
Author Topic: BMX!!  (Read 4946 times)

« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2004, 10:58:42 AM »
I looked for awhile but didn't find anything strange in the list.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”


« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2004, 07:04:47 PM »
"Meowork: ESPN", instead of network, meowork. Is it some kind of inside joke between you and Meowrik?

.tneb ytilaeR dna dewols emiT
.tnew namggE eht no dna no tuB


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2004, 11:24:13 PM »
I did it because the lettering of those two words are realtively close and I was kind of wondering if anyone would care enough to look at the list and ATTEMPT to watch at least five seconds of it because more than half (if not even more) of this forums cares less about extreme sports and thinks how people are stupid if they do it, wonder why people freak out if a cool trick is pulled, and think any sport that doesn't have a ball and players chasing is the dumbest thing thought up on the face of this Earth. Man, that was a long sentence.

If anybody watched...:

Vert- Cool stuff:

Jamie Bestwick: Flairwhip; new cool trick (180 Backflip while doing a tailwhip)

Simon Tabron: The first, ultimate vert trick ever pulled back then- the 900. 2 1/2 full 360's. Doublewhip (double tailwhip) to a 540, amazingly.

Dave Mirra: Doublewhip. First ever landed Flairwhip. Couple other cool things.

Park- Cool stuff (I saw so far, that is)

Mirra: Flipwhip, ALMOST screwed it up by falling over, but he made it into a trick! He thought he was gonna wreck into another ramp but he went up and pulled a quick trick!!! Amazing! Almost pulled a backflip from a standstill. He was standingon his bike barely moving then just jerked the bars as hard as he could and flipped. He ALMOST got it; he landed it then the bike somehow went out from under him; he OVER-rotated a little bit, that's why... Uh, other stuff.

Nyquist: 360 Suicide Clapper (almost clapping your hands behind your back) Barspin over the spine. Other stuff.

An Austrailian, I believe. I JUST forgot his name: He did a tailwhip to a curved WALLRIDE and landed it! "I FONT BELIVE IT!!!" Crazy, crazy stuff.

Other people doing other cool stuff...

My face takes up a large portion of my head.
"Watching anime... I have noticed that the Japanese have very bad [slow] reaction times."

Edited by - Trainman on 8/8/2004 12:03:45 AM
Formerly quite reasonable.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2004, 10:34:36 PM »
I like watching the skateboard stuff better, but I have seen a fair amount of the bike stuff this year.
That was a joke.

« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2004, 12:35:48 AM »
Still doesn't have my interest at all...
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2004, 12:36:19 PM »
Enough to post.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”


  • Normal
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2004, 04:21:26 PM »
Package for LD: What do you know! An LOL from ME! (Ew, that rhymed)

Anyone hear about Eastside?  It's this skateboard film with this Asian guy with two long braids who was skating in Taiwan and other places in Asia. It looked cool.

I wish I was in the forest with a dragon right now.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2004, 01:53:09 AM »
"Still doesn't have my interest at all..."

Then quit posting.

No, I don't watch skate videos. I liked the skating at X and the big air contest, but I don't think the stuff they do is better. All the X riders were not very impressive except for the tricks I listed above. Trust me, Chupperson. If you even see Props Year End 2002, you'd enjoy it more than someone flipping a piece of rolling wood back and forth. Plus, a huge disadvantage about skateboards is that they can't go anywhere and if they can it's a rough ride unless it's a ramp made for tricks (like X).... actually, they still can't because the ramps get wear and tear with holes or deformations in a layer of the wood so it still messes you up.

I went to Ramp Ranch today (and Empirebmx before that, also) and I had so much fun!!!!

Crap accomplished for a change:

