
Author Topic: Question: The MP3s on WTMK  (Read 2713 times)


  • Quadruped
« on: April 07, 2002, 07:41:00 PM »
It would be best were a TMK staff member to answer this, but I'll leave it open if anybody has some information.

I'm trying to find the MP3s of some of the songs that have been played on WTMK.  Some of them, however, I have no idea what they were called nor who they were by, and I haven't heard them recently.
Particularly, I'm looking for a few of the medleys, the ones of SMB (I think it started with a weird techno voice), SMB3, and the SMW one that uses the underground>ghost house>castle songs.

Any help would be appreciated; it's hard to search for something you don't know what to call, and the sooner the better, as this is tied in with a school assignment that's due in a couple of weeks.

Go Moon!
Go Moon!


  • Quadruped
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2002, 09:11:24 PM »
Okay, through the great amount of help I've recieved here on the forums, I was able to find out that the first two songs are from the CD "Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3: Hop! Step! Jump!"  TMK even has a page about the album, and I didn't even know it.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like I can get to those songs through any means short of buying the CD, and even that'll prove difficult.
Still (and I'm sure I'll get twice the replies as I did before,) if anybody knows anything about these, or that last song, don't hesitate to let me know...

Go Moon!
Go Moon!


  • Quadruped
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2002, 10:09:13 PM »
Alright, the last song is "Mario!  Stay Alert!" from the Super Mario World soundtrack.  TMK conveniently had a page for that CD as well, but I don't think it'll be much easier to get ahold of than the "1 2 3: Hop! Step! Jump!" one.  As much as I'd like to own both albums, I truly doubt that I can find them in time.
If anybody knows any way to obtain them (either on how to download the MP3 files or buy the actual CDs,) do tell.

Go Moon!

Edited by - Fifth on 4/10/2002 9:14:05 PM
Go Moon!
