
Author Topic: Paper Bowser-A Videogame Idea  (Read 3058 times)

« on: August 31, 2008, 05:45:21 PM »
Wow. Wow. Look at me. I actually finished a Fan Fiction Project! I made sure to finish it privately before sending it to TMK, so here it is. You might remember my old story Paper Bowser. You probably don't, like most of my hard-worked projects on TMK. Anyway, to make it simple, I converted it to videogame standards, with boss battles and Chapter descriptions. It may seem a little soft compared to my other work, but I'm trying to get this on the infamously childish Lemmy Land*, so that I can have SOME kind of legacy, since asks me to use complicated programs. Please enjoy this work anyway...Or not. I'm just glad I finished something. (BTW, I forgot to include Optional Bosses at the end. Please don't kill me.)

EDIT: *: Now featured on Lemmy's Land

                                                    PAPER BOWSER                                                       
System: Nintendo Sprig
Genre: RPG
Player(s): 1

Cartridge Case Back: Control Bowser on his quest for sweet revenge against Mario! Take on traitorous lackeys and terrible Toad’s!                                                         


                                                              One fateful day, Bowser planned to steal the Star Rod, lift Peach’s Castle into the sky, and defeat Mario. Sound familiar? But at the moment Bowser created his plan, the universe split in half, in one reality, Bowser carried out his plan. In the other reality, a traitor revealed the plot to the Star Spirits…

                                                   INTRO SCENE:
Eldstar: The trap is set!

Mamar: Weh heh heh!

Skolar: Once that idjit brute Bowser takes the fake Star Rod…

Muskular: He’ll get beat up by Mario!

Misstar: We’ll never allow Bowser to win!

Klevar: He shall always wither in misery!

Kalmar: The plan…

All: It’s so brilliant…and cruel!

???: …Glad I could help. I must departure. Bowser will arrive any moment now.

(Caped figure leaves area, just as Bowser breaks in)

Bowser: Bwa ha ha! The Star Rod is mine!

Eldstar: Oh, no. (S******) Please, stop, Bowser.

Skolar: Don’t harm us… (Chortle)

Bowser: Get lost Confetti-beasts. The Star Rod is mine! (Snatches Star Rod)

Bowser: Now I’m gonna finish this with Mario…Bwa ha ha ha ha!

(Scene fades to white…)


A: Jump
Control Stick: Control Bowser
B: Breathe Fire
B (Control Stick up): Upward Grab
B (Control Stick down): Cast a spell (Opens up a menu)
C: Partner’s attack
Start: Access Menu
X: Control Bowser Lightning
Y: Summon Basic Lackeys (Up-Goomba, Down-Lakitu, Right-Koopa, Left-Shy Guy
Z: Change Set-up (Setups: Up, Down)
R: Speed Shell
L: Use Shell Phone


Accuracy: Raises the chances of getting a direct hit.
Attack: This is your power!
Courage: Raises the chances of dodging an attack.
Defense: Affects how much an enemy can hurt you.
Distance: Affects how far an attack will reach, although it may take up to 5 level-ups to see the true potential of this stat.
Experience: Bowser gains levels as this increases.
Firmness: Controls how accurately you can control a Basic Lackey.
Health: When this reaches 0, Bowser’s KO’d!
Knowledge: This only affects Traka; the higher her Knowledge, the more she can tell you about an enemy.
Level: The current experience level of a character.
Luck: Raises the chance of randomly getting attack boosts in battle.
Nostalgia: This extremely mysterious stat must be raised properly throughout the game. If you raise it high enough, Bowser will start learning “Old” and powerful moves from the past…
Patience: Lowers prices at Shops. Also has a 1/100 chance of making Nostalgia level up faster.
Perception: Lowers the chances of ambushes.
Soul: Sometimes has a random chance of raising your attack by ¼ in battle, the higher the stat, the more likely the chance. This also boosts Majack’s Power, including his Primer.
Speed: Affects whether the enemy, your partner, or Bowser will attack first. This also raises the chances of running away.
Toughness: The higher this is, the stronger you are against Status Effects.

STATUS EFFECTS: (These affect your stats or health in battle or on field!)

Asleep: You cannot attack for 3 turns. Otherwise woken up by a powerful attack.
Blind: Causes Accuracy to go down.
Bothersome Flea: Character loses their concentration and cannot use Special Attacks.
Confusion: Causes the character to go crazy, and ignore commands.
Depression: Raises your chances of missing if you use a Regular Attack.
Faint: If your Health drops to 0, you faint. If both character’s faint, it’s Game Over!
Gooped: Like paralysis, except you heal while trapped.
Insanity: Causes the character to get insane, ignore commands, and hurt partner.
Paralysis: Character cannot do anything for 4 turns.
Peaceful: Causes the character to daydream, and not pay attention to the battle. Healed after 2 turns.
Possessed: Ghost enemies can inflict this. The ghost will randomly inflict Status Effects and hurt for small damages.
Poisoned: Hurts you in battle, depending on Defense
Shroom Virus: You can randomly get this from eating Mushrooms. Hurts you on the Over field.