-No footer off a HUGE bank
-One footer off small box jumps, etc., and that huge bank
-Harder (and scary) one hander off the huge bank
-Hip transfers
-Feeble Grind
-Accidental Sprocket Slide (Grind)
-180 in the halfpipe
-Very long and nicely executed fakies (can't get the freakin' rollback, though)
-Wanted to try a sprocket stall, but I've already bent the teeth on my sprocket although it probably wouldn't have messed them up anyway and the only ramps I could try it on were pretty dang steep.
-Wanted to try a Fufanu, but I guess it just didn't happen.
-Cleared some box jumps
-Uh, got some air...
-Uh, got some bails (into the foam pit) and some humorous (stupid mistake) wrecks/screw ups. Heh, all the easy stuff... I wrecked on, like some of the grinds....)
-They had a foam pit, but the foam was tossed outside in front of it next to a HUGE and I mean HUGE HUGE HUGE roll in (go to the site after reading this to visualize all the crap I did and what I jumped off of...), so I went half way up the huge roll in on my bike and was just bailing into the foam. It was FUN. Then I just rode into, stopped, the just fell over. Then, I got convinced to jump off the HUGE roll in into the foam. Boy, was that scary as heck. It's like 215 feet high and looking at it from a 5'9" point of view makes it even scarier. I had to elbow drop in or it'd feel wrong to me or it might hurt (although my other friend was landing on his feet and falling over). I was jumping as if it was a trampoline then elbow dropping. It was pretty fun until the foam "dust" got in my eye. It felt like pepper spray, gah!

Day before:

You know how when bulldozers dump dirt leaving an almost perfect ramp behind? ...Aw man, one of my friends packed it and we rode the crap out of it. It was at least 5 and a half feet tall and really steep (about a 70-80 degree angle with a very similar backside. It felt like a spine and was fun to perfectly air out to go back into the tranny. Got air and did some one footers. Wanna try those no footers now that I know how to do them on most ramps. Much fun, but they were supposed to be torn down Monday (according to my dirt jumping friend) so I highly doubt they're there now... but he says they'll be put back somewhere else repeating the process every Monday. I WANNA GO BACK TO THEM SO FREAKIN' BAD!!!!

Well, that sums up my past couple days. They've been great (besides the fact that I have to kick my left crank back all the way when it gets loose... but I'm getting a new bolt for that! yay!)

Links: (Shop I went to, pretty dang cool, they have everything yet the store itself is kind of small. If you're sponsored by them they let you use their ramps in the back. Perched on the corner 14th Street) (Ramp Ranch)
222... I mean...!!! (Dang typos) (Great trails in Austin)

(NOTE: Do my posts seems... eh, what's the word... congested? It feels as if I am typing too much information into the same sentence or list and crowding everything making it very confusing. Has anyone else noticed this and will they point it out to me please just so I know? Thanks.)

My face takes up a large portion of my head.
"Watching anime... I have noticed that the Japanese have very bad [slow] reaction times."
Formerly quite reasonable.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2004, 10:57:37 PM »
No, it just seems like you're trying to ram too much information down people's throats.

For your information, I don't watch any skateboarding or biking films or anything like that, and it's none of your business whether I like to watch skateboarders or bikers better. Just because your opinion is that bikes are cooler, it does not make it absolute. And seeing as how I own a skateboard, I can tell you it's more than a "piece of rolling wood." I mean, what's a bike, a big piece of rolling metal? Sure, you can break something down to its base principle, but that really doesn't do a whole lot of good. Quit trying to bend everyone to your opinion, and let others think what they want, much as you do. Trying to force people to think something never really got anyone anywhere.
That was a joke.


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2004, 01:45:39 AM »
"No, it just seems like you're trying to ram too much information down people's throats."

I will now go choke on my own information.

  Yes, I agree that with you that I am a little bit more "forceful," if you will,  than I should be about trying to convince people about something. Hey, I'm not trying to degrade people for liking something else or make fun of it in a bad way like saying, "Well, skateboarding is only for homosexuals, blah blah blah," but I'm trying to get my point across and that is how I do it, I suppose. It's not my fault that I'm the way I am, but everyone is different in the world.
  I suppose a small percentage of the way I say things is because of the bad things said to me about why I ride or why I have a bike from skaters. They're worse than what I've said; trust me. That's another reason skateboarding bothers me: people like Bam Margera (who is a relatively bad influence). Yeah, his show may seem funny to everyone (the only reason people think he's cool or a good skater), but I think half the stuff he does is stupid. Besides, isn't he like some pothead or something? I have only seen a small group of good skaters; all the rest are either smoking or doing something else stupid there like swearing about absolutely nothing mainly because "Bam thinks it's cool."
 As a last note, I think skateboarding is pretty frickin' awesome and you must have some good coordination to know how to control your feet (and hands depending on what you do), but let's just say that the things to do on a skateboard are very limited which is why I don't enjoy the best...

My face takes up a large portion of my head.
"Watching anime... I have noticed that the Japanese have very bad [slow] reaction times."
Formerly quite reasonable.
