
Author Topic: The Nintendo Zone:Episode 1(Humor)  (Read 2093 times)

« on: March 11, 2002, 07:08:49 PM »
Shigeru Miyamoto:You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension of sight, sound, and mind. A dimension where dreams, and even nightmares, can happen....

The screen fades and then brightens to Bowser waking up.

Shigeru Miyamoto:The person you see here, Mr. Bowser Koopa, is tired of the way his life is going. He wants to explore something new, something that he never thought would happen. Well, his wish will soon be fulfill as he is about to dream himself into The Nintendo Zone...

The sun rise over the horizon as the birds began to chirp their music to the world. Most normal people who hears the soothing melody would have been delighted...


Bowser(Mumbling):I hate birds.

...but Bowser is not a normal person. Although people was staring at Bowser, horrified and disgusted at the fact that he just threw his alarm clock at a singing bird, Bowser just wanted to check his E-mail.

He went on the internet, and open his mail box.

Bowser:I wonder what is up with the boss? Hmm, Grand Theft Auto 3 and Metal Gear Solid has been announced for the GameCube? Gwahahahahaha! I guess it is only a matter of time before the XBox and Playstation 2 falls to the wrath of Nintendo!

Since this subject interested Bowser so much, he decided to go to one of his favorite site to check it out. However, at, he found something that greatly surprise him.

Bowser:D-D-Dead or Alive 3 for the GameCube??!!!! But I thought that it was exclusive to the XBox!!! This must mean that Nintendo is getting more games behind everybody's backs!!!

Bowser went to the GameCube's video game list to see what else new is coming in the future. But when he came across a picture of all the characters in Super Smash Brothers Melee, he realize something strange.

Bowser:What?! Where is Mario, Zelda, and Link?!

Bowser look at the rest of the games, and discover something amazing.

Bowser:What?! No Zelda?! What is this?!

He then discover more to his horror.

Bowser:Where is Mario Sunshine?! Nintendo wouldn't cancel its mascot's game.

Then he saw the two words that would forever traumatize him........Nintendo XBox.

Bowser:What is this??!!!! Nintendo XBox?! Isn't it suppose to be Nintendo GAMECUBE?!

Then in an insane frenzy, Bowser jump out the window and flew in the machine that he used to fight Mario with on Super Mario World to the Nintendo Corporation in Japan. When he reached it, he saw Samus Aran talking to Ness. He grabbed her, and started bombarding her with questions.

Instead of answering him, Samus just glare at him with cold, hard eyes.

Bowser:Why aren't you answering me?!

Samus:Because, unlike you, I am completely Nintendo! Not Microsoft!

Bowser:Huh? What are you talking about?!

It was then that he realized many people were surrounding him. Then Ness used his psychic powers to lift Bowser off the ground and threw him out the door. As soon as Bowser got up, he got into his flying machine and head for the Microsoft Corporation in America.

Bowser:What is happening? Why did Samus say that? There is only one place for the answer!

When Bowser got to the Microsoft Corporation, instead of using the door, he just flew into Bill Gates' office. He got off and glare at Bill Gates, but he also saw his creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, talking to the enemy.

Bowser:W-what? What is going on here?!

Bill Gates:What do you mean?

Bowser:Miyamoto-sama, why are you talking to our enemy?!

Shigeru:Where have you been for the last couple of months, Bowser? Don't you remember that I join with Bill Gates to work on the Microsoft GameCube?

The colors drain out of Bowser's face. As he stumble back in disbelief, he accidently knock over one of Bill Gates many vases.

In worry, Shigeru Miyamoto went over to see what is wrong, while Bill Gates called 911.

Shigeru:Bowser? What is wrong? Bowser? Bowser?! Bowser!!

But Bowser heard nothing as his vison faded out into darkness.

The sirens began to die down as the paramedics pick Bowser up and put him on the stretcher. A worry Shigeru Miyamoto and Hiroshi Yamauchi is seen talking to the police. Mario and Samus Aran is also seen talking to each other while looking at the people carrying Bowser away.

Samus turn to Mario with a tear-streak face.

Samus Aran:What is wrong with Bowser?!

Mario:I don't know, Samus. But Donkey Kong told me that he found Bowser in his house in a craze state. He seems to have diluted eyes, and is constantly mumbling Microsoft GameCube.

Samus just cries harder and ran away. In worry and confusion, Mario ran after her to lend some comfort.

In all of the commotion that went by, nobody noticed the piece of paper floating through the air. As it landed, a picture of a small purple cube is reveal. And under it in big, black, bold letters is printed the words 'Microsoft GameCube'...

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2002, 04:53:08 AM »
Don''t you think I''m a newbie!I,Darkside,have been here ever since January!

« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2002, 05:17:25 AM »
AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're going to give me nightmares!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOHHHHHH * run's and hugs his NINTENDOGameCube* Whew!!!!!! *Call's up Shigreu Miyamoto but a soon as he mentions Bill G-he's cut of by Shigeru cussing out at the mention of Bill Gates* Well Shiggy-sama won't be joining microsoft anytime soon... *goes and checks Nintendo's website to make sure Mario Sunshine/Kart/Party4/golf/Tennis are still being released* Alright,I think I can sleep peacefully tonight...wait one more thing...* goes a Kicks Bill Gate's A*s* Alright,NOW I can sleep peacefully.*Goes to sleep while hugging his Nintendo Gamecube* ZZZZZ,d*mn that Captain Nintendo,ZZZZ,alway's tramatizing me,ZZZZZ....
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2002, 07:10:03 PM »
Thats funny More continue it!

Mario:Its a-me Mario! Bowser:soon it will be dead Mario! Mario:HELP! Yoshi:Wake up Mario you had a bad dream! Mario:I will get you Bowser! Yoshi:You dont understand! Mario throws yoshi across his bedroom who lands on the floor. Luigi:You got him alright! Mario:I had a drem I threw Bowser and blew him out of TMK! Luigi:More like Yoshi! Yoshi:Thats ok what do we supposed to do today? Peach:HELP! Yoshi:Oh..that! Mario:Lets-a-go!
(Im the real Mario the one who beats Bowser!)
Mario:Its a-me Mario! Bowser:soon it will be dead Mario! Mario:HELP! Yoshi:Wake up Mario you had a bad dream! Mario:I will get you Bowser! Yoshi:You dont understand! Mario throws yoshi across his bedroom who lands on the floor. Luigi:You got him alright! Mario:I had a drem I threw Bowser and blew him out of TMK! Luigi:More like Yoshi! Yoshi:Thats ok what do we supposed to do today? Peach:HELP! Yoshi:Oh..that! Mario:Lets-a-go!
(Im the real Mario the one who beats Bowser!)
