
Author Topic: Yet another Mario Fanfic...Very Long  (Read 9993 times)

« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2005, 07:44:34 PM »
this IS the final chapter of
"Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom"!

Chapter Twelve: Fall of the Koopa Troop

A spark then landed on the bridge right in front of Luigi’s foot.

“It looks like the process of your elimination has begun.” Bowser smiled devilishly.

“Bad enough for you, it won’t finish.” A voice spoke.

Everybody on the volcano turned. The face of Victoria was looking at Mario and Luigi. Toad emerged from the side only a short time after Victoria has spoken.

“Victoria!” Luigi was relieved.

“You send two small mushroom people to stop my army? How pathetic…” Bowser looked at the beings and smiled. “KAMEK!” A creature flew overhead faster than lightning, grabbing Toad by the back of his vest and carried him to the opposite side of the volcano.

“Toad!” Victoria shouted. “YOU FOUL MONSTER, GIVE ME MY FRIEND BACK!” She threw herself at Bowser, who easily blocked her attack with his arm. He elbowed her in the stomach sending her flying back.

She landed hard on the ground.

Gasping for air, she rose.

“You want more, do you?” King Bowser snapped his fingers, and two koopas came from each side of her. She punched one square in the face, and kicked the other in the shin.

“Is that all you have?” Victoria smirked.

King Bowser frowned.

“Victoria!” Luigi was calling her from the bridge, which she noticed was not far from catching fire. She ran towards them but was unluckily scooped up by Bowser. His massively large hand could squish her with one try.

She was struggling to set herself free, but the more she struggled, the tighter his grip.

“You will watch you friends die before you, little one,” Bowser faced her in the direction of Mario and Luigi.

“NO!” She bit into his arm very hard. She was at last freed from his grip. She sprinted over to the brothers. She began untying Luigi’s as fast as she could, fumbling in her hurry.

“You’re only one more person to die, Victoria.” Bowser pointed at the bridge. A flame was spreading fast across it, and coming straight for Mario. “Alright troops, let’s go. They don’t have a chance now.” Bowser began to walk over to his ship with long strides when he felt something smack the back of his head very hard. He turned to find Luigi standing beside him.

He looked over to the bridge that was now engulfed in flames. Yet there was nobody on it. He then noticed that Super Mario and Victoria were already fighting off troops.

“CURSES!” Bowser threw a punch at Luigi, who easily dodged it by jumping into the air, and landing on his head. Luigi began to run from behind Bowser and over to Kamek who was still holding Toad. Luigi jumped up high and landed on the magikoopa’s broom, releasing Toad from his grasp, and flipping him over completely. Toad thanked him and joined the fight with Victoria.

Luigi looked over to Bowser who was coming in his direction. He grabbed the small man by the throat and hung him over the boiling hot volcano.

“Mario!” Luigi was gasping for air. Super Mario looked over to his twin who he noticed was dangling helplessly over the mouth of the volcano. Super Mario ran from the battle and over to his brother. He was running faster than he had in his life and in his hurry, he tripped on a rock that sat in his path. He flipped completely over and landed on his face, just inches away from the lava pit. His eyes bulged.

He quickly got up and continued on his way to Bowser. He was just about two steps away when Bowser loosed his grip on Luigi’s neck, letting go completely. Mario panicked. He dived over the short gap between him and Luigi grabbed him and caught him in mid-jump. He landed successfully on the other side, both brothers safe.

Bowser frowned once again. He approached the brothers slowly. He slashed Mario across the face, which fell to the ground unconscious. Luigi was enraged.

“Let’s see you find a way out of *this*!” Luigi elbowed Bowser in the stomach. King Koopa lost his footing and fell to his death in the lava pit.

Then it hit Luigi.

He had defeated the Koopa King once and for all.

It wasn’t too late before many mushroom people crowded the volcano, and took out the remaining koopas. (*The New Mushroom Army, perhaps…The old one was wiped out when Hookbill destroyed the castle). Bowser’s old airship was used to transport everybody back to Toadtown, where it was searched and destroyed. The New Mushroom Army invaded Bowser’s castle and wiped out everybody there, and then destroyed it.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

A celebration was held the next day in Angelina’s castle which was fully rebuilt a couple of days before.

All of the mushroom people were able to move back into her castle, and Angelina was overjoyed about the victory over the koopa troop, and the reconstruction of her castle.

Yet just outside the structure, a large crowd of mushroom people from all around the Mushroom Kingdom had gathered together to hear a speech that was held as of today:

“We would all like to honor the two brave mushroom people who risked their life and saved our Mario Brothers,” The Chancellor spoke. “Victoria and Toad are those two. And we would like to award them for their ways…” Two royal guards emerged from the sidelines and handed each one a medal that said: THANKS TO OUR HEROES, VICTORIA AND TOAD. “And I would also like to thank the Mario Brothers for protecting our world for many years.

We hope they stay here for a long time.

And we would also like to thank Luigi Mario for his outstanding courage yesterday, by defeating the Koopa King single-handed. Thank you, Luigi.” A round of applause filled the quietness.

Luigi was blushing terribly. It was usually his brother that took the applause for his good deeds, but this time it wasn’t. It was him. Luigi Mario.

Super Mario nudged Luigi in the arm. “Take a bow,” Luigi, now blushing worse, approached the crowd and bowed.

He returned to the sidelines with his brother and Angelina.

“I’m proud of you, Luigi.” Super Mario smiled for the first time in a while.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

A large feast was held inside, the many long tables filled with mushroom people and others. It had been what seemed like ages since the brothers had eaten, so they wolfed down all of their food.

It was then that Mario rose from his seat and to the front of the dining room. He cleared his throat in the microphone that was in front of all of the tables to get everybody’s attention.

“I would like to ask a very, very special person in my life an important question. He turned to the table he was currently sitting at and faced the princess.

Angelina Toadstool, will you marry me?” Super Mario asked.

Angelina rose from her seat and looked into Mario’s eyes deeply.

Silence filled the room.


The hall exploded with cheers and whistles. Many rose and clapped hard. Super Mario eyes the Chancellor at the corner of a table. He smiled at Mario and joined in with the crowd.

It was memorable day in the Mushroom Kingdom, one that was sure that nobody would forget: a day of joy and happiness, a day that came rarely in the Mushroom Kingdom. And finally, the Mushroom Kingdom had Risen above the Koopa Troop.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *


“You may kiss the bride,” spoke an elderly mushroom man.

Super Mario looked into Angelina’s eyes.

*“I love you so much,”*

It was then that both shared a long, magical kiss. Super Mario looked out into the crowd of people who were cheering for him. He spotted Luigi in the front row smiling. He nodded his head. Super Mario looked out of a large window and into the sun. He smiled to himself and nodded as well. The sun shining into his eyes, he wondered what other adventures were held in stock for him…

It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2005, 05:58:26 PM »
That was great! When did you write this story?

« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2005, 07:16:21 PM »
Well, when i visited my dad in florida, we stayed in an AWSOME motel right next to the beach, and that was the perfect setting...anyway, i typed it on my dads laptop, thinkin it would turn out like all the others...nothing. but then it started to develp...and I said: "Hey, this is really something!" so yeah. and Mario RPG was dominating my life, so i got someideas....
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2005, 12:55:40 PM »
this took me a long time....sorry. due to a misunderstanding and my carelessness, the title of my story "Rise of The Mushroom Kingdom" led people to believe that it was the story of the popular flash movie, created by Randy mistake. It is a completeley different story created by a completeley different person...I'll be working on the title.

Edited by - xenocideguitarist on 6/23/2005 11:56:47 AM
Alas! I have returned. (3/22/07)
