
Author Topic: Re: Shadow Mario Reloaded  (Read 3310 times)

« on: October 11, 2005, 06:35:20 PM »
I'm not getting any replies. Oh man. Oh well.

I''''m not always who I am but I am what I say I am!
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2005, 08:00:54 PM »
Good Job.
Mario rocks and so does Petey Piranha!

« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 02:10:14 PM »
The next installment.

 "Mario! Why can't we just stop and ask for directions?" Mario grumbled to himself. The minute Mario gets in a car with Peach for a vacation, they get lost. "Look, I am the man here. Men have a natural instinct for these kinda things." "We could have been to Mushroom Adventure if you have taken the right turn like I told you. *sigh* Men these days."  Mario didn't listen to Peach. After countless savings, she still doesn't just listen to Mario. "Okay, we'll do what you say. We'll stop here, and ask for directions." Mario stepped out of the car in a hurry, and blasted through the diner's door. He walked up to a Toad waitress and said politly. "Miss, do you know where Mushroom Adventure is?" The waitress in pink starred towards Mario. "Hmm, red shirt, blue overalls, a M hat, you must be Mario, or a fat overweight plumber." Mario's eye twitched a little. "Hey, I'm both of those things, wait..." The waitress smiled. "Joking Mario, I know it's you. Anyways, it's down the road, follow 22 Mushroom Bipply Highway, turn left at World of Wonder, turn left in P-Wing Lane, a left at Cape Court, and you're there." Mario smiled, a little sour, but a smile. "Thank you." He opened the door, but before he could step out, he heard something in the TV in the diner. He looked towards it. "Mario. You are needed by us. WE NEED YOUR HELP. REPORT TO MY CASTLE NOW!" "Bowser." Mario hopped out of the diner, and jumped into the car. He turned his car around, and drove backwards in the traffic. "Mario! You are just about as dangerous as Bowser himself!" Peach said with a shriek. "Bowser needs us, he needs me. Now why would he need me?" "Don't you think it's a trap to get me?" "Maybe, maybe not. Whatever he needs, I can tell it's serious." "Whatever, Mario. Whatever..."

Orginized is my middle name.

Poorly is my first.
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 12:15:35 PM »
A small, but funny installment. Wow, funny with Mario?

   "Okay, explain it to me again, Bowser..." Mario couldn't believe Bowser's story. "So, a Shadow Mario attacked you, yest it wasn't your son?" "Nope, not Bowser Jr. And you can forget about Iggy and the rest of those other Kooplings. I, myself, is trying to forget them." Mario was not beleiving the story. "Yet, the bib stays unharmed and unmoved?" He eyes Bowser suspiciously. "Let's cut the detective crap. It was not ME! Why would I want to hurt myself and steal my OWN personal belongings?" "Maybe because you want to get Peach? You wanted her ever since that dance in High School!" "No, I didn't. I just wanted that cookie she had. Those were some gooooood cookies..." "Those were good...No, that's NOT the point! My point is, why should I trust you?" "Bring in your best weapon, then let's see who's right." "Sure, bring it on. Toad! Come in here, you know what to do!" Toad eslked in and snarled at Bowser. His eyes met Bowser's eyes. "DID YOU DO IT?!?" "NO, I DIDN'T YOU IDIOT!" "Toad looked at Mario. "He didn't do it." "Ohh-kay, let's move on." Mario began to give in to Bowser, but why should he, after all those times? Too much memories, too much work. "Okay, we'll help you, but you have to do something for me." "Okay, hit me."

Orginized is my middle name.

Poorly is my first.
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2005, 01:17:25 PM »

   "This is unreal" Luigi looked around his house. Graffitii everywhere. Luigi stepped towards one of them, and squinted. SHADOW MARIO WILL RETURN. "Oh no, I thought Mario cleaned up the Shadow Mario mess. I play second fiddle, yet I clean up like a maid, yet I fix up the world like a hero." Luigi stepped in when something caught his eye in his TV. It was Bowser's Castle, but it looked diffirent. "Wha?" The castle was really diffirent. Of where Neon signs once said "Bowser", it now says "SHADOW", with graffiti on the walls. Thousands of "SM" litered the walls of the castle. "SM..."
         "So, what are you doing here?" Mario starred at the surroundings around him. This wasn't Bowser's castle. "I was going to explain that next. That Shadow Mario, the one that wasn't either of us, it almost killed me. Bowser Jr, however, was injured, and got taken to the Koopa Kospital. I swear, with my life, that Shadow Mario will pay for what he has done to the Koopa family, and my son." He turned towards Mario. "Please, help me." "I don't know, we have a certain relationship between us, rivals, if you wish to call it. Why would I want to help you? I said I would help you, but I AM starting to regret it." "Please, man, I'm begging ya!" Bowser knelt down to Mario and started to cry. "Please, Bowser. You, cry? I don't think so man." Mario shrugged to Bowser. He stepped out of the odd building. "If you can't help me, then I need bigger firepower."
         "Master Cheif? Oh please. He's not even in the same world." Bowser's adviser was very dumbfounded by his master's sudden change thinking. "Not Master Cheif, you moron. We need... Master Keif..." Bowser grinned. "But who the heck is Master Keif." "THe only person who could beat Shadow Mario, and, maybe, finally, hopefully, kill Mario." "But don't you want to do that?" "I do,  who in the world thinks that I won't be a part of Mario's defeat?" "Uh, I do." "Shut up, you moron."


