
Author Topic: Odd PSP problems  (Read 8186 times)

« on: July 24, 2010, 04:45:53 PM »
Forgive me if i'm in the wrong forum. Or if I can only ask about nintendo game systems.

 Well, my PSP is giving me problems! For some strange reason, after about 30 secs. on the3 XMB, it goes totally slo-mo. So, I have press buttons really fast to get to my game or else it akes forever for the game to load! If you can help, please let me know.
What if Mario hired someone to kill Bowser? =)
I know, odd how my screen name and profile pic are totally different.


« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2010, 08:35:36 PM »
what model is it?
