
Author Topic: So.......You think you're good?  (Read 1834 times)

« on: April 28, 2002, 11:06:53 PM »
Then I dare you to Fight MilkMan!

Ranma: I'll do it!

MilkMan: Raaargh!!

Ranma: Hiya!!

MilkMan: Requesting Backup!

CitrusDude: I'm coming!

ButcherBoy: Butch Bacon Laser!!

Ranma: Agh!'re to Scared to fight me 1 on 1? Then I'll take you all on!!

CitrusMan: Lemon Launch!

ButcherBoy: Pork PileDriver!!

MilkMan: Cream Whip!

CandyCruncher: Wrong Address....

Ranma: Ya! Ragh! Rah! Ka!! Ha!! Ugh! Huh!! Grr....RAAAAH!!!!!

HydroHydrolator: Aqua Blast!!

*Water hits Ranma*

Ranma: Ugh!!....No....Ya Cretin now I'm a girl!!!

*Male Ranma in Backround,Female Ranma in Forground in this pic: *

Ranma: Ok that's it!! I can still whip all your @sses!! AAAHHH!!!!!


Will Ranma,in it's now....uh....less Manly form still be able to Beat the Food Fighters?

Will this Topic win an Emmy?

Will this Topic win the STOTW(Stupid Topic of the Week) Award?

Will Insane Steve Reply to this?

Will I shut up?


Roshan: Forget Wallet #6.

Roy: Sigh....Maybe I'll get a Wallet someday....

Sign my Petition!
ReturnRoshan: What Petition?
MamaMia Mario: Hmmmm,that is right I should start a petition before asking people to sign it! I knew I forgot something!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2002, 08:55:35 PM »
*00boo apears*
*really long silence*
00boo:ok then
*00boo dissapears*