Bowser: Bowser! He’s the main character in this game, rather then that spoilsport Mario. His plan has failed, but he’s still on a quest to defeat Mario, and to find Mario in the sky. But is he ever fated to defeat Mario?

Mario: Mario! Your prime nemesis, he foiled your plans…well, actually he just mindlessly stomped you like usual. If you can climb to Mario’s Castle in the sky, you may be able to take him on! Don’t worry, he’s brainless as usual.

Star Spirits: They tricked you and planted the false Star Rod. Are they the true enemies? Or are they simply helping Mario? Be wary, if you plan to take on these gods.

Luigi: Yes, Luigi appears. But…where?

??? : This is the mysterious traitor, who revealed the plans to the Star Spirits. Perhaps you’ll nab him on your quest.

Kammy: When Mario defeated you in the castle, he also kidnapped Kammy, complicated the situation further. You must rescue this hag for her magical powers if you wish to defeat Mario. She can be found in a cage on top of the castle. She will ultimately use the “Big Wish” to help with the defeat of Mario.

The 7 Magical Servants: Your most powerful servants, they were captured by Mario’s Army, and must now be rescued to gain magical access to defeat Mario. However, they are guarded by deadly beasts. Can you save them all?

Peach: Peach was your original goal. She’s now captured with the brainless Mario, who refuses to let her go. Now you must save her!


Traka (Toad): Traka is your first partner, and a trusty friend. Although Bowser usually despises Toad’s, Traka saves his life in Elub’s Town. Bowser never tells Traka his true nature as an evil dictator. Traka foolishly joins him on his quest. A primer: You can ride on her head by pressing C. She can move faster then Bowser, and Bowser get’s an added boost from the jump. In battle, she can head butt enemies, and can tell you about enemy stats. (Found in Chapter 1)

Iron (Bob-omb): You’ll meet this silent Bob-omb in the Lary Desert. He seems to hide a secret, which will ultimately doom the team. A primer: Iron follows in the tracks of his Paper ancestors. Press C, and he’ll walk a straight line, and then blow up. In battle, he can pierce the enemy with shrapnel, or simply blow up next to the enemy. (Found in Chapter 2)

Pineblerry (Yoshi): You’ll meet Pineblerry in Clary’s Hotel. This Yoshi’s hunger will not give up, and he’ll often disappear from the team on a quest to find food. Otherwise, he makes a powerful team member. A primer: He can ground pound and shake the ground to its roots. In battle, he can crush enemies with his weight, or create mini Earthquakes. (Found in Chapter 2)

Sprinty (Duplighost): Sprinty is a Vu Trainer on the Wind Piece. His speed is unmatched in the land, and combined with his shape shifting abilities, he’s a formidable opponent. A primer: He can turn Bowser into a Toad for 20 seconds, and walk hidden as a member of Mario’s Army. In battle, he can inflict status effects such as dizzy and confusion on an enemy. He can also lower the enemy’s defense, and offense. Sprinty is a purely tactical partner. (Found in Chapter 3)

Majack (Magikoopa): Majack is your first (and only) magical partner. His spell power relies on Bowser’s Soul Stat. He is convinced that his path is destined with Bowser’s, and that their souls rely on each other. Bowser finds the situation disturbing. A primer: He can make Bowser fly for a limited amount of time. The greater the Soul Stat, the longer he can fly. In battle, he can use offensive magical spells, and defensive spells, to make powerful combos and strategies, as long as you have a well maintained Soul Stat. (Found in Chapter 4)

Kobby (Robot): Kobby was built by the Toadoa Bros, master technology smiths, to aid Bowser in his quest. The only catch: If you don’t oil him enough, he might randomly break down in battle, and must be rebuilt by the Toadoa Bros. A primer: Kobby can warp Bowser to places he’s previously been, for easier travel. In battle, Kobby uses laser attacks and far range powers. (Found in Chapter 5)

Tempad (Cauhntaxt): Tempad is a member of the very rare Cauhntaxt species. You’ll meet him in the Enchanted Forest. A primer: He can add power to Bowser’s Basic Lackeys, although he’ll use PP. In battle, Tempad’s attacks are based on his current mood. He’ll use offensive moves if he’s angry. Defensive if he’s sad. Status if he’s calm. And a blitz of random attacks if he’s scared. (Found in Chapter 6)

GRAB BAG ITEMS: (This is a random set of Items; this is NOT all of them)

