
Author Topic: Who Will Win the Console Wars...  (Read 3820 times)

« on: June 12, 2001, 08:54:31 PM »
Who do you think's gonna win the console wars?

-Nintendo Gamecube? They've got some great 2nd and 3rd party game developers down there helpin' em' out...but will Nintendo's recent semi-lack of popularity cause their latest system to get burned?
-Playstation 2? Sony's got Popularity on their side, sitting right next to Mr. Cheap Commercials, and Prof. Screwy Marketing...but is that enough to win?
-Microsoft XBox? Sure, MS is owned by the richest guy on earth, but will the gaming be just as good on this console as on others?

We just won't can't know for sure. What do YOU think?

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« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2001, 09:47:40 PM »
I'm starting to second guess GameCube myself (yes, it's true). In one of the movies at IGN, a developer guy says that over 90% of the console's power can be used instantly due to how easy it is to develop for. But this is a problem.

Using over 90% of its power? This means games in its later generations won't get much more power to use, so games in the later generations might look only as good as first generations. Result? Short life.

And in an interview at Nintendojo, the game All-Star Baseball 2002 will use up to 75% of the CDs total space capacity. This means that unless Nintendo gets it through their head that their games will have to come out on multiple CDs, games won't go much farther in length or graphic quality as what we've already seen. Result? Games not getting much better as time goes on.

But consider this. PS2 is really looking bad for the console wars. It had a terrible launch, it's very difficult to program for since no one knows how to get the most out of the system (the one developer even said developing for Sony was like being handed a chisel, whereas Nintendo was like a pencil, in the aspect of being able to change things as you go along).

Since PS2 is the earliest of these three new consoles, it obviously can't stand up to the other consoles. So now it's like Sony is no longer in the race either (FINALLY!).

As for X-Box, things are looking bad for it too. The machine at E3 actually CRASHED when it was playing, which is simply unacceptable and very embarrassing, especially with hundreds of people seeing the console fail on them.

The X-Box also has a horrible controller, there aren't any games that anyone's interested in as of yet (which means they need to get franchises quick!), and one article said that the graphics were simply not comparable to the other two. Plus, Bill Gates doesn't know how to make games.
But if he knows how PC games are made, then why doesn't he just work from there?

And to make things even tougher to judge, X-Box is actually more powerful than GameCube. No kidding. But GameCube is easier to develop for, and we've seen how this has easily made it better than X-Box. Like the one developer said, while pushing polygons is important, Nintendo has opted for the best video game performance instead.

And also made it easy for developers, which means games will come out a heck of a lot faster, they will remain at a relatively cheap $50, and the console remains and always has remained the lowest-priced console.

So in conclusion, I don't know what console will win the wars. GameCube might slaughter the competition for the first one or two years, but if Nintendo doesn't start getting expansion paks and compression techniques and stuff down by then, the other consoles might pull ahead for the other years. And that ''other console'' will likely be X-Box if it can get its act together. As for PS2, it can only remain a competitor if someone actually masters the console and shows off what the PS2 can really do.

But in my opinion, GameCube's gonna win the wars. And I'm not just saying that to please you Mario fans. GCs developer-friendly feature and the lowest prices around make for one heck of a console. Because none of the other consoles have done that, they're going to pay for that costly mistake.

And as a final note to Sony and X-Box: No console should be over $250. PS2 was, believe it or not, $400. That's RIDICULOUS. And the 3D0 many years before it, which was the worst console in history next to Virtual Boy? SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. Please, keep it in the $200-$300 range if you want to make sales.

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2001, 05:34:28 AM »
None cares about the **** PlayStation and the God-awful X-box! PlayStation and X-box should just dive off the face of the earth and crash in to a blistering pool of hot lava! As long as Nintendo continues to be in the lead, I'll be happy! NINTENDO RULES ALL! LONG LIVE NINTENDO!

Sega and Nintendo both rule!

It is I, the great Mario Maniac!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2001, 12:49:14 PM »
Wow mario maniac thats probly the most biased thing ive ever heard.

"Ignorance is bliss"
Small Console = Big Ballz

« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2001, 02:19:25 PM »
Yes. Biased, but true.
Wha? Sega? said Nintendo and SEGA? Although Sega is going to start making games for other systems, they still suck! They're a rip off of Nintendo, and should friggen follow Sony and The X-Box in to the blistering pool of lava (they'd be stupid enough to anyway).
Now, I'm not saying Sega sucks but...oh wait...yes I am. SEGA SUCKS! (in my view)

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« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2001, 03:03:12 PM »
The only unfortunate thing is that there truly is one game on a Sega console that I liked. I never bought a Sega Genesis, but instead one friend brought over a CD version of the Sega Genesis game, Ecco The Dolphin.

I have to admit, the CD version was unbelievable. It's the only product that originally came from Sega that I've liked. But even if Ecco is one of my favorite games (by using emulation), I have always been a Nintendo fan and bought nothing but Nintendo consoles.

And Goldeneye ruled back when it was released.

