
Author Topic: Mario's Sacrifice 3: Final Destination  (Read 6160 times)

« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2005, 02:37:05 PM »
Chapter 10: Mario's sacrifice. After the run in with the bandits, Luigi and Mario had begun to make their way to the top. It was about a mile. They were ready for anything. Injury, destruction, and even death.Nothing could stop them now. Finally, they had made it to the front gates. Two baddies stopped them. "State your buisness with lord Ludwig." Luigi thought, and remembered the code. Preforming the Shy Guy dance, he made his way towards the gaurds. "GASP! I didn't know you two are Don Pianta's best men! Let em through." Mario and Luigi laughed. "Those two aren't too bright! Haven't they fought us before, or something?" Now normally, I would have the bros. fight a huge monster, ugly thing to get into Ludwig's throne room, but I'll save that for later. Now is the time to witness the true destruction that the little Koopa has in store for Mario and Luigi. At the doors to the throne room, two more gaurds blocked the way. However, these two were smart enough to see that these two weren't the Don's best fighters. "Hey, you guys ain't fighters! and Zelda!" Luigi looked angry. "Hey, I'm not a girl!" Jumping up, he smashed the two retards in the face, knocking them out cold. Going in, the brothers would be fighting for their lives.....

"I knew you two would come. It is time I finally get rid of you pests once and for all. I need you out of the way for global conquest." In all his glory, Ludwig sat on his father's throne. "You shouldn't have crossed us, Ludwig! Your going down!" Mario was battle ready. Then something came to him. Why did Death's Gamble point to the mountains? Ludwig had raw power, but was nothing special. "I guess you want to know why you're here, huh?" Mario was shocked to find that Ludwig could read his mind. Ludwig spoke back. "If you guys remember the Star Rod, then this will make sence. My father, 3 years ago, bless his soul, stole this magical item from Star Heaven. I wanted power as well, so I wanted to steal it from it's grasp once more. But what could I do? I was weak, and small. So you know what I did? I used Death's Gamble to bring the first Koopa army back to life! They marched in, and took the Star Rod, and gave it to me! If you thought DG had only three wishes, think again! I used the first one before you fools even got there! I guess that's how Grodus learned of it's power after the word spread of an army of darkness taking the SR! Anyway, I used this Rod  to open a portal between the living and the dead, so I could build my soilder's to an immortal state! Now, my plan is set to take the universe! And you,'re going to help me." Ludwig raised the Star Rod, and began to speak loudly. "Let flesh and blood, turn to rot, let hate and anger take control. May the sun set, never to rise again, and darkness will let him loose all he has gained." Aiming the Rod at Luigi, the plumber began to scream. Ludwig then opened the portal. The Final Destination was here! Dead spirits entered the room, and became alive again. Reanimation had occured. Of the spirits were Wario, Yoshi, Waluigi, and all of his partners. They were alive again, but had become possessed. And even more, Luigi was fighting his evil side. Ludwig was still ranting on. "Let the demon beast arise again, turn everything to ash. For the one solution would be, to jump into the eye of destruction." He was done, and out of the portal came the most horrible creature Mario had ever sceen. It looked like Bowser, but he had been infused with dark power. Giga Bowser had returned. "How do you like my father's new look? Not only is he more powerful then ever, but he has been fused with your Anger, Mario!" Mario had fought Bowser before, but now, he was one with Anger. He too, had come back. And then, Ludwig was picked up by his large father. And with one bite, he ate the little Koopa. However, he had eaten the Star Rod too! It was Ludwig's plan to do this. He wasn't dead, but could control Giga from the inside. Giga opened his mouth, and fired a horrible blast of energy. It was aimed towards the Mushroom Kingdom. In a matter of seconds, it had been redused to atoms. Ludwig waisted no time with the foolish heros. He stomped off, clearing the mountain top, and leveling everything in his path. Luigi was still fighting. Ludwig wanted him for his army. But Mario wasn't gonna let that happen. Taking note that the only way to stop this was to jump into the Eye of Destruction, he jumped towards Final Destination. The dark spirits attacked, but Mario opened his mouth, and let them in on purpose. The entire realm of the dead had witnessed a mortal enter their home, and they wanted him out! Even Luigi's spirit and all of his friends escaped the new doners and attacked Mario. The dark power was over powering him. He was going to be blown to ashes. But he was taking Ludwig with him. Using the last of his power, he ambushed Bowser and grabbed on. "Get off, you gnat!" Ludwig tried to get Mario off his back, but it was no good. Bowser was too huge. Luigi had been awake for a little bit, and looked for his brother. Once he relized what his brave sibiling had done, he ran outside. "No! Mario! What are you doing? I just brought you back from the dead, and now you're going to kill yourself? Open your mouth and let go of the darkness!" Mario had to make his thoughts one with Luigi. Using a little bit of dark magic from the soirits, he spoke to him with his mind. "Luigi, this is the only way. I know I jsut got back, but think of the good times! I will always be there for you. If I don't make it back, that's fine. Don't bother getting me back. I'll be gone forever, but at least you have friends! I think Peach and the others made it out of the kingdom....I sort of told them to do that before we left. It is a dangerous target, after all. But are time together...for all it's ups and downs.....was" In a flash of light, Mario's body exploded with incredible force. Every thing around the are was destroyed in milliseconds. But, Luigi and friends were safe. Mario made sure of that. "MARIO! YOU BIG, DUMB, IDIOT! HOW COULD YOU DIE LIKE THAT!" Luigi had screamed so loud that the whole world could here it. Mario was gone....forever.

