
Author Topic: Survival on Yoshi's Island 2  (Read 2703 times)

« on: July 27, 2005, 06:14:57 AM »
I'm going to post this in three parts so you can read this will come out sooner

Survival on Yoshi’s Island 2

Welcome again to Yoshi’s Island!

The rules of the game are simple Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, DK and Bowser are on Yoshi’s island waiting to outlast each other. Their journals will be published here.



Interviewer: So you won the prize money last game, what did you end up doing
Mario: Well I kinda lost it…
I: No Pizza?
M: I had the Pizza but the money disappeared, I had to do dishes
I: What do you think happened to it?
M: I think Yoshi took it, good for nothing green egg laying dinosaur
I: I think the producer will start making more of these survival stories if they get good ratings
M: Oh, I’d like to play in a lot more of these things. Everything I say in this interview is confidential right?
I: Ya, it won’t be published
M: Good, well anyway I might as well confess that there’s this restaurant that serves the greatest Yoshi burgers
I: Really what’s it called?
M: Mario’s, I don’t even know why yoshi’s should live, I mean they aren’t that smart!
I: Racist huh? Well that’s it, I guess I’ll be seeing you in a little while
M: Bye
I: Bye


Interviewer: Hi again
Luigi: Hi I’m still mad about last time!
I: So this time your gonna win?
L: Ya. Ummm… how was I supposed to know no books? Wario gave it to me
I: Did you read the rules?
L: I didn’t get a rule sheet
I: You didn’t!?
L: Well DK ate his and took mine and ate it
I: That’s pretty sad, letting a monkey beat you up
I: Ya, sure whatever you say
I: Well I guess you’ll be seeing your brother shortly
L: I guess


Interviewer: Hi Wario how are you doing
Wario: I’m hungry
I: Well you can get food from the snack bar after the interview
W: I’m still hungry
I: Well do you have anything to say before you go
W: Ya can I have a light
I: Sorry no matches
W: Any cigarettes?
I: Sorry no
W: Cigars?
I: NO!!!
W: Loser
I: Dumb fat slob!
W: that hurt
I: Sorry
W: It’s alright
I: Any last words?
W: Ya
I: Tell us please
W: No
I: huh???
I: Bye
W: Loser


Interviewer: Hello, first time?
Waluigi: Ya, have a light
I: Sorry I don’t
WL: (bleeped out)
I: Hey Wario, get out of here!
WL: I have a dumb brother
I: Look who’s talking
WL: …
(Waluigi leaves)

DK and Bowser refused to do an interview, something about we make everyone look bad

Edited by - kurtvegita on 9/30/2005 7:20:54 PM

« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2005, 04:44:06 PM »
I think Wario might pull it off if he eats everything he can. That would be great.

"Does this mean were not getting pizza?" ~ Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2005, 06:32:49 PM »
Team 1 East

Team 2 West

Team 3 South

Mario Survival Journal

Day 1:

Luigi is being an idiot as usual. At least he built me a shelter

Day 2

We’re looking for a water source. I was on the west side of the island last time now I’m on the East

Day 3

 Luigi caught a squirrel, he wouldn’t let me have any

Day 4

We’re running out of water I better go back and get more, I’m taking the journal with me don’t trust Luigi

Day 5


(Rest Blank)

Luigi Survival Journal

Day 1

Mario is being a creep as usual. He demanded I bring him M & M’s only the red color. I think the silence got to him

Day 2

I found some water but I’ll tell Mario in a day or two

Day 3

I caught a squirrel, Mario wanted it all, I only gave him half

Day 4

Mario found out about the water, he’s going to get more

Day 5

Mario hasn’t come back, I’m scared

Day 6

I’m gonna go out looking for Mario

Day 7

I found his Journal on the ground. It looks like he’s in trouble

Day 8

I tracked down an angry gang of yoshis. They had a newspaper with Mario’s face on it, big red text run across saying RACIST

Day 9

The yoshis are asleep, Mario’s gagged and tied up, I’m going in

Day 10

Called a helicopter for Mario I went with him

Day 11


Wario Survival Journal

Day 1

I’m gonna doodle on Waluigi’s notebook

Day 2

I’m a stupid fat slob!

Sorry that was Waluigi he got my thing when I wasn’t looking

Day 3

I found DK and Bowser’s encampment

Day 4

I raided DK’s hut and took his bananas

Day 5

My bananas are gone

Day 6

NOOO!!!! DK and Bowser found where we are

Day 7


Day 8

I think we lost them, Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Help!!!!

Day 9

I don’t know where Waluigi went off. I ate DK again

Day 10

I saw a helicopter, I started a fire to try to get it’s attention. Maybe it had a nickel for the soda machine

Day 11

I broke the soda machine by trying to fit a carved rock into it. I got a soda though… Garlic flavor, I love getting (bleeped) off this stuff!

Day 12

I found a small goomba, I jumped on it, it made a farting sound.

