
Author Topic: Your Stories: Stories About You  (Read 2077 times)

« on: November 12, 2006, 08:02:19 AM »
If you’ve ever read the Chicken Soup books, you’ll know that the books are full of sad, funny, heartwarming bittersweet tales of sorrow and happiness, life issues and people’s issues. Some of these stories are so fanatical that you can’t imagine the truth in it, but you smile in wonder. “Is it ture, and will it happen to me?” To celebrate my “spiritual cleansing” (heh heh) over my “vacation time”, I’ve made a second topic for this. And to celebrate the topic’s opening, I present to you, Lost Letter.

Dear Locker 537,

   Its hard to imagine that one of such stature and size such as you can overwhelm such a larger brute such as I. Its hard to bear the thought that the smartest kid in the class would be fearing and upstaged by one such as you. I’m almost never afraid, and almost never uncertain, but there is a certain air circling around you that changes me completely. When you walk by, my knees feel weak. When you talk, my eyes get watery. When you look at me, dead in the eye, I feel as if I have to look away, as if conversing with a god, because it would be a sin to look at those holy gems. When you laugh, it makes me feel happy. The voice of angels ring in my ears when you talk, and the hands of god touches me when you reach for a pencil and accidentally touch my hand. I never had the courage to tell you any of this, and its been eating away my conscience ever since I’ve laid my eyes on you, that faithful first day of ‘02.
   Now, I’m staring face to face with my stuff in boxes, lining up my bedroom walls. I’m writing this letter on a U-Haul moving van, hurriedly scribbling this letter on a skier’s pant leg. I won’t be back. Might come back in a week. Maybe never. I plan to insert this letter into your locker my final day. I can never tell you any of this out loud. I don’t have the courage to. I may never will. So, this is my final stand. My final chance to set things right. I hope you get this. I hope you read it. I hope you cry and laugh and sob and tear and cheer and feel whatever you want to feel. I want you to be whatever you want to be. Because that’s how I want you.

Locker 538
June 2nd, 2003.

I’ve found this letter in the bottom of my locker, under all the piles of old algebra papers. Its looked unread, as the envelope has never been opened. My curiosity got the best of me, and I was tempted to open it. The girl he must be writing to must’ve never gotten this letter. Now I strive to find this girl, and deliver this letter to her. I owe the guy a lot for bringing my spirits up. I want to be the link between him and her. And I need this lost letter to prove it.
Most Wishy-Washy


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 09:56:25 PM »
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?


  • Banned
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2006, 09:11:33 AM »
I present to you, Diary Of A Kid Who Found A Frog:

One day, I found I frog. I called him Frogger. But then he ran away. Or rather, hopped away. I miss him. Supposedly, he got hit by a car while trying to cross the road, but I think he got past the cars, through the river, past the alligators to the other side of the river, which is running right next to the road for some reason, and is now living happily ever after with his frog friends.
