had even larger hands with only 3 fingers, or 2 fingers and a depends of how specific you want it...anyway, then it had two-toed feet, his whole body was colored sapphire blue and glowed the same color.

Chaos: I am the God of Destruction...I am much diffrent from the other Gods...mainly because, I am still alive...heh heh heh...

Goomborg: I actually didn't think that any of you existed in the first place...

Chaos: Hmph, then that shows how truly ignorant you are, do you think the universe just created itself?!  Fool!  You think you are advanced because of your computer brain, but you expose your ignorance by being sceptical by everything that isn't science-realated...fool...

Goomborg: You are the fool, and I shall destroy you here!

Chaos: Hpmh...I would like to see that...

Goomborg: Prepare to die!

Goomborg put out of of his asernal he first started to fire the gatlen and machine guns first.  When the bullets made contact with Chaos's body they would stop when they hit him and then would flow out of his body and fall to the ground...

Chaos: You are truly a fool...come on, try harder, maybe you will destroy me...heh...

Goomborg grunted and fired everything else Chaos could not be seen since there were so many exsplosions and such as soon as he ran out of ammo he saw Chaos walk out of the smoke unharmed...

Chaos: Hpmh...I tire of this...

Goomborg: Oh yeah?! Well here is the taste of the secret weapon!!!

The weapon marked FOR USE IN EMERGENCY ONLY started to charge energy, it took about 3 minutes to fully charge, then it fired a beam of immense size, Chaos lifted his hand up and fired a beam 8 times the size and destroyed Goomborg...

Chaos: Pathetic, I expected more of a challenge from such a advanced piece of technology...well, it is time to destroy the remaints of the Gods...I wouldn't want them to come back...

Chaos tried to enter one of the other temples but a shield would be put up in front of him that would not allow him in...

Chaos: Then agian...maybe I'll just have to wait, play with the universe that I have so wanted to destroy...I could easily destroy those pathetic barriers, but I must have some fun first...even if any God comes back to life, I am the only one who was immune to the spell...they will not have their powers and I will...this is excellent...

If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama
If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama

« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2003, 06:18:45 PM »
Chaos passed planet after planet destroying them as he passed by this took hardly any effort, as he destroyed world after world, solar system after solar system, galaxy after galaxy, and then he came upon the planet that contanied Mushroom Kingdom, Chaos thought to himself...

Chaos: Hmmm...this is the planet that the pathetic cyborg was from...maybe it will be fun to play around with the creatures from there, maybe then I will be less bored...the universe is much weaker than it was when it was first created, it is no longer fortified with magic...pity...then I might have had more of a challenge...well it is time to see what weak life-forms this planet inhabits...

Chaos landed on the planet and looked at the surroundings.

Chaos: Hmmm...lush, green grass...colorful flying creatures...flowered orchards...this planet is just begging to be destroyed!

Chaos started making dark energy erupt from the ground, giant black beams demolished the landscape, he had only destroyed a large forest using a small fraction of his power, yet this invigorated him more than demolishing full planets at once...perhaps the fact that he knew things were suffering it made it that much better...

If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama
If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama

« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2003, 06:26:17 PM »
Chaos continued to walk about the land destroying all in his path, he soon approached a village of Toads, in all of the comotion no one noticed that him right away, soon the whole town was staring at him, he started to glow a dark blue color, naturally all of the Toads started to freak out, then the ground started to rumble, the ground started to fissure, and then black energy erupted from the cracks and demolished the whole town, he started laughing to himself, and continued to destroy.  (That's all the time I have, my dad keeps on yelling at me to get off, sorry for such a short chapter.)

If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama
If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama

« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2003, 05:33:58 PM »
(I know I haven't updated this story in quite some time, and I hope it doesn't go against any rules at all to bring a story back up, the last thing I want is to be hated...)

As all of the destruction run rampant throughout Mushroom Kingdom, it doesn't take long for Mario to find out and try to put a stop to it.  He saw the creature and was horrified at the destruction it had caused.

Mario: Who the hell do you think you are?!

Chaos: I am Chaos, God of Destruction, my thirst for death of all is endless.

Mario:...Whatever, I'm going to have to stop you, you can't just barge in here and start killing, what kind of god are you?!

Chaos: The only one that could not be controlled...heheheheheh...

Mario: Well then, if you are so powerful, then let's see you fight me!

Chaos: YOU?! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA, That's hilarious, Do you think you could possibly do anything to harm me?!

Mario: That's what every arrogant villian says, and they are always defeated in the end.

Chaos: You read to much fairy tales, I cannot be stopped by a mortal, especially someone who is as ignorant as you...

Mario: Then, let us fight!

Chaos and Mario charged at each other, and obviously, Mario gets blown away.  Chaos just continued to hit him, he wanted him to die the way he wanted to, fighting with one's fists

Bowser: How could he get destroyed?! That moron!!

Bowser read more of the book on the Gods and such and found out there was a way to harness the power of the god through another method

Bowser: Excellent...

(Once again, please don't be mad if this is against any rules, if it is, I was ignorant to them)
If you have done right, it will be as if you have done nothing at all-God on Futurama

The meatball of war has fallen out of our plates rolled off the table and fell into our good white trousers! Beep, Boo, Beep, Boo-Mario on Futurama