Able Juice: Cures Poison, Sleepiness, and Confusion
Blue Potion: Raises Bowser’s attack by 2
Boo Repellant: Instantly ends all fights with weak ghost enemies
Boomerang: Raises Distance Stats for a battle.
Bowser Cake: Very rare Item, raises Attack and Defense stats for a short amount of time.
Calculator: Can tell you all your stats in the middle of battle.
Cream Pie: Heals 34 PP.
Cymbals: Raises Partners Toughness Stat temporarily.
Double Dice Set: Raises Bowser’s Speed for a short amount of time.
Elixir: Completely heals both HP and PP.
Endless Vibe: Permanently raises Soul Stat.
Globulator: You’ll get this early in the game. It shows you a World Map…for everywhere you’ve been.
Goomnut: Heals 12 PP
Invincishroom: Permanently raises HP by 10.
Item Bag: Gives you a random Mushroom; chances of getting a Goomnut: ¼
Kerokero Cola: Heals 48 HP
Magnifying Glass: Permanently raises Traka’s Knowledge by 1
Mixed Shake: Randomly heals HP and PP 
Mushroom: Heals 10 HP.
Neon Egg: Temporarily raises Bowser Lightning’s Distance, in battle or on field
Pal Pill: For Partner’s only. Raises attack temporarily by 1.
Pauline’s Umbrella: Permanently raises Nostalgia Stat by 1.
Quartz Charm: If Bowser goes into Critical Status, Quartz Charm will heal him fully, if used the first 8 turns of battle.
Sugar: For Partners only. Raises Speed by 1 temporarily.
Superball: Attacks enemy for 47 damage.
Wishstone: Heals 40 PP
Zoom Shoes: Temporarily raises Speed by 7



General Description: You can’t win this fight. You’ll end up wasting turns trying to use the fake Star Rod. However, you can try practicing your attacks and Tactics in Battle.


General Description: In this Prologue, you won’t have any partners to help you, so you’ll have to take on beasts yourself. Bowser is also trying to figure out where he is. However, this sandy island holds almost no secrets.

Boss Battle 1#: King Lakitu (Lost Island)

General Description: This guy used to be one of Bowser’s Servants, but escaped to the Island for peace. However, Bowser’s arrival has brought back his love of blood. About 1/3 through the battle, King Lakitu will call out a robotic cloud. This simply make’s him a easier target.

PROLOUGE BATTLE: King Lakitu and Machegem (Lost Island)

General Description: Now he’s pulled out the big guns. Machegem is a deadly work of art, and is a tough battle altogether. It’s time to finish off this annoying Lakitu.

PEACH EVENT: Peach finds out her door’s locked, and is lied to by the sneaky Twink, working for Mario, who is actually holding Peach captive.


General Description: Chapter 1 will give you your first taste of the game, with your first partner, finding your first Magical Servants-The Koopa Bros. Bowser starts on the Palm Beach. The Dark Forest lies in the Canyon, along with an ancient Temple, which holds deadly danger.

Boss Battle 3#: Rhombus Head (Palm Beach Forest)

General Description: Rhombus Head is the weakest of the 3 mysterious heads that haunt Oasis Canyon. His attacks aren’t sustaining, and you should beat him within 5 turns. However, the heads ahead will prove a tougher challenge.

Safe Zone: Elub’s Town

Elub’s Town lies at the bottom of Oasis Canyon. Unsuspecting, peaceful Toad’s live there, knowing nothing of the lives outside the canyon, including the political war between Bowser and Mario. This is where Bowser recruits Traka into his team.

Boss Battle 4#: Pentagon Head (Elub’s Town)

General Description: Pentagon Head is a tougher version of Rhombus Head. He knows a few “Mathematical Spells”, which can stand in your way of victory.

Boss Battle 5#: Klubbo (Dark Forest)

Traka’s Account: Ugh…this is Klubbo. He’s a guard for the mysterious Temple in the Dark Forest. Everything the magical heads have told him is a lie…we better knock some sense back into him…

Boss Battle 6#: Decahedron Head (Temple)

Traka’s Account: I never paid attention in math…but I believe that a Decahedron is a 12 sided shape. This head is MUCH more powerful then the others…please be careful! He must be hiding a secret…

CHAPTER 1 BOSS BATTLE: Dochatabus (Temple)

Traka’s Account: I can’t believe it…all of the heads morphed together makes this awful beast…according to legend; a great wizard concocted this in a laboratory accident, right here. Was the Temple his Laboratory? You have to defeat this thing! It’s the only thing standing between us and those Koppa Brues or whatever!

PEACH EVENT: Peach travels to Mario’s Room, and demands answers. Mario sends her back to her room, locking the door with two locks. 


General Description: Chapter 2 starts with a desert, going through a resort, and ultimately ending in a deep grotto. Your next magical servant-Tutankoopa-is held here, although the exact location is unknown. This is the only chapter where you gain 2 partners! You will also travel through the mystic Vigamos Sea…but what lays beneath the waves?

Boss Battle 8#: Team S.H.R.A.P.N.E.L. (Lary Desert)

Traka’s Account: Um, what’s S.H.R.A.P.N.E.L. supposed to stand for anyway? Essentially, it’s a team of Desert Bob-ombs…if you feel confident, you can let them blow themselves up…I wouldn’t advise it.

