
Author Topic: If you're bored, join in.  (Read 2533 times)

« on: January 17, 2004, 09:59:23 PM »
Allright. I'm bored. So I'm going to try something different.
I was inspired By the Mario P.O.V. story.

I'll write a short story about a character, and include a bunch of other characters in it. Then, someone else takes the point of view of one of those characters, and writes his/her side of the story.
Example: (my story)I was running down the street, and inadvertantly stepped on a slug.

(next guy)I was crawling on the street, and some stupid guy stepped on me!

Mario knew what had to be done. he picked up a fireflower and raced to the place he knew his brother would be: Bowser's Keep.
He busted open the doors, and found Luigi, and Bowser beating on one another in such a way that would make Rocky Balboa cringe.
Sitting on a chandelier, obviously looking for a way down that didn't involve cracking their skulls, were Toad and Professor Elvin Gadd.
Mario Joined in the fight. Between him and his brother, they pinned bowser to the floor.
"You're going to pay for what you've done to peach!" cried luigi angrilly.
Bowser was genuinely scared. He had never seen these two so angry before. He didn't know what to tell them. Finally, he managed to make himself look mean, and said:
"I didn't do anything! It is not my fault!"
"Liar!" cried the brothers.
"I would do nothing to hurt my Princess! You know that!" snarled bowser.
Mario was getting angrier with every lie this monster told. Mario's hand lit up and he was about to bring it down into Bowser's face, when suddenly:
Mario turned his head to view a distinctly feminine silhouette in the doorway. The figure stepped into the castle.
"Peach!" said all three of the confused fighters.
"Bowser is telling you the truth. He did nothing."
Mario, and Luigi stopped. Bowser suddenly threw them off and stood up.
Mario knew that this would be awkward.
"uh...I'm...sorry." he said, lowering his eyes.
He held out his hand.
Bowser snorted.
Mario felt sick to his stomache. Suddenly his thoughts returned to Peach.
"What happened?" he asked. "Who sent that message?"
"I asked bowser to send it." peach explained. "I'll explain on the way home."
Mario started out the door and stopped to wait for peach.
He heard peach say to bowser, "Thanks."
To which the turtle-dragon replied, "Don't mention it."
And then Peach and Mario left for home.
The End...sorta.

Now someone else gets to write about how all this happened.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2004, 09:04:25 PM »
Do we have to actually write from the character's mouth, or just write about the events surrounding that character?
"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."- Jebediah Springfield

« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2004, 09:25:11 PM »
The events surrounding that character.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2004, 06:42:58 PM »
As Toad fell through the air, he realized that Bowser's Keep was directly below him.

"This won't end well," he thought. Fortunately, he crashed through the skylight, and managed to grab onto a chandelier. As he pulled himself up, he found him self staring into two bespectacled eyes.
"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."- Jebediah Springfield

« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2004, 05:24:08 PM »
er...actually the idea was to write from the beginning.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


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« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2004, 06:02:37 PM »
Peach re-checked her list of the decorations needed for Mario and Luigi's surprise birthday.  Everything seemed in order.  Except one thing was missing.
Peached sighed, "How can I keep Mario busy for at least half an hour?  He always knows when something is different."
"Well," Toad suggested, "maybe you could put everythig together in the morning, when he oversleeps."
Peach was about to say that it wouldn't work, when the phone rang.  She picked up the phone, and said, "Hello?"
It was Bowser.  "Hey, Peach?  I have a meeting today, so I won't be able to capture you today.  Could we re-schedule to some other day?"
Peach suddenly had an idea. "Bowser could you capture Luigi on the thirty-seventh?  Mario and Luigi's surprise birthday is on that day, and I need them to be distracted for a while."
"How come I wasn't invited?"
"Yeah you were, check your mailbox.  Oh, could you capture Toad and Professer Elvin Gadd to make the kidnapping more genuine?"
Bowser sighed, "Fine."
"Thanks! Bye!"
Peach hung up the phone, convinced that the party would be a success.
The next morining, Toad answered the phone, while Peach walked into the room.  It was Mario.
Toad said, "It's Mario, he wants to talk to you."
Tell him I'm not here, and sound panicked.
Toad did so, and as he did, Bowser walked in, pulling a tied-up, blindfolded Luigi behind him.   Immediately, Bowser laughed an evil laugh into the receiver, and hung up the phone.  Toad knew what was hapening and made noises of fear in Luigi's direction, Peach did the same, but stayed put, while Toad followed Bowser and the blindfolded Luigi outside.  Peach waited till they were gone, then sighed with relief, and began to prepare for the party.  After a while, Peach got a phone call from Toad.  She hung up and dashed off to the castle, concerned of how badly Mario would push Bowser before Bowser would stop pretending and burn Mario into a sulfurous mass of ashes.
She got to the front door, yanked it open, and yelled, "Stop!  Bowser is telling you the truth.  He did nothing."
Mario apologized to Bowser, and then looked at Peach, confused.  "Who sent the message?" he asked, with slightly different wording.
I'll explain on the way home." She then thatnked Bowser, and she actually didn't tell Mario anything on the way home.
What if there was another chapter about the actual party?