Orginized is my middle name.

Poorly is my first.
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2005, 05:13:20 PM »
Things start to get serious...


         "Luigi, what happened?!?" Mario ran up to an injured looking Luigi. "They said, they said, that you were next" "Who's 'They' "You dont want to know." "Luigi, I want to know who has done this to you. Why won't you tell me?" "Because, I AM part of them..." "Wha?" "Poor, poor, Mario, you never understood. I was always like this, a bad guy. Ha, Luigi isn't even my name." "Luigi, these injuries must'a gotten to your head." "Don't worry, Mario. Those injuries aren't real, the real ones are gonna be on you." Luigi stood up from his crouched position. He raised his fists. He grew in body mass. His skinny arms hrew muscles the size of dinner plates. "I AM MASTER KEIF!!" "Lugi, what are you doing?" Mario won't believe that his one and only brother was actually, a BAD guy. Mario's eyes teared. Why would Luigi share those wonderful memories with him? Why even try to live with him? He was going to kill him in the first place. Mario's eyes went into a flashback, his and Luigi's memories. THeir first adventure, when they discovered about their fireballs, when they defeated Bowser. It was so sad for him to see Luigi like this, not himself. "Luigi!! What are you doing?!? Why have all those memories, all those times together, be thrown away like this? Why? Why?" Tears ran down Mario's eyes. "Why even bother to call yourself a brother of me? You never were my brother, were you?!?" "I was, once. Until Bowser Senior got ahold of my little, weak, mind, and set a spell on it. It was your fault, Mario. When you went to save Peach in the year of 1996, in your, so called 'Super Mario 64 adventure', Bowser changed me. Sadly for you, it can't be reversed. But me, I'm happy, all those parties, all those 'business trips' you take, when you actually stay with Peach!! I am stronger, Maio. People always refered to me as little Mario, baby Mario, brother of Mario, but now, when poeple see that I killed the bigger man, maybe, just maybe, they'll apperciate me better." "But what abput us? What about the MARIO Brothers?" "See, this is some dumb crap. Why can't it be the LUIGI Brothers. You get the name, the fans, the girl." "The girl?" "You know what I am talking about. Peach. DO I have to spell it out for you? I liked her ever since the second grade, but when your big nose just rolled into our picture, it was all over. This is revenge for me." Luigi punched Mario hard in the cheek. Mario flew backwards and slammed into the side of a pick-up truck. "Luigi, this doesn't have to be this way. We can change. I CAN CHANGE. Let's just put our differences aside and..." "Why should I, listen to you? You, never, listened, to, me!! Those were hard times Mario." Luigi stepped towards Mario. His feet left holes in the ground. "Don't make me do this, Luigi." Mario charged a fireball in his hand. But thoughts flew into his mind. Should I hit my brother? I mean, we are brothers. But his other side told him He hit me first. He always hated me. ALWAYS. "What, you think you can hit me with that fireball of yours? Go ahead, try." Mario threw his fireball at a blistering speed, but it bounced off like a foam ball. Mario gritted his teeth. Maybe this was the end. "Forget it, Mario, this is the end."

Orginized is my middle name.

Poorly is my first.
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2005, 10:32:59 AM »
Man, I waited forever to post the next part!!

   "Sire, Mario has been destroyed by Master Kief." "WHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Bowser laughed hard. The sudden death of his rival was the greatest thing Bowser had ever happened to him. He never touched Mario, but he told Luigi exactly what he wanted. "Make fun of him. Call him worthless, shove a bit, push a bit, then kill 'em with anything you got."  But now, he was bored. Who to kill. Peach locked in the dungeon, Yoshi terrified and ran away back to his island, Luigi turned bad, it was all good. SHadow Mario, although, he has completly forgot. "Advisor, what should I do next?" No answer. He wasn't in the room. He walked out of his door and into the hallway. Darkness. "Hello, anybody here?" No answer. He started to shiver. Bowser heard a faint sound. Could it be, no, it couldn't, he wouldn't believe it. "Ya-hoo" The sound faintly went through the hallways. "Mfff" Another faint sound. Bowser ran to the dungeon. Peach was gone. In the dungeon, was a note. "Shadow Mario may want to get you. But Metal Mario wants to do more, dangerous things to you. I think you'll see me more often. -MM" "Metal Mario? First a Shadow, now a Metal-Head?" "Be carefull what you say out load, old chum." "Mario?" "No, Metal Mario..."

