
Author Topic: Madeline cartoon series  (Read 2278 times)

« on: January 14, 2002, 05:26:23 PM »
Has any of you watched the Madeline cartoon series (based on Ludwig Bemelmans' books) when you were little? I watched them and I think that the other girls shouldn't be extras. I think they should have personalities like Madeline and her foolish friends Nicole, Danielle and Chloe. Right now we don't know anything about the other girls. We could infer that not all of them are French.
I think the other girls should include 1) a supercool loyal sidekick to Madeline who likes skateboarding, hard rock, and basketball. 2) A nice, gifted, wise girl who is Madeline's mentor. 3, 4) A wise-cracking bully and her sidekick, a girl who is sort of like Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons, only she won't make the show be rated TV-PG, because Madeline is ment for kids. 5) A part-girl, part-radio who talks like a stand-up comedian. 6) A super-intelligent nerd girl who is an inventor. 7)A peevish girl who forgets French words when she learns them and likes to play on the Game Boy. 8) A cowgirl-in-training who uses a pogostick for a faithful steed.
Whaddya think? Not all of these girls could be French, of course. Wouldn't the show be better with the girls having individual personalities?
 Hee hee! I got it! Eeeeeeeeeyippeeeeeeeeeerb!!!