Boss Battle 9#: Dr. M (Clary’s Hotel)

Traka’s Account: Who is this guy?!? He attacks you on spot, and he’s…balancing on chairs? What the heck. He should be easy to take out. I mean, just look what he’s wearing! Ugh, red. That just reeks of failure. (Strangely, if you have Traka use her tattle ability even once in battle, she’ll blabber on the entire battle on his…costume. {And how lame it is})

Safe Zone: Clary’s Hotel

After you defeat Dr. M, and before the pirate attack, Clary’s Hotel is a fabulous safe zone. It offers a shop, and a “Diner” (Just a food themed shop). Clary also turns out to be Fat Shy Guy, who is disturbingly obsessed with food. After you clear the Chapter, the Hotel will be fully recovered.

Boss Battle 10#: Captain Darg (Darvis Cove)

Traka’s Account: It’s the leader of the pirates! Captain Darg! We’ve chased him across the Sea to catch him! He’s got to have Titan Kuppa! (Hey, isn’t a Kuppa a Sea Monster anyway?) Let’s do this!

CHAPTER 2 BOSS BATTLE: Vigamos (Darvis Cove)

Traka’s Account: Suh-Suh-Sea Monster!!! Could it be the true capturer of the Tootin Keppa? It’s huge! Only its head can fit on screen! (Erm, ignore that last remark.) Your fire attacks should be most potent here! Let’s finish this!

PEACH EVENT: Twink has received orders from the slowly-going-insane Mario to bake him a cake. Peach bakes a cake, and is attacked by Mario. She is thrown into a trash heap.


General Description: In this epic Chapter, Bowser faces the legions of Vu Trainers on the training islands collectively known as The Pieces. Wind Piece, Fire Piece, Water Piece, and Armored Piece make up this Bay, known as the Shadow Bay, south of the Vigamos Sea.

Boss Battle 12#: King Poison Piranha (Poison Lagoon)

Traka’s Account: Wow…this thing is huge. But you’ve got everything under control, right Bowser? This guy should be easy! But, uh, watch out for his…tentacles? I didn’t know Piranha plants had tentacles…

Safe Zone: Wind Piece

The Wind Piece is the only friendly Piece in the bay…unfortunately; this makes the other Pieces even stronger. However, hidden beneath the Wind Piece is the Nicely Dug Hole of 96 Trials. Optional Bosses will be covered at the end of this guide.

Boss Battle 13#: Vig Jr. (Shadow Bay)

Traka’s Account: Hmm…where have we seen this thing before…? …!!! It-looks-just-like-Vigamos! …Except smaller. If it’s Vigamos’s child, it should be much weaker. Your fire attacks should be even more potent.

Boss Battle 14#: Jawhn (Fire Piece)

Traka’s Account: It’s Jawhn. He’s a trainer under some “The Master” guy. Sheesh, and he’s wasting our time just so he can see if we’re “worthy”. He mostly consists of fire attacks. Similar to yours. But can he stand up to electricity? Shocking, if you know what I mean.

Boss Battle 15#: Goomba (Water Piece)

Traka’s Account: Urm, it’s an ordinary Goomba. That’s it. I’m not kidding. It’s an ordinary Goomba, claiming to have Trubba Clubba. Just stomp him! Could this be any easier?

(After Tentacle Attack)

Traka’s Account: WHOA! Was it just me or…Bowser! That Goomba just knocked 10 HP out of you! With…tentacles! I…uh…urr…I…there’s nothing in my book about this! You have to win this! (You will ultimately lose the battle, and thrown into the Armored Piece’s prison.

CHAPTER 3 BOSS BATTLE: Goomba (Armored Piece)

Traka’s Account: This is it Bowser! With your badge-You did equip Tentacle Protect, right?!? Don’t be silent like that! As long as you’ve equipped it…he’s an ordinary Goomba! I still can’t believe it’s the Warlord of Shadow Bay. Hmm…perhaps it has another secret? Look out! (Goomba unleashes Power Band {this will eventually happen even if you don’t tattle}, Account ends)

PEACH EVENT: Peach manages to escape through the halls, while Mario has ordered her dead. In the end of the mini-adventure, she manages to get to the roof, where she finds Kammy Koopa in a cage.


General Description:

When Bowser lands on Swiftown directly from Shadow Bay, he discovers a party of rebels from Dry Dry Outpost heading straight for Mario’s Castle…because of a rude comment Mario made at Peach’s Party. Bowser snatches the chance, and ignoring the distant Magical Servants warning that he needed all of the Servants to defeat Mario, he boards the ship, straight for Toad Town…Bowser manages to enter Mario’s Castle…yes, Mario has taken over Peach’s/Bowser’s Castle. You will also rescue General Guy here!

Safe Zone: Swiftown

Swiftown is northeast of Shadow Bay, and south east of the Vigamos Sea. It is where the rebellions of Dry Dry Land have gathered for the war against Mario. A boat will soon depart from there…but after Chapter 5, you can finally return there.