        "Did you miss me, Bowser?" Metal Mario held up Bowser by the neck, and slammed him into the wall of the dungeon. "Whoa! Mario, I though, Lugi did, how did..." Metal Mario grinned, and then laughed a little. "Luigi did hurt me. He DID kill me. Fortunatly, before I died, Luigi picked up my cap from the ground and threw it onto my lifeless body. Little did he know that that was a metal cap." Metal Mario grinned again. "This is crazy, you're crazy!! You're not real!!" Bowser looked worried. He looked mental, crazy, hyper. "Who said I was. Maybe it's all in your head. Maybe I came back to haunt you. Maybe you tied yourself up, who knows." "Stop messing around with my head! Luigi killed you, I watched it. You WERE DEAD!" "Maybe some ghosts just refuse to die. Maybe, just maybe, I'M ONE OF THEM..."
       "Did you do what I asked you to do?" "Yes I did, kill Mario, steal Bowser's minions, and capture Peach." Shadow Mario stared into Luigi. "Are you SURE you killed Mario?" "Yes, I brung his cap." Luigi holds up Mario's cap. Battered, torn at parts, burned in others. "Did you bring Mario's body?" Luigi held up Mario's lifeless body. "Sure I did. I know what your want. Bring him back,  dead, not alive."

Thanks to anyone that has read this fan fiction!! Part Three Will come next!! ;D
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2005, 11:12:23 AM »
Hey, what is the Re: donig in front of my Topic Titile? I can't see my first post!!
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2005, 10:44:52 AM »
 "So, how you feeling, Bowser?" Metal Mario's eyes looked lifeless, as it looked all metal. "You ARE NOT REAL! IT'S ALL JUST IN MY HEAD! ALL OF THIS!!" "You can believe anythimg you want Bowser. But no matter what, you still have guilt." "Huh?" Metal Mario seemed to blink, then disapear. "ARGH!" Bowser woke up from his terrible dream. Was it real? Bowser looked around his room. His bed, his wall, his photos. All there. A koopa burst into the room. "Boss, are you okay?" "Yes, I'm okay. And, please, boost up security." "On it, sir. Oh, by the way, nice Mario hat." "Mario hat?" Koopa shut the door, but Bowser didn't notice. Instead, he stared at the metal cap on his bedside, on top of his end table. Bowser lifted the cap closer to his eyes. He couldn't read it, so he turned on a lamp. He squinted at the scribbly writing. "I am real. 2041" Bowser got a tingle that traveled up his spine. "2041. 2041..."
        "Excellent. My plan is working. Soon, The Mushroom Kingdom will be mine, and no one will stand in my way!!" SHadow Mario roared a terrible laugh. His red eyes lifeless, untearing. "With Mario out of the way, Princess Peach in my possesion, and Bowser gone dilusionial, it's working better then I expected." Shadow Mario laughed again. He looked to the right. Dozens of Toads cowering, shaking. THey were tied up, prisoners. Peach was tied up next to them. "Oh, you mean person!! Mario will come here, and take back the crown!!" "Don't worry about that, doll. Mario is dead. Zip, nada, nothing. No one will get in my way!!" Peach held her tears back. Could it be true? No, it couldn't. It was Mario, for goomba's sake! "Mario will come. I bet he is in this castle right now!" "Oh, he is." Shadow Mario pulled a lever, and Mario's lifeless body came down from the roof, tied to a rope like a piniata. Peach, along with her Toad servents, gasped in horror. "No, it can't be. It's Mario..." Peach trailed off. Shadow Mario started to hit Mario like, again, a piniata. "How about Luigi? He surely must be coming here." Peach was running out of options. If the Mario brothers are dead, who will rescue the MUshroom Kingdsom from it's own destruction? "Oh, don't worry, he's right here with me. I servant of me, if you will." Peach was shocked. "So he's..." "Master Keif, yes..."

