
Author Topic: The Reign of Parry  (Read 2918 times)

« on: November 23, 2005, 08:55:10 PM »
Okay guys, this is a story that I really intend on continuing. I posted it hm. . maybe a couple of years ago. . .the writing style is incredibly immature for me, but you will see a transition as I continue to write. I'm gonna post it in increments so it makes it easier for you guys to read. Ah, and there will be no chapters for now.

It was Mario’s first time with a sword, and he didn’t know what to think. It was no problem fighting off the goombas, but he was curious how he would fight the koopas. He used the fire flower in his pocket to destroy the koopas. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and for the first time, took in the scenery.

To his left sat Goombario’s house down the ¼ mile trail. The path was lined with strange flowers. Mario had never graced this are with his presence often; he decided this was the best place to come to train with Jynx. Besides, the enemies were weaker here, if there were any to appear without the remote. He looked to his right, and looked up at the sky where Bowser’s floating castle would’ve been, when he lifted Peach’s and his castle into the air when he stole the star rod. He realized he was just delaying his training, he let out a big sigh and pressed the button on the remote Geno had given him. “Hmmm…better start small with goombas.”

It was Geno’s idea to get Mario to train with a sword in the first place. He remembered what Geno told him when he received it. “This remote creates an illusion that is generated using the star power emitted rom you. You can create the illusion of ANYONE you’ve fought." said Geno, and after a brief pause to allow this information to sink he finished, "yes, including Bowser, so be careful. And always remember these monsters will be intent on killing you. If you ever need to terminate them, hit this button.” He pointed to a red button with an exclamation mark on the button on the bottom of the remote. “AND, don’t let it fall into the wrong hands. You know exactly who I’m talking about.” These words echoed in the back of Mario’s mind. It kind of scared him actually. Something, he couldn't put his finger on made him snap back to reality.

“Mario!!...Mario, snap out of it! We have to focus on your training if you want to get good with a sword. But the problem was he didn’t want to get good with a sword. Why don’t you try a few simple combos with your sword at first, like simple slice combos, like this” Jynx went through several motions, he slices sideways then hit with the butt of his sword, kicked, then came down with his sword. The small shrub he did that to remained in tatters. “Ok, here we go.” He thought of the enemy he wanted, a goomba, and pushed the red button six times, and took his clumsy stance. The warm wind blew his cap up, and almost off, his nose itched because his mustache was blowing too. He stood with his legs spread slightly apart and the sword in both hands, his style was sluggish and clumsy, but he easily took the first goomba with a single slice and it just dissipated into nothing. The next two charged him, and he got this sudden spontaneous burst of imaginative attacks. He spin jumped into the air while holding his sword down, kind of like a drill, bounced off of it, did a flip and came down with his sword. The next 3 goombas came all at once, quickly he used the spare feather he always kept under his hat, and spun with the sword held out, taking them all at once. The sensei was awe-stricken at Mario’s crafty performance.

(I will be continuing this, however I'm posting in increments to make it easier to read.)

« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2005, 11:29:28 AM »
The next day rumors spread throughout Mushroom Kingdom of Mario’s newfound ability with a sword, people far and wide want to know how good the skills of “Super” Mario really are. But Mario decided to turn everyone down…he wasn’t too confident in his skills. One after another people flooded to the Mushroom Kingdom from places like Rose Town, Yoshi’s Island, and the much uninhabited Forest of Illusion.

“I don’t understand it, Toad, Mario always said he disliked sword, then he just goes off and becomes one of the best swordsmen in all of Mushroom Kingdom! But, that just makes me adore him even more!” Peach gawked at how great Mario was. She let out a big sigh. “And he still hasn’t proposed to me! Grrrr! He always gets me so aggravated!” She turned around and looked at Toad pouting to him, hoping Toad could comfort her, but instead there was no Toad. “Toad, Where are you?” Peach went through the entire castle looking for him but she still couldn’t find him. She went to ask the Chancellor where Toad was…maybe he sent him on an errand. But the entire castle was empty; it was always empty like this on slow days. It wouldn’t be so unusual if Toad wasn’t missing…Toad was always there when she called for him. This was when she started to worry…She went outside to check to see if anyone could tell her what was happening, but the minute she stepped one foot outside, she plunged into darkness…

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! “I don’t want to fight anyone!! Go away!” Mario was very grumpy, the knocks woke him up. He sat up and looked around, forgetting he slept in the living room. The night before, he had come in very weary that night. Jynx decided to surprise him with a little sneak attack from the remote that he snuck out of Mario’s pocket, and after he had just taken out the last Chargin’ Chuck, Jynx called out a whole bunch of boos, he couldn’t count how many, though. There was a trick to killing them too, he either had to do a back flip and slice down, or somehow stab him backwards and make contact, either way is inaccurate and difficult to perform. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! The knocking brought him to reality; he noticed he’d been day dreaming a lot lately. “I’m coming! But I’m not going to fight you!” Toad busted in totally unexpectedly and knocked Mario clear on his rump. “Mario!.” Toad was heaving in and out. “Mario! The castle! *heave* It just disappeared into nowhere! We all just fell from where we were standing! The princess is gone! And there are many injured!” Mario was taken aback at this, and just sat in silence. “Why are they injured?” Mario wasn’t thinking clearly. “There were people on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors, mostly, they hurt their legs, but most importantly THE PRINCESS IS MISSING!!!” Mario, still absorbing the info just realized the love of his life was gone. “This must be the work of Bowser!!”

« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2005, 05:31:54 PM »
Meanwhile. . .