Boss Battle 17#: Dr. M (S.S. Drydry)

Traka’s Account: Who is this guy!?! He’s…back! I can’t believe this guy stalked us all the way from Hotel…waiting for the right moment to strike. And…his clothing! Still just as ugly! Disgusting!!! It…make’s me choke. I hate it! I hate it! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Bleach! I HATE that outfit! I. JUST. HATE. IT!!! (Strangely, if you have Traka use her tattle ability even once in battle, she’ll blabber on the entire battle on his…costume. {And how lame it is})
Safe Zone: S.S. Drydry

After you send Dr. M swimming, the S.S. Drydry will be safe for one (1) real hour. Otherwise, you can skip right ahead to the rest of the chapter by talking to the Captain.

Boss Battle 18#: Travis (Toad Town)

Traka’s Account: So this is where those EVIL toad’s live, huh? This is one, right? Hmm…Travis is a member of the royal guard. He has red spots and a flashlight strapped to his head. They say he traveled in space once. Hmm…he seems rather scared of you. Who is he?

Safe Zone: Peach’s Room

Unfortunately, Peach will be gone by the time you get here. You can sleep in her bed, buy items from the Hiding Toad, and play a short mini game for coins. However, once you leave the room, you’ll be confronted by the next boss fight, and you won’t be able to return until Chapter 8.

Boss Battle 19#: Mario’s Army (Mario’s Castle)

 Traka’s Account: Hmm…it’s 2 Magikoopa’s, 2 goomba’s, and 2…Koopas. How has Mario taken over your army? Their all…traitors. Hmph, but we’ve faced Goombas before. And Koopas. But, uh…this is no problem! We’ll blow em’ over!

CHAPTER 4 BOSS BATTLE: Klarkovich (Mario’s Castle, tower)

Traka’s Account: Amazing! Bowser, this is the last surviving magician that created Dochatabus! Umm, can I have your autograph…oh yeah. Why is everyone that should be on your army on Mario’s? Huh…must be out of sheer terror. Look Bowser! It’s…a maiden? Oh!! That…is that Princess Peach? Locked up in a cage with some hag? We’ve got to save her, right? And…it’s Kernel Pie!

PEACH EVENT: With Klarkovich defeated, Bowser breaks the cages of Peach, and Kammy. However, Peach exits the cage first, and the floor of the cage breaks, and Kammy disappears. Bowser shrugs it off, and prepares his escape…when Mario confronts them! He captures Bowser’s Partner’s in a cage, and Bowser narrowly dodges the cage. Mario jumps into battle. General Guy

IMPOSSIBLE BOSS BATTLE: Mario (Mario’s Castle)

General Description: You can’t win this fight either. Mario will have access to all of his star spirit attacks. No matter what your level, Mario will ALWAYS have 10 more HP then you. If Bowser’s at his peak power, he can knock Mario down to 10 HP, but Bowser will be defeated first. He’ll be knocked from the castle again, his partners left to an unknown fate.


(Bowser will fall a long way, and land onto an island covered with a huge city, Bowser is seen lying in the middle of a junkyard)

(Koopa Bros, Tutankoopa, Tubba Blubba, and General Guy appear from Wherever They Go)

Tutankoopa: Oh no! He’s been knocked out!

General Guy: I order you to get up!

Tubba Blubba: Umm…Ermm…Ehh…I think he’s dead!!!

Red: Shut up! I can revive him, with…

Tutankoopa: No. Only I can. I master the dead-

Yellow: Yeah, of a tiny pyramid!

Tutankoopa: Shut UP! I’ll show you… (Sprinkles dust on Bowser)

Tutankoopa: Ooobla Booba Kooba-

Green: Blibba Gibberish…

Tutankoopa: Tubba, Bubba, Jubba! Blibby bop!

Red: You’ve got to be kidd-

Bowser: Ughh…

Everyone except Tutankoopa: :O 

Tutankoopa: Ummm….Bye! (All of the Magical Servants go back to Wherever They Go)

Bowser: … What Happened? …

(I know it’s cheesy! Get over it!)


General Description: Bowser has landed on Metal Beach- on Mechapolis Island. Northwest of the massive Mushroom Kingdom Continent. Surrounding it is the Iceberg Ocean. The rest of the island is covered with Mechapolis, the world’s leading Electronics producer. Here, Bowser will learn an advanced lightning technique, and fight vicious robots, gain a new partner on Metal Beach, all this including finding an old “friend”…and save the Magical Servant Lava Piranha.

Boss Battle 21#: Jriggly Ricket (Metal Beach)

General Description: Jriggly Ricket is a near dead robot found on the beach. It’ll malfunction and attack Bowser. To aid the player in partner loss, it’ll pile Bowser with Experience Points. It should be genuinely easy to defeat.

Safe Zone: Downtown Mechapolis Inn

Dirty. Icky. Disgusting. Sloppy. This is what describes the Downtown Mechapolis Inn. The problem with this place is you’ll always wake up with 10 HP OFF from your top HP. Example: You have 10/90 HP. You use the Inn. You’ll wake up with 80/90 HP. Although, it’s cheap.

 Safe Zone: Main Mechapolis Inn

EXPENSIVE. YIKES! Although, this place will fully heal your HP. If you pay for the Star and Mushroom Treatment, you’ll receive a breakfast when you wake up.