         "What have I become?" Luigi starred at his massive muscles. He was still holding Mario's hat. "DId I..." Luigi remembered now. Shadow Mario kidnapped him, brainwashed him, and put a spell on him to get such massive muscles. "I killed Mario." Luigi sobbed in his bed. Shadow Mario gave him a big room in Bowser's castle. In fact, it was Bowser's room! "I can't believe I have done this." Luigi retracted his muscles, and soon, he was the same skinny Luigi. He walked out of the castle, and his jaw opened. "What happened?"
           "Okay Bowser, get ahold of yourself, man!" Bowser rocked back and forth in his small apartment. He ran away from Shadow Mario's guards. "THey killed Mario, I know that. Luigi was been turned bad, I know that. But what about Metal Mario?" He still rocked back and forth. The mario hat was still by his bedside. Bowser noticed that it was metal looking. "What does that note mean. 'I am real. 2041'?" Bowser wasn't the guy he used to be. Anything metal, silverware, bikes, the TV in his room, had voices coming out that sounded like Mario, Metal Mario. Bowser was worried. Ghosts haunt his mind. Mario's ghost was the largest of all. "Don't worry Bowser, your time will come." A faint voice echoed. "Huh, who said that?" "Your mind is restless, haunted by things that you can't understand. I will come for you, my old friend, just right now, I need to take care of some, other business." "Show me who you are!" "Soon, my old chum, soon..."
          "What has happened to the Mushroom KIngdom?" Luigi stared throughout the land before him. Buildings on fire, robbers stealing P-wings, gangs shooting people. It was something Luigi had never seen. "This is horrible." Shadow Mario went towards him. "It's wonderful, that's what it is." "No, it isn't right. The MUshroom Kingdom is suposed to be a happy place, not one with crime and unjustice." "That's how it should be. Anyone can do anything they want. The problem with the world is that it's too contained, unfree. With me, the world is anyone's oyster. They can do whatever, be whatever." "No, you're mad!" "No I'm nt. The world has always wanted to be like this, able to roam around without the authorties knowing where you are roaming. It's perfect. The perfect kingdom." "But this is mad! The mUshroom Kingdom is not suposed to be this way!" "Hey, first the Mushroom Kingdom, maybe the world, who knows, maybe the universe!" "I don't beleive any of this!" "Beleive whatever you want to beleive. That's the beauty of this world that I have created." "No, no. It can't. It shouldn't. It wouldn't." "Whatever you say, Luigi. You are my king in my game of chess."
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2005, 03:48:56 PM »
 "ARGH. My head." Bowser woke up in his small apartment. His troops were stationed outside his door, but Bowser could hear that they have snored way past 'tired' level. He looked at this clock. 7:00 AM. A bit early, but the sun must be out. He figured the room was unnaturaly dark, so he thought to open the curtains. What he saw behind the curtains was way beyond imagination. "Unreal."
         "This is not happening." Bowser felt like he was still in the nightmare that has haunted him night's before. The sky was dark, clod filled, broken glass and debri littered the landscape. It was mayhem. Many people broke into stores to steal. Many people ran for their lives. It looked like the land down under. Bowser had always wanted to make the world like this, but he felt, almost sorry for them now. Maybe it was the bean burrito talking, or just maybe, he changed. "What has Shadow Mario done?" Bowser closed the curtains. He tried to climb back into his warm bed, but police sirens and screams broke the silence. Just then, the TV opened. "Bowser" A faint voice came from the TV. "Bowser. Wake up, my chum." Bowser looked at the screen. Metal Mario? No, it couldn't, it can't. Metal Mario stared heavily at Bowser. "Mario?" The metalness of Metal Mario just seemed to vanish. Mario, in his usual clothing and skin color, was staring at him. "Bowser, you are the only person left to save the world. You helped he save the world before. Do you have to be the villan? Do you have to be my sworn enemy? Anyone else can't do it. You are the only one left. You can do amazing things. And no one has to be terrified to notice. I may be dead now, but maybe there is a hero somewhere in this world. I just hope it's you." Mario disapeared from the screen. The TV shut off. Bowser got the message loud and clear. "I am going to save the world."

        "THings are going wonderfully for me." Shadow Mario stared into the distance, admiring what he has done to the Mushroom Kingdom. "You see this, Luigi, it's how the world should be." He chuckled again. What he didn't notice was that Luigi was running off, anywhere, just not here.


How was part one and two?
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2005, 11:28:47 AM »

I may or may not continue this story. I am a bit busy with middle school and all, so new updates may or may not be rare. I may continue if more members read this story, but as of now, I may stop production of this story.

On lighter news, I am thinking of making a short story, of when I have time. Please do not continue with this story yourself or bump this unless I add a story to it, or I have personally let you. As of now, this story is half-dead.

Thank you for your kindness. Thank you!!
Most Wishy-Washy