“Bowser, we have just received notice that Peach’s castle has completely disappeared!” These words rang through Bowser’s head. He immediately thought that this was his chance to attack and finally take over Mushroom Kingdom. He also knew he needed a bride, which was, when he took over the Mushroom Kingdom, going to be Peach, but that was only she was Princess . The thought of marrying and having children with her was disturbing…he shuddered at the thought of it. “We must take advantage of this and attack NOW!!” With everyone stricken with grief, not many people would be in mental shape to fight back and defend the Mushroom Kingdom. “Gather the troops, we strike tomorrow!!!”

“Mario, how could Bowser make the castle completely disappear? I don’t even think the powers of a million magikoopa’s could do that!” Luigi was getting annoyed at Mario’s stubbornness, he wouldn’t have anything else than Bowser’s head on a silver platter. “I have to save Peach! I know Bowser did it! There is no one else who could’ve done it! He could’ve figured out how to get past Star Haven’s security again and take the wand!” Hearing these words, Luigi had to say one last thing. “Why don’t you go to Star Road and ask first, so you don’t make the mistake of kicking Bowser’s butt for no reason! It wouldn’t be morally right!” Luigi hoped Mario would check it out, but, Mario not answering, just used his spare feather (he made sure he always had one) and took off into the clear blue sky.

Mario saw Bowser’s castle in the distance, and no sign of Peach’s. The one other thing Mario saw was Bowser readying a whole army of Para-koopas, goombas and any other type of bad guys you can think of. Seeing this Mario immediately landed and took off toward the nearest star pad. On the way back in the other direction, Mario noticed a little group of koopas and at one point he almost got spotted by 3 dozen Para-koopas, he was very fortunate. Mario knew that Bowser would act, especially since he took the princess, and every one in their mourning, as if Peach had died. But Mario knew her better than that, she wouldn’t go off and just die…he would have heard from Twink anyway. He was thinking about what Luigi said. He didn’t understand why Luigi always had to think things through.

« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2005, 07:43:50 PM »
I remember this. I wondered what happend to it. Keep going, I'm hooked.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2005, 11:55:10 PM »
When Mario got to the nearest Star Pad he noticed that there were several Chargin' Chucks. "What in Dinosaur Land am I gonna do?" Mario paused to think...What had he done a million times before this? Stomped the snot out of them, so what was different about this? "Well," Mario thought to himself,"they have spikey looking armour," he had never seen that kind before and it was about 3 times bigger than the rest, plus there were about 5 of them and 3 normal...this will be hard. Mario landed in an apple tree and waited. He was out of breath, and since he carried the sword with him wherever he went it weighed him down and made him tire faster. As he rested in the tree, he gathered his strength for the upcoming fight.

Peach woke up to a sound in the background, but she couldn't figure out what it was or where it came from...let alone where she was. She looked around trying to figure how she got here, but could only make out shady inanimate figures...she could see a chair and a bed, but everything was empty. She kept looking and noticed a dim glow next to what looked like a broken window. "Hello?" She glanced as she walked toward the glowing figure. "OH! Twink!?" She lifted him and put him on the bed , she recognized it as her own. "You must be so worn out!" she said to the unconcious but cute Twink. She could tell he traveled far and had trouble because of his low green dim compared to his bright yellow dim. She was very tired and didn't know why, so she lay down next to him and slept very deeply.

After Mario took off as he always did, Luigi pondered. What should he do? Mario would surely go pick a fight with Bowser and win, but there was more to this than just some villain. For some reason he had a feeling that more than just kidnapping the princess was going to go down. Heading for the box where he kept his extra leaf (Luigi had always preferred using classic methods) a thought crossed his mind. Where was one place that no one would notice immediately a huge castle sitting where one hadn't been previously? Immediately he grabbed his leaf and was off.

In the morning, or so the Princess thought, she sat up and glanced around the room. Sharp pains ran through her head and down her back. She looked at Twink and noticed he was glowing brighter."Twink? Are you ok?" Twink stirred and slowly opened his eyes. "Princess! I came as fast as I could!" Twink exclaimed as he sat up (floated up). "On my way here I ran into something in the sky and couldn't keep flying. So appearently I plumeted and that's the last thing I remember." Overwhelmed by the story Peach added "How did you know where I was?" Twink looked at the neckline of her dress and pointed "Simple, the gift I gave you, you remember the necklace right? I just oriented on it's energy and sought you out, although the source of the energy was very weak; I'm surprised I found you."
"Well, do you know where we are?"
"I'm not sure, I was flying down star road then. . BAM! no memory.", said Twink, he looked a tad disapointed, "Sorry", he said as he looke up at Peach.
"So Bowser didn't kidnap me?(for once?)"
"As a matter of fact, no. Which surprises me. I don't even know who has powers enough to teleport the castle such a distance, except for one of the elder Star Spirits." Twink showed a mixture of emotions...but Peach didn't know how he pulled it looked like his face was just flat...but he made it work. Peach sighed,"I'll bet Mario is worried...maybe you should go warn him! And make sure he doesn't start anything with Bowser!" One moment Twink was there, the next he was off, flying to what seemed like a void area. Peach sat and wondered when the next time she would speak to her friends and when she would finally see who kidnapped her...not that she wanted to, but it would not be princessly to not see the capturer and identify him.

Immediately after he flew through the window, Twink suddenly felt himself tumbling through. . .nothing. What on earth was going on? He pushed harder and further, making himself continue through the emptiness that was beginning to consume him. Slowly he was losing strength, then the further out he got from the castle the harder the pull and the more tired he became. Twink looked back, no castle, had he traveled that far already? This fatigue soon devoured him and he let go, blacking out.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 12:43:28 PM by gunblade88 »

« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2005, 05:03:39 PM »
BAH. . .sorry, my post got erased, I will have to retype it now. Sorry for those who may have been reading. . it has been a while.