Boss Battle 22#: King Lakitu and Supergem (Main Mechapolis)

General Description: Right before the battle begins, Bowser’s Partners will crash in one of Mario’s Airships. Traka and Majack will be too tired to do anything, but if you want to switch out Kobby, you can use your other partners-except Iron. Iron will reveal he was a traitor who led King Lakitu here. He’ll promptly run, promising to King Lakitu he’ll continue to serve him. Meanwhile, Supergem is made out of DIAMOND, and will have the greatest defense of any enemy in the game. King Lakitu also holds Lava Piranha captive.

General Account: Traka will be abducted by this monstrosity, testing Bowser’s faith for his friend. Bowser to the rescue! Ecilam is a massive mechanical monster, the size of Godzilla. He’ll be so huge that Bowser will first have to fire an Epic Rocket at the beast from the Mecha Tower. The Beast will fall, and will be actually possible to battle. Continue attacking its head, and it’ll be defeated. Right before destruction, it’ll send a Message rocket into the sky…Bowser, fooled into thinking it’s a missile, escapes on a boat built by the Toadoa Bros, (by stealing it), and escaping into the Blotoa Sea.

PEACH EVENT: Peach will be captured, and sent back to her room-but it’s not! Mario has sent her to the wrong room. Twink tries to console her to like Mario, but she refuses. Twink gets angry, and flies off. As Peach starts to follow him to the window, a panel silently opens behind her, Koopa’s come out, knock her out, and drag her into the panel.


General Description: Bowser’s next adventure lays faith in time-For every time Bowser saves Huff N’ Puff, time repeats itself, with Bowser back in the beginning of the chapter. Can Bowser solve the riddle of time? He’ll gain his last partner, Tempad, and journey through a sacred forest, town, and temple.

DAY 1:

Boss Battle 24#: Luigi’s 1# Fan (Blotoa Shore)

Traka’s Account: Um…who’s this Toad blabbering about “Luigi”? Who’s “Luigi” anyway? …Well, anyway, this guy sure seems compulsed. Hey, do you think he’d get mad if you set those papers he’s flapping around on fire? Heh heh.

Boss Battle 25#: Dr. M (Enchanted Forest)

Traka’s Account: Who is this guy?!? And…he’s back…again. What does he want now? He’s always bothering us with that nasty outfit. UGH! I think I’m gonna retch. His costume…it just makes me SICK! Take it off you horrible man! (Strangely, if you have Traka use her tattle ability even once in battle, she’ll blabber on the entire battle on his…costume. {And how lame it is})

Boss Battle 26#: Shadov (Aurora Temple)

Traka’s Account: So this is the jerk that’s captured… Puff N’ Huff…or whatever…He’s a master of the shadow arts, and uses his skills to create numerous illusions…no worries! We can take him!

(It is revealed that Shadov did not have Huff N’ Puff, and taking a night at the Inn, hears a loud noise, and wakes up near the Enchanted Forest…time has repeated itself!)

DAY 2:

Boss Battle 27#: Dr. M (Enchanted Forest)

Traka’s Account: What…? We already fought this guy! Yesterday…? What? This is getting weird! And look at his clothing… (You know the drill)

Boss Battle 28#: Ministar (Aurora Temple)

Traka’s Account: So! This was the real guy who held Puff N’ Stuff! Maybe time repeated itself, so we could save Stuff N’ Puff from Ministar’s sacrifice…Ugh! I’m getting chills! Anyway, this guy can use a wide array of star power…Including Star Storm and Lullaby…But we can beat him, right? Right?!?

(Bowser saves Huff N’ Puff. Huff N’ Puff leaves, but visiting the same Inn, wakes up to the forest…again)

(But, A Cauhntaxt, Tempad, a creature who’s attacks change depending on its mood, appears. .Tempad claims that time is repeating for Bowser, because Tempad must join him on the adventure. Bowser accepts, desperate to end the repeats.

DAY 3:

Boss Battle 29#: Dr. M (Enchanted Forest)

Traka’s Account: Sigh…How many times are we gonna have to fight this guy? He’s so annoying…just look at his clothing for crying out loud! What does Dr. M want anyway? I mean, his clothing… (You know the drill)


(Bowser decides to not fall asleep while staying at the Inn, and Shadov appears)

Bowser: Wuh---?

Shadov: You’re visiting my Inn again? Ha ha ha ha!

Traka: What do you mean?

Shadov: I mean…I’ve been repeating your time over and over! Every time you sleep at this Inn…time repeats! And I’ve been keeping the spell…waiting for you to stay awake, so I can finish you off!

Bowser: That makes no sense!

Traka: Bowser…Shadov’s insane…

Shadov: Ha ha haha ha!

Boss Battle 30#: Shadov (Vodash’s Inn)

Traka’s Account: So…after all are searching, Shadov’s the reason time’s repeated! Which means…since we’ve already saved Buff N’ Cuff in this part, once we defeat this guy, we can leave! Yes!!! Anyway, he uses very powerful shadow attacks, and is very crafty. That’s all I know….

