
Author Topic: Shattered Glass(My Virsion)  (Read 1857 times)

« on: February 09, 2002, 05:16:15 PM »
 I want to make my own story of Shattered Glass.It will be different from the other one.You can rate my story and give me tips.
Plot:Mario must get Peach out of another world inside a window.
Enemy:A big mirror that can reflect and do whatever its opponent does.
  Chapter1:Getting ready for a date.
 It was a dark October night.The water shined from the bright moonlight.Mario was getting ready for a date with Peach.
Mario:It's 7:56!I better get!
Luigi:Yeh.Peach is probally waiting for you at Yoshi's Island.
Mario:I wonder what Yoshi is doing?
Luigi:I bet he's eating Happy Fruit.
 At Yoshi's Island.
Yoshi:Oh yeh!
Roshi:Like the party?
Boshi:Hey guys!I brought some porno magazines.
 Back at Mario's house.
Mario:I hope Peach is happy.
Luigi:Yeh;you gave her a grape last night and she did it with you.
Mario:(Blushing)Well...She doesn't take baby pills.I might be a father.
Luigi:Dear lord!
Mario:I know.
Luigi:No,it's 8:04!
Mario:I've goota go!
 At Yoshi's Island,Peach is at a pond.
Peach:What's taking him so long?
???:Hey!You think Mario likes you?
Peach:What are you talking about?
???:I'm talking about I'm Mario's girl.
Peach:No way!He only likes...
???:He loved me before you.We met in New York City.I'm Pauline.
Peach:Mario never told me about you.
Pauline:Because it was a seckret
Pauline:Shutup *****!
 A group of toads or mushroom people came and took Pauline into a warp pipe.
Peach:Now that she's done.
 What will happen to Pauline?Is Peach getting ready to dump Mario?And when will Mario get to Yoshi's Island?Find out on the next episode.
 Next time on Shattered Glass,Mario finally gets to Peach.They have a long talk about Pauline.And Yoshi's party is being trashed by another Yoshi.Next time,A date and a party,get ready!
 Okay,I will continue later

Person:Crab juice?
Person:Crab juice?
Bowser:I said no.
Person:Crab juice?
Person:Crab juice?
 Let me see.I prophysise
that I will make a group.
Don''t you think I''m a newbie!I,Darkside,have been here ever since January!

« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2002, 07:28:33 PM »
Chapter2:A date,and a party.
 Mario is now jumping down the green warp pipe to Yoshi's Island.When he popped out,Peach was in front of him;mad.
Mario:Why the angry face Peachy?
Peach:Who is "Pauline"?
Mario:Um.My sister.Yeh ahaha,my um sister.
Peach:I can not trust you.
Peach:Pauline just now came.
Peach:We'll have a long talk on this.
Mario:Alright.I met her in Brooklyn.We were at a cunstruction site and D.K. came and took her.I climbed the building and saved her life.
Peach:You lied to me.
 Peach slaps Mario in the face.
Peach:That's what you deserve.After all these years and you lied to me.
Mario:But I love you more than her.
Peach:Yeh.Prove it.
 Mario hugs and kisses Peach and it ends up...well,you know.
 At Roshi's party.
Roshi:Oh yeah I like her.
Boshi:Hey!We got another one!
Yoshi:Did you bring porno magazines?
Loshi:No.But I brought a Pokemon Magazine.
Boshi:Pokemon!What are you,a poke' freak?!
Loshi:Hey!Stop talking bad about Pokemon!What did they do to you?
Roshi:Um.Fill our fragile minds!
Loshi:Hey everyone!Lets play Pokemon!
Other Yoshis:This party is stupid!
 The yoshi's leave.
Yoshi:Now look what you've done!
Boshi:Lets get him.
 Boshi,Yoshi,and Roshi beat the living snot out of Loshi.
 At a pool.
Peach:Haha!That was fun!
Mario:Did that prove anything?
Peach:Oh yeh!2 hours of that I like!
Mario:Lets go.
 Mario and Peach jump down the warp pipe.What will happen next?Will Peach get preganet?When will the 3 yoshi's stop mugging Loshi?And where is Bowser?Find out next time!
 Next time,Luigi sets out to get some happy fruit.He runs into an army of Shy Guys!And Peach is being stalked,but by who?Next time,Happy and Unhappy!

"Fans!We have gathered here to say that that I hate Yoshi.He is a bioch.IN CAPS I CAN CHAT!OOOooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Candy!"mar-i-oh!
Don''t you think I''m a newbie!I,Darkside,have been here ever since January!

« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2002, 11:21:21 PM »
crash: hey mario! peach! mario and peach: what? DIE! bang!