If you eat sixty-two oranges, fifty-three bananas, and seventy-four apples, then you''re full of fruit!
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2004, 03:42:43 AM »

Cool, maybe I'll join in.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2004, 10:08:46 PM »
It was another dark and stormy day just like
every other and The King of Koopas rose from his bed like the mighty beast he was a lion strong roar escaped from his mouth as a morning yawn. He exited his bedroom into his bathroom and started to freshen up he polished his giant spiked shell with SHELL SHOCK tm brand shiner and sharpened his spikes with a underlings beak. "What's on the quota today?" he asked deeply when his faithfull right hand goomba approached " Well today you have an appointment with your children planning another massive take over slash Princess wooing." the goomba grumbled nervously reading down the list of things to do Bowser had made yesterday. " Oh,no." Bowser slapped his head"Was that today I'll have to call Peach and reschedule the kidnapping I planned last week." with this he picked up the phone. Down in the depths a faithfull Koopa Troopa Clerk answered " Yes?"
"Troopa connect me to Princess Peach on the red line please." Bowser said proudly as he knew his organization was run by the world's greatest leader himself and everything could be done on an instant. "Yes,sir!" the Troopa connected the call and after a short time Peach answered. "Hey Peach uh this is Bowser, Yea this is about the kidnapping Oh today isn't good for you either? Well that's... Oh? Luigi? Why Luigi? I see. Hmmm Your gonna owe me one for this Yea sure Your welcome." Bowser hung up the phone and sat upon his stone throne. "Ok gather up everyone we're doing something a little different today." the underlings gathered and Bowser made his announcement of doing the Princess a favor and organized a crack assualt team of two para koopas a gooba and a lakutu. He proudly mounted his Whirly Koopa and led his crack assualt team into battle he managed to bag Luigi with no problems and Professor Gadd came along without hassle but that Toad charecter fought untill he passed out from fatigue. After all this hard work Bowser returned just in time to close his door before Mario arrived of course as usual Mario freed his brother and the two of them went toe to toe and for a one on two Bowser was holding his own he let them pin him to the ground and then Peach came in and stopped the fight right when he was getting warmed up. She of course thanked him and they all left. "The meeting your terribleness." the goomba reminded him. "Cancel it I'm too tired." then the mighty king retired for the night.

I''m Shakezilla the Microphone Rulah!

I HAvE FuRy!!- Fawful

  • Guest
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2004, 12:20:46 PM »
Luigi walked outside just as the sun was rising. "I like it when it when I am all by myself in the early morning, it's peaceful" he thought to himself. Suddently he saw a goomba and two koopas coming toward him. "It looks like bowser is up to something again" he said to himself. He was about to call Mario when the two koopas swooped in. While he was busy doging them he failed to notice that lakuti was above him. Suddently a spiny egg hit him right on the head and then the two koopas knocked him out. As soon as he woke up he saw Bowser in front of him. He started fighting Bowser but Bowser didn't seem to by trying as hard as he used to. Then Mario showed up and together the brothers wrestled him to the ground. Mario was about to shove a fireball in Bowser's face when Peach burst through the door.