(Bowser sleeps outside…but wakes up in the forest AGAIN)

DAY 4:

(Through a series of events, Bowser finds out that a missile is coming straight towards the Mushroom World…from deep space, which will destroy the world…and it will hit, exactly at midnight, when time was repeated. This time Bowser asks for the help of the Koopa Bros., and is built a space ship, directed directly at the missile, to destroy it…by a fight.)

(Bowser platform/ship goes right up to the front of the missile, but starts going backwards, right in front of it, so Bowser can reach it. So, the platform is going backwards, and the missile is going towards it forward. (I REALLY hope you can understand this)


Traka’s Account: Omigosh…this is so…epic. I can’t believe it…Bowser…you don’t seem to realize it…but this is much more of an accomplishment than getting revenge! For crying out loud, you’re literally saving the world! Anyway…this is Nuclear Ned. Sent from some distant planet. He can fire mini-bills, and can send off rays. Be careful…this guy’s really deadly…

PEACH EVENT: Peach wakes up to find herself in some unclean headquarters…of three Koopas. They tell Peach that they are rescuing her…and that they have a lone ship that can send her to safety…they even have someone named Princess Daisy that will fool Mario, and will replace her. But…they left the instructions in the halls…and she’ll have to find them. Peach craftily gets it, and at the end of event, she is put into the ship, and it’s launched, the screen going black as it leaves the castle.


General Description: This is it! Bowser only needs to rescue the Crystal King, and then he’s ready to take on Mario. Unfortunately, it won’t be that easy…First, Bowser journeys to the island he first landed on after Mario defeated him, to find the Ice Pipe. From there, he must journey through it, to Frozean City, get into the mysterious Flame Palace which has a strange chaotic disorder, with both fire and ice elemental disorders, and find the Crystal King before it’s too late…

Boss Battle 32#: King Lakitu/Bossgem (Lost Island)

Traka’s Account: Man…how does this guy track us anymore…I mean, that traitor Iron is gone…Oh well. If we destroy him this time, he won’t be able to track us again! Anyway, his machine now has fewer defenses, but more attack. By himself, he’s not much of a challenge…

Boss Battle 33#: Frigamos (Frozen Lake)

Traka’s Account: This beast has got to be related to Vigamos…I mean, he looks exactly like him! …Except he’s blue. This lake monster has many icy attacks, and for some strange reason, can also breathe fire. I have no idea how that fits. But no problems! We can defeat him easy! Right! Right? Nice attitude.

CHAPTER BOSS BATTLE: Ficeire (Chaos Top)

Traka’s Account: So this is Ficeire…the chaotic lord of this chaotic castle…a mixture between two elements…Ice and Fire…that’s amazing. It also makes him incredibly powerful. Be careful! Actually, I really don’t like the looks of this guy…this is gonna be an epic fight!

(But the chapters not over yet! Traka informs the group that a strange airship is about to leave the castle…And the Crystal King has been put on it! Bowser and co. race to the Airship, making it just in time. Boarding the Airship, they enter a new area….)

Boss Battle 35#: Dr. M/Lord Eggplant (Dr. M reveals himself to be Lord Eggplant) (Airship)

Traka’s Account: I can’t believe it! I thought Dr. M was that Mario guy you’ve been talking about…Well, this is just crazy! So, wait…he want’s to take the Kissin’ King as a prisoner to some “Temple in the Sky”. That’s just plain weird. We’ll have to save him before the Airship reaches the “Temple in the Sky”. Let’s do this!

(Bowser and team defeat Lord Eggplant, but the Airship crashes…right into Koopa Village, in the Mushroom Kingdom)

PEACH EVENT: A scene with Mario thinking Daisy is Peach is shown, with Mario telling her to come watch the slaughter fest with him. Mindless Daisy follows him out.

CHAPTER 8: Twists and Turns

General Description: This is the final chapter. Through Koopa Village, and Toad Town, Bowser will get to Mario’s Castle way up in the sky. But, Bowser is not prepared for the many twists that will take place up there…

Boss Battle 36#: Kent C. Koopa (Koopa Village)

Traka’s Account: Kent C. Koopa…didn’t he used to train with the Kappa Bros? I read about that somewhere…Anyway, this guy has nasty defense. Only magic attacks will work on him. His glasses seem to signify he is smart...but is he?

Boss Battle 37#: Mayor Travis (Toad Town)

Traka’s Account: A politically evil Toad? This should be easy! Well…actually…THIS GUY HAS REALLY HIGH STATS! He has high defense and attack, and his speed is ridiculous. Where could all this power come from?

(Standing in the crater of Peach’s Castle, the 7 Magical Servants are summoned, and deliver the Omega Craft-A ship that can fly to Mario’s Castle. Bowser boards it, and begins the final dungeon)

(Bower eventually reaches the room he was knocked out of, and faces Mario, who is ready for him.)