Day 13

I found this ? box and when I ate it. Then a pipe came up. I’m gonna go in and explore

Day 14

I’m in the pipe. I heard a flush, I ran into a spicy meatball. It didn’t taste that good.

Day 15

Piranha plants are coming up I need to get out quickly.

Day 16

I decided to eat them

Day 17

I’ve been the pipe for 4 disturbing days… and I’m too fat to get out

Day 18

How did a soda machine get on the island anyway?

Day 19

I think I’m getting thinner. I can actually see my arms!

Day 20

I found a piece of cake… I’m as big as a house again

Day 21

Just a thought (I don’t do that much, it hurts so I’ll stop) I heard a flush when I found the cake

Day 22

I was scratching my butt when I decided to wipe my *** with the last sheet of paper, so this will be my last log entry

Waluigi Survival Journal

Day 1

I’m a skinny toothpick and I can’t eat for ****

**** Wario wrote that, he’s a *****

Day 2

I’m gonna get revenge on Wario. He saw me write in his journal so my daily beating was extended to 2 hours.

Day 3

We found DK and Bowser’s encampment so we raided it for fun. Wario ate the tent

Day 4

I went after Bowser’s camp but couldn’t find anything of value. I’m out of food, Wario ate all of mine

Day 5

I stole Wario’s bananas, he’s gotten too fat on this trip anyway

Day 6

I let DK and Bowser know where we are so they will terrorize Wario

Day 7

I’m leaving old cheese puffs on the floor for a trail so DK and Bowser can follow

Day 8

Cheese puffs are all gone, Wario was fishing around in my pockets

Day 9

I went off with Bowser for effect and to freak out Wario. Bowser and I went fishing, we’re good buddies now

Day 10

 I saw a broken soda machine, Wario must of gotten to it. It had cigarettes and a lighter SO CLOSE AND YET SO FAR!!!

(Day 11-14 blank)

Day 15

Well it’s over, I trashed Bowser’s notebook so he can’t win, I only have to worry about DK and I think he ate his (DK’s a freak of nature). Wario probably gave up by now. The only thing that would keep him around if he was trapped in a pipe or something

DK’s Survival Journal

Day 1



(rest seems to have been eaten)

Well we can’t find Wario so we’re going on a search party, we’ll pick off when Waluigi left

Day 14

We didn’t find anything yet

Day 15-17

All we found was DK’s skeleton

Day 18

We found a soda machine that was broken

Day 19-22

Still nothing

Day 23-25

We found a warp pipe with something moaning down there

Day 26

We lowered a rope. Whatever is down there ate it

Day 27

We found out it was Wario, he was ranting about Mario and his chipmunk suit or something

Well Wario won because he stayed on longer

We’re coming out with the Post interview in a little while

Edited by - kurtvegita on 7/29/2005 5:52:51 PM

« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2005, 06:59:26 PM »
It was so funny that I almost cried. Wario is such a big, fat dumb idiot. That rocked.

"Does this mean were not getting pizza?" ~ Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2005, 07:00:35 PM »
Thanks, I still have to think up the ending interview though, wanna help?

« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2005, 07:03:05 PM »
Hmmmmm........I might need a little time to come up with a good idea. I might think of something. Again, great story.

"Does this mean were not getting pizza?" ~ Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2005, 11:24:18 PM »
I almost had an accident. I probably would have if I didn't fall on the floor to stop reading for a moment.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2005, 04:24:08 PM »
Interviewer: So Wario, how does it feel to be a winner?

Wario: It's my first time actually, I feel a strange feeling in my head, I think it's all of the mushrooms I ate.

I: Are you gonna see a doctor

W: NOOOO, they poison you when your not looking. Last time he turned me into a frog!

I: (looks strangely at Wario)

W: Well I'm better now!

I: Riiigggghhhht

W: Got a light?

I: As a matter of fact I do.

W: Thanks. (Wario lights up match and cigar)

W: *BELCH* (Wario's burp hits match and match reacts like a flamethrower lighting the room on fire)




W: NOOOOO!!! Anyway I'm taking 2 of the 3 parachutes, which means one of you has to stay he-

P: Yoink! (Pilot jumps off with parachute)

(Wario knocks out interviwer and takes parachutes)

W: *&%$ I really needed three to support me

(Wario is falling... falling... falling... to his demise.

Mario: A shooting star look!


(Plane smashes into Mario's house)

L: Mario are you alright?

M: Yah, why?

(Wario smashes Mario)



Edited by - kurtvegita on 9/19/2005 3:26:39 PM


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2005, 12:16:59 AM »
Ahaha. Want to make a third with a free for all with Peach, Daisy, and Toad? I'm ready to die of laughter again if you don't mind...

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 09:24:30 PM by Bird Person »
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2005, 05:59:05 PM »
Ya, I'm already making a third. I havent written anything, just planned it. It's gonna be something about mario leading an army of goombas against wario who is devouring all of yoshi's island's food supply and destrying all the plants with his bad breath... at least something like that