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2001, 07:08:33 PM »
well its good to see we have some intellegent conversationalist *cough*kamek*cough*mariomaniac*. I can't belive some of the biased people here. I think the consol wars will be just like Super Nintendo Vrs. Genesis only this time Gamecube Vrs. X box. Alot of my friends belive X box is better. They refuse to belive anything bad about it. Tisk tisk. I doubt I'll get one. Same with PS2. There main problem? The games. There are no games worth buying for that system. Everyone is prejudce against nintendo for one reason or another. i have some friends that keep telling me PS2 will win. What has it done to prove it? The on;y reason there was such a high demand was becasue they only shipped half of what they promised to sell, and all they got was an overhyped DVD player. Hey if I want one ( and i already do ) I'll just buy one for 150, instead of 400. It'll probaly be a better DVD player anyway. Anyway in my opinion Nintendo will win. What sony did was the same thing nintendo did with 64, They got ****y. And there paying for it like nintendo did. When 64 came out there was only two or three games and some of them weren't worth getting. PS2 has alot but none are worth getting. All they have rideing behind them is FFX. Any way at least nintendo learned from there mistakes in the past and are comeing out with quiet an impressive first generation games. Alos leave sega alone, they are a good company. They made some good games and sonic is one of the greatest charectors ever. Espically since Sega is now neutral. This ends my long rant.


« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2001, 07:23:52 PM »
well its good to see some intellegent conversationalist *cough*kamek*cough*mariomaniac*cough. Never had I seen such unnessicary (sp) biased people. Sega makes awsome games, and it really ticks me off to see "a true nintendo fan" insult them for no good reason. Anyway there is alot of hype. Personally I have my money on gamecube. PS2's problem is mainly the games. Yeah they got alot of them, but I don't see one worth spending my money on. X box I really don't like personlly. Mainly its because they think just becuase they make good computers and stuff means they can make good software. And again with PS2, all they are is an over hyped DVD paly. I had a long and better post but it got deleted *grr* so I cut this one short. Anyway again Game cube is what I have my money on


« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2001, 07:24:20 PM »
well its good to see some intellegent conversationalist *cough*kamek*cough*mariomaniac*cough. Never had I seen such unnessicary (sp) biased people. Sega makes awsome games, and it really ticks me off to see "a true nintendo fan" insult them for no good reason. Anyway there is alot of hype. Personally I have my money on gamecube. PS2's problem is mainly the games. Yeah they got alot of them, but I don't see one worth spending my money on. X box I really don't like personlly. Mainly its because they think just becuase they make good computers and stuff means they can make good software. And again with PS2, all they are is an over hyped DVD paly. I had a long and better post but it got deleted *grr* so I cut this one short. Anyway again Game cube is what I have my money on


« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2001, 07:43:40 PM »
Yeah, the only good games I've heard of for other consoles are the Final Fantasy series, Shenmue, the Gran Turismo series, and some more. But that's not a lot of franchises compared to what exlusive ones Nintendo has.

Nintendo has Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, EarthBound, Turok, Perfect Dark, the good Tetris games, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Pokemon, F-Zero, and some others.

Notice that I didn't list franchises like Goldeneye and Extreme-G because they either have games for multiple consoles or, in Extreme-G's case, to not be an exclusive for much longer.

Now count up those franchises that Nintendo has. These are all common franchises, and by not including Tetris as a franchise since it's for multiple consoles, it equals ELEVEN exclusive franchises.

How many do the other consoles have? Not eleven that we know of.

The only Sega franchise I really like that I wish would come to GameCube is, of course, Ecco the Dolphin. I've seen movies of Ecco for the Dreamcast, and it almost made me want to rent it. But now that Sega has joined up with Nintendo, the chances of it popping up are very likely.

Which makes me all the happier.

Tell me if you think I forgot any Nintendo exclusive franchises. I'm sure I forgot some, but these are the franchises I know right off the bat. I know that there were a few of them back in the NES days, but I don't remember them.

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2001, 10:05:59 PM »
Yes, I am a biased *******. But, this is for a good reason...Sega killed my father!
..........well, not really, but still. I've kinda gone on and off with my oppinions on Sega. At first, I loved it. The original Sonic games were great. Than they came out with the Sega Saturn. I hated them for that. Sonic's 3D Blast was the worst game ever created. Then there was the Dreamcast. I tested it out in a game store. The game was Sonic Adventure, and I thought it was ok. Then I saw their crappy commercials. Thus, the hate returned.
Now, I may hate every console on earth except for Nintendo systems with a burning rage, least I don't post the same message three times over again! Yeah. That's it. Word.

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« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2001, 04:31:33 AM »
well its good to see some intellegent conversationalist *cough*kamek*cough*mariomaniac*cough. Never had I seen such unnessicary (sp) biased people. Sega makes awsome games, and it really ticks me off to see "a true nintendo fan" insult them for no good reason. Anyway there is alot of hype. Personally I have my money on gamecube. PS2's problem is mainly the games. Yeah they got alot of them, but I don't see one worth spending my money on. X box I really don't like personlly. Mainly its because they think just becuase they make good computers and stuff means they can make good software. And again with PS2, all they are is an over hyped DVD paly. I had a long and better post but it got deleted *grr* so I cut this one short. Anyway again Game cube is what I have my money on


Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2001, 05:33:09 AM »
I agree with Kamek2k... I AM BIASED TOO! I HATE ALL OTHER VIDEO GAMES (except Nintendo) NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE F*CKING X-BOX OR THE D*MN PLAYSTATION! NINTENDO WILL RULE ALL! NINTENDO WILL REIGN SUPREME AND WILL KICK ALL THE OTHER GAMES TO THE GROUND! Nintendo makes the best games in the world! And they have a lot more popular characters: Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus, Pikachu... As I said before: NINTENDO WILL RULE ALL!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2001, 10:05:20 PM »
Whoa. You are the king of biasedness (if that's a word). Plus, you broke like all the forum rules, but who the hell cares.

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« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2001, 04:35:09 AM »
gezz I must of accident;y made the same post 3 times, sorry my computer was screwed up at the time