Boss Battle 38#: Mario (Mario’s Castle-Shattered Window Room)

Traka’s Account: This-This is it Bowser! This…This is the final fight! You’ll finally get your revenge, and I’ll live in this castle with you, and…oh, I’m getting carried away, aren’t I? I’m so scared…I mean, this is just so….This is the pinnacle! Do you realize how exciting this is? DO YOU? I mean-Oh I’ll just shut up now.

(Mario says “I was prepared for this…If you want the princess, come upstairs.” Mario goes up the tower, and to the floating stadium, like in Paper Mario. Bowser enters it, and Mario uses the power of the Star Spirits to become nearly unstoppable. Nearby, Kammy Koopa, who is all tied, up makes the “Big Wish” gathering strength from Darkland, to destroy the Star Spirits. The fight continues, but with Mario even more powerful.)

Boss Battle 39#: Powered-up Mario (Mario’s Castle-Floating Stadium)

Traka’s Account: It’s not over yet! Wow…Mario’s gotten so powerful…I wonder if we can really defeat him…Even I’m getting scared now…

(When Mario is defeated, Luigi jumps in giving Mario mushrooms, saving him. Mario thanks Luigi and the fight continues)

Boss Battle 40#: Mario and Luigi (Mario’s Castle-Floating Stadium)

Traka’s Account: Sheesh! Who is this green guy? And why did he have to save Mario? Will this fight ever end? We’ll just have to grin and bear it.

(Luigi dies, but Mario reveals himself to be…LEE! The famous Doppelganger who trained at the Dojo in Toad Town. He reveals that roughly around where Bowser fought Ecilam, Lee captured Mario, and impersonated him, tricking everyone in the castle. He also reveals that the Luigi Bowser had fought had actually been Lee’s partner, Chan. As a new fight is about to begin, the Master (Lee and Chans) comes, and blowing up Lee, reveals that he had the master plan for 20 years (Yeah, you read right). For 20 years, the Master had been plotting out Bowser from the start, making him lose over and over. His magical spells had kept Bowser from winning-until now. This was Bowser’s chance to control fate. Meanwhile, the floating stadium started flying into the sky-this was the final battle)

FINAL BOSS BATTLE: The Master (Flying Stadium)

Traka’s Account: I…I’m so sorry for saying this Bowser…but…I never thought…we’d get this far…I’m so sorry! (Starts crying) You see…I wanted to die a venturous death…my life was actually miserable back at the canyon and…you’ve given me more then I deserve! I…I can never thank you enough! I’m…I…I..I have to…stop crying! We all need to work together to defeat this guy! I have to get up…this is it! ‘GASP!’


(A bright white light flashes)

Master: NOOOOOOOO! You…can’t win…your…Bowser! You’re…a…Koopa! Not…a…Toad! YOU DESERVE…NOTHING!

(The stadium starts to rumble)

(The seven magical servants appear)

Tutankoopa: Sir! You must get out of here! The stadium is about to fall on the castle…and destroy it…we have to get you…

Bowser: Shut up and get the princess out of the castle!

Tutankoopa: Yes…yes sir! HEY! You heard him! Crystal King, and Huff N’ Puff…go save the princess!

Crystal King: Yes sir!

(The stadium tips and Bowser goes flying off)

Bowser: Noooooo!

(The screen turns black)

(Bowser wakes up)

Bowser: Wuh-What happened?

Traka: You’re at your marriage!!!!

Bowser: What?!?

Traka: We knew you’d want your marriage done…your marriage with the princess…

Bowser: I-oh? Yes! Yes! Perfect! And…I don’t want to see her till’ I kiss her. I want you to make her as beautiful as possible!

Pineblerry: We-URP-have!

Bowser: Then make her more beautiful!

(Random scenes throught the game are shown, and scenes of the wedding being set up. And then, a final scene is shown.)

(Bowser kisses Princess Peach, and is now married. He then opens his eyes)

Bowser: Waugh!?! This is Princess Daisy!

Traka: Uh…what?


Daisy: Hi, I’m Daisy.

Traka: This was who was in the castle….

Bowser: What…But... Huh??? HOW???

(A brave Koopa steps up)

Koopa: Sir, King Bowser…umm…Peach escaped on a flying boat sir, from the castle before you arrived…and um, saved us, and umm…

(RARRRGH! Bowser turns the Koopa to a crisp)

Bowser: WHERE IS SHE???!?

Tempad: Sounds like another quest…



« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 08:54:10 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2008, 06:01:47 PM »
Amazing! Though shouldn't this be in Fan Creations? Anyways, this is a really funny coincidence because just today I was thinking that there should be a Paper Bowser game!
Gently push a piece of the tube containing the intersection along the fourth dimension, out of the original three dimensional space.
- WIkipedia page on the Klein bottle


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2008, 11:50:53 AM »
I do remember Paper Bowser the first. I was the only person who commented on it for a while. :P

Anyway, I didn't read all of this, but from what I did, it's incredible. The story twists are well placed and dramatic, and it's just overall very well planned out. I would play this game. ;)
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 09:44:46 AM »
This looks interesting, i will definately get around to reading it!