Can Mario truely be dead? Is Ludwig dead too? Why am I asking you this? Don't miss the grand finish of Mario's Sacrifice!

"Does this mean were not getting pizza?" ~ Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2005, 05:56:59 PM »
FINAL CHAPTER: The Portal between life and death; Final Destination! As the smoke cleared, nothing could be seen. Mario was gone, forever and always. He didn't want Luigi to bring him back, for it only brought pain. Come to think of it, Luigi would not of lost his friends if it weren't for Mario's death. So he was gone, no matter how much everyone disliked it. Wario ran outside, and picked up Luigi. "Luigi, I've never been a real nice guy, but I'm....kinda sorry that you lost your brother." Luigi smacked him againts the ground. "Kinda sorry? I've gone through the worst trying to get him back, I finally do, and he commits suicide to destroy Ludwig! I don't believe you!" Luigi ran off, in a furry. He had one last thing to do. The portal had to be closed. Inside the chamber, the FD was on the edge of becoming one with the real world. Dark power had broken through. It had to be shut away. Luigi walked up, and pumped a load of fireballs into the demon portal's belly, with no effect. Not even Luigi could tame the darkness. It spread across the room, and hit him like a ton of bricks. It infused him with evil. Luigi fought hard, trying to break free. The FD had a mind of it's own. The portal wanted to see one last battle before the end. Racing outside, it entered the remains of Giga Bowser and Ludwig. The beast awoke, and Anger took over. Mario's evil side was more powerful then ever. It rised to battle it's rival. Luigi was now in control of the dark power. It powered him to the max, and in a way, Luigi loved it. He was evil and good, all at the same time. He had become the ultimate fighter. Waisting no time, he charged at Bowser. He moved with light speed, and as he did, the forest around him was leveled. Ludwig couldn't even trace his speed. "I dunno what just happened to Mario, but I'm getting rid of you!" Ludwig tried a left hook. Giga failed, and Luigi knocked him on his back. Giga got back up, only to find Luigi was nowhere to be seen. Up above, Luigi had gathered an incredible power. Not far away, a little white man in a coat, who was non other then E. Gadd, was calculating strange energy in a near by place. He was very nervous. "It' million joules! The power of a super nuke! We will all be.....killed!" In the next room, Peach and he subjects had gathered. It was a tight fit, and as you could guess, not everyone was there. In fact, the rest were all destroyed. They had stayed behind to defend the Mushroom Kingdom, but had met a horrible fate. Giga had blasted them to atoms. Peach knew in her heart that Mario was gone. But Luigi was still alive. Little did she know, that he had let the darkness take him. She also didn't know that he had become the first person in the universe to control it. It had made him all powerful. "Please, let my subjects be alright...." She could only pray...

Luigi was really going to launch his ultimate attack. It would not only destroy Bowser, but himself as well. But he was ready to die. He fired it with the most powerful force in the galaxy. It hit Bowser, and in a flash, everything was gone........

And then there were two. Two beings of ultimate power, and nothing could stop them. Luigi and Bowser had both survived. But it wasn't the Star Rod that saved them. It was the Final Destination. It wasn't done with it's awesome battle. Saving both Bowser and Luigi, it was going to wipe out the entire universe when they were done. It began a countdown of total universal destruction. Three minutes. That's all they had. Facing off, both fighters had nothing to lose. They charged and moved at light speed. Punches flew, and blood was spilt. Everyone in the world, even the real world of New York, felt the awesome battle. Even cities fell because of the overpowering energy. Luigi threw everything he had. But Giga moved fast. He was infused with three weapons: Anger, Bowser, and the Star Rod. It made him invincible. However, the FD had created an even more powerful warrior. Luigi spit him open with his fire jab.  The remaining ground around them was going to crack. And the FD was going to fall at the minute three. They had 30 seconds left. The universe was going to be destroyed. Wario, Waluigi, Yoshi, and Mario, had all been killed after Luigi worked so hard to get them back. He thought of the chant Ludwig said earlier. He knew the only way to stop this mess was to wipe the FD off the plain of the living. He had to close it....

What happened next, well, you decide. Luigi did jump into the eye. The Final Destination overlooked that only he had the power to control Light and dark. How? Luigi's power was fueled by heart, his brother alone. And with that power, he could do anything. When he leaped, the FD could not control his rage, and with a flash, it was destroyed. What happened to the rest of te kingdom? Could everyone truly be gone? Did life and death exist at that point? Well, thats why I'm gonna let you guys decide! Post your ideas for the true ending right here, and if I get enough replies, I might write Mario's Sacrifice IV! I hope you have all enjoyed this story. I had a ton of fun writing it.

EDIT: I've changed my mind. I just made it into an RPG. So to anybody that wants to do that, go to Mario's Sacrifice IV.

"YOU FOOOOOLS!!! YOU''VE MESSED WITH THE NATURAL ORDAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" ~ The story telling crow from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 7/31/2005 6:59:55 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2005, 12:26:13 PM »
Anyone? Please reply! I think I might do MSIV anyway, but I would love to here what you have to say!

"YOU FOOOOOLS!!! YOU''VE MESSED WITH THE NATURAL ORDAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" ~ The story telling crow from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?
