
Author Topic: Question for RoyKoopa  (Read 2206 times)

« on: August 12, 2001, 11:00:54 AM »
Hey Roy, Ghetto here.
I was wondering, you said before you draw Mario cartoons and stuff, comic strips, and i was curious if you had a scanner or something.?  You should post them somewhere to let us see!
As i was reading your stories here, i noticed you had alot of talent.  If your drawing is as good as your writing, i wanna see your stuff!
"True Dat!"
Mæriô from da Ghetto©

« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2001, 01:43:14 PM »
Thanks, GhettoMario.  Here's the deal:

I have no connection to a scanner.  I have been searching for one all summer, but the only friend I have who owns one says it doesn't work!!  Ack!  I am still searching, though, and when I get it, I'm scanning some Mario fan art I have (including a special gift for the Forums! But that's a surprise).  After that, I'd like to put up my Mario comics, but I'd need web-space and permission from Nintendo I think.  I really want to share these with you guys, but at the moment, I can't.

Thanks again for your encouragement.  I'll keep trying.  Keep an eye out!


I''ve decided to add a signature.  Now...what should I type?  Hmm...
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2001, 05:40:29 PM »
Strange...This says 0 replies, yet it should say two.  Well, maybe if I post this it will work.


I''ve decided to add a signature.  Now...what should I type?  Hmm...
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!
